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May Meeting! Richard Ross - "The Secrets of Reef Keeping"


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That's me , John, Josh (Coldwater aquatics) and Richard at UCHU.





This was someone on the street selling poetry from a typewriter. Interestingly there was an article about him in the Oregonian today:





This is Richard at Molokos like a kid in a candy store getting s behind the scenes tour of Christian's tanks. Nice to meet you Christian. You have some nice tanks corals and fish. Love all the Midas blennies you had.








That's Richard on the left and Christian the owner of Molokos and Johm proudly sporting his Pnwmas shirt:



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For those that may have missed it, the presentation may be available on YouTube soon, and the link will be posted in our PNWMAS Forum when it is!


Here are links to Rich's "Skeptical Reefkeeping!"


At Reefs Magazine



...and on his Homepage


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Since you all had some good shots too add the the thread it seems appropriate that I might as well just continue on here.


As the thread stated Richard Ross, Marine Biologist at the Steinhart Aquarium and a member of MASNA, was the guest speaker. More on him later as I wanted to first give a few thanks.




Like Garret for the use of the projector screen, it came in rather handy, very nice of you.




JMan here did the foot work on getting Rich out here to the north west. Much appreciated John.




Gumby here made some calls and got us the venue wich was very accommodating, Thanks Jim.




Miles and I setting up the frag swap tank, Thanks a ton Miles.




Here we have some of our awesome Office members and B.O.D. Sirena, Emerald, Gil&Fin, and KKnight. Thank you gals for helping make this meeting a success.




And the only picture I got of Mr.Bret is from the back with him taking a picture of the presentation screen...It was pretty funny with the context and reference given. Sorry Bret, I got all excited about the zoa G.O. Frag when I saw you I forgot to use the camera. But Thank you too, not just for the frags but for lending a hand in so many things.


And Also a BIG thank you to Chief, Clark, Softy, Matt, and the rest of our fabulous BOD for all the hard work you all put in behind the scenes, Go Team PNWMAS!!!

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And Now...For some pictures.




Here is The Clark, one of the Washington zoa nuts and an Admin here at our club. I will be getting you some more zoas for your collection here very soon. It was good seeing you.




Joshua brought some trade coral and before I had a chance to see about negotiations it was gone. Thats OK though, I was busy mingling and making trades of my own...And I don't "Need" more coral, I crave more corals.




Bubbarockies came in with some Agave goodness. Great meeting you, and thank you for the trade, I look forward to chatting with you in the future maybe at the next meet.




SSapington here making it to the meeting and bringing treats of his own. That is one fantastic looking plerogyra and monti.




Kireek brought  the SPS hotness so I had to partake in that. hope the pectinea does well for you, I am sure it will.




Flashyfins representing part of the Washington crew along with Gumby. Good seeing you as well, I never got to talk with you about the Goniopora corals...Always next time right.


And I think I see Nanoreefer in the background to the right, the ricodea collector and camera man, nice camera right?

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And then there was this Guy!




But really, he was very scientific and comedic at the same time with his presentation approach as well as his actual demeanor.




Skepticism without being a cynic is key to the way he wants people to see and review things.






The hands up in response to salt mixes was appropriate,something that someone may claim on a package or bottle is not the same as having the actual evidence at hand. So do some research and find out what you and your tanks needs not what some one else does.




Although this stuff looks like ti could work wonders for my tank.

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Here's a few more pictures. This is the tank that was donated by us through our tanks for teacher program. It's now at the club for the kids to enjoy.


They are making it pretty clear not to touch the tank!







Here's a picture of Robert and Sean. Nice meeting you Sean. Robert and Mules got that frag tank set up in no time! Pretty slick !






Here's a picture of Jeremy aka the Clark. ( his name is not Clark that's just his forum name folks) and Mr. Bret. Thanks for all the IT support Jeremy. Thanks Bret for all your support of the club. You both are such an asset to the club!



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Holly had delusions of grandeur and figured she could do the talk! ????




Thanks again Richard for your dynamic talk. Key points for me was just because an expert says something that doesn't make it true. Case in point bubble algae does not have spores that get released when you pop them !



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Great meeting!!


I love the 'Reef Bologna Detection Kit'


Also huge thanks to Robert for the setup and tear down of the frag swap tank.  Allot of work for sure but it was very very nice to have there.


Thank you all for getting the pics, good stuff!

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