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Randall's shallow reef


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Figured it's a good time to start a build thread for the new tank!

Moving into the new house in about 2 weeks so all the goodies are starting to show up


Equipment will be a 48x24x12 tank

DCS9000 return pump

Maxspect Gyre 150 or an RW8 depends on if the gyre is too much flow for the tank

Skimz sn143 dc skimmer

Two Artic t247s


I'm going for a minimalist aquascape so there will be plenty of room for fish and coral growth. The aqua scape is always the hardest part for me, with the width and depth I'm shooting for something like this 18eb8bc2253b29532f776ab59171ea4e.jpg

For the right side of the tank and I will put the current rock from my 10 gallon on the left side along with a small piece or two. 785099e115fd1f109cec70cc362bdb47.jpg

This is a top down of what I've come up with so far 14931ec58029bea0eceaa3fd642d0ed7.jpg

Since the tank is still at Dave's who happens to be my new next door neighbor I can't really play with the layout in the tank yet. I can't wait to get started on it all, I have parts showing up daily so it's like a constant tease lol!


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Decided to go with the bubble magus curve 7 for the skimmer, grabbed the heater from upscales the other day, now I play the waiting game for the previous owners to vacate the house!


I'm going to paint the bottom of the tank white so it helps reflect light instead of the starboard. I'm afraid I won't be able to get the entire piece into the tank without having to cut it and I don't want a seam, so the paint will keep the light out of my sump and sooner or later it will all be coraline on the inside anyway. I get keys to the house in about 10 days so it's getting close!


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Hurry up and wait!!! Hahaha

I can't wait to see it up and running. I bet your going to get all your stuff moved to your new place and before you unpack anything you will be setting up the new tank! Hahaha


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Exactly what will be happening lol.


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  • 4 weeks later...

So a little update, the rock is cycled, and the wife gave me the go ahead to run the plumbing through the wall and into my garage. I'm debating now if it's the best route to take or if I should leave everything inside. I like the no mess inside of things, but it will require quite a bit more heaters, and also a chillen in the summer. Also It all sounded great until I looked at the walls in my new house and thought about blaming holes in the walls. That's a little scary... anyone want to come over and check it out and see what you think??


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Hahaha I had no problems drilling 2" holes in the walls of my new house! I am lucky enough that my garage is insulated and some what heated. I have a stand up a unit that I am going to use in the summer to help with heat. Putting my sump and everything in the garage has made it so easy to do water changes and maintenance. Go for it!! You will love it!! Just make sure to the sump on a stand or insulation between it and the concrete


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Got my light hangers today, I went with ceiling mounts that I'm going to mount to my wall, they are depth adjustable and will swing out of the way. I mounted them to the light with the factory hanging kit mounts and then built a mount to hold the ceiling mount that's used for the TV to secure it to the light. 4185e4ea3545da7bb488a0780a5c3a6d.jpga702ae8ebe2871898c9504a539a3ca15.jpg

Here's the cracked old tank dd356db32c90f80c4c5d1c4522dcfcc3.jpg


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Got it all plumbed tonight! Going to start making water tomorrow night and add rock etc. I'm hoping the cycle is short since I've had the rock cycling for quite some time. I have about 10 Pounds of live sand coming from my other tank to help seed this also. Just need to add a baffle to the sump tomorrow while water is mixing! 0b8f8f39260ac23e10c9f8b0a5c185ae.jpg5b2b03e4af08886a9bf352cea8e987ac.jpg rinsed the new sand and got it in the tank to male sure it was enough. I think I'll be good. I was going to do bare bottom but my wife hates it, sooooo we now have sand.


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Only use a little of the sand from you old tank....not all of it. Also just scrape from the top only. Once you get into it bad things can happen unless you have been stirring it and know there is nothing wrong with it.


Need to paint that overflow also you don't want to see that.....did you run an emergency drain? Looks like you are going with the Herbie style from what I see.


Also no baffles in the sump?

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