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Pest Anemone Laser?


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Have any of you guys ever used a laser to eliminate majanos or aiptasia? I've seen the YouTube videos but was curious if anyone on here has used one before. My fathers display has LOTS of majanos and we are trying to find an efficient way to eliminate them.

Thanks in advance!



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I picked one up but the batteries were junk.  Need new batteries.  Also picked up the blue blocking laser glasses, those are a must (or whatever color you need).  It is quite a shock to look at your tank with those on.  


Heck if you haven't tried it, look at your tank with yellow safety glasses, it is pretty insane too.


Gotta admin I am afraid of damaging vision just for the cool factor of cooking aptasia with a laser, maybe not worth it?

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I picked one up but the batteries were junk. Need new batteries. Also picked up the blue blocking laser glasses, those are a must (or whatever color you need). It is quite a shock to look at your tank with those on.


Heck if you haven't tried it, look at your tank with yellow safety glasses, it is pretty insane too.


Gotta admin I am afraid of damaging vision just for the cool factor of cooking aptasia with a laser, maybe not worth it?

Thanks for the insight! Did you ever get to use the laser before the battery crapped out? If so would you recommend it with the proper eye protection?



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That is so true, allot of fakes out there on ebay.


My batteries are so poor, I couldn't recommend the laser yet I have never really lit it up.  Melevs reef I think had an article or video on it.


This is a good reminder to pickup better batteries and take a crack at it.

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Have any of you guys ever used a laser to eliminate majanos or aiptasia? I've seen the YouTube videos but was curious if anyone on here has used one before. My fathers display has LOTS of majanos and we are trying to find an efficient way to eliminate them.

Thanks in advance!



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I came across this a month or so ago:

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It's crazy how a laser does that much damage. Have you ever seen one work in person? I think it would be so fun to "hunt" the majanos and watch them burn haha.



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I have only seen it once at what use to be my LFS in california "bretts tropical fish" and he swore by it. 

Edited by Salty Pickle
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I can't really lend mine out because they belong to a lab. I often look at this site. I know it looks super spammy but it's pretty useful. http://laserpointerforums.com/f67/ttl-driver-has-variable-voltage-pot-course-current-93429.html

There is also this on craiglist. I don't think you really need to a certain wavelength that will kill them. It's more of just a high beam. http://portland.craigslist.org/clk/tix/5308485011.html

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I can't really lend mine out because they belong to a lab. I often look at this site. I know it looks super spammy but it's pretty useful. http://laserpointerforums.com/f67/ttl-driver-has-variable-voltage-pot-course-current-93429.html


There is also this on craiglist. I don't think you really need to a certain wavelength that will kill them. It's more of just a high beam. http://portland.craigslist.org/clk/tix/5308485011.html

Thank you for the info! I actually have a green laser like that! I guess I'll have to run an experiment and see if it works! I'll let you guys know how it goes.



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That green lazer doesn't work, that's the one I bought exactly. You can literally put it on your skin and it doesn't even get warm. The seller said when I told him it wouldn't light matches to "do it in a dark room" LOL don't waste your cash


A dark room, what!!??  that is hilarious...


Maybe use a blindfold too?


Like a tree in the forest..

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