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May Meeting Pictures!


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Thanks again Bombertech for taking the time to educate us on the confusing world of LEDS. Thanks BadxGillen for all you did in getting this arranged! Thanks Jmanrow as well and Smann for helping out!

Thanks Garrett for hosting and all the good deals and free food! :clap: 




Beth not looking too excited about what Jmanrow and Garrett have to say! :stupid: 




Jackthereefer admiring the sump while Smann gets some pre talk LED advice! :)





Sasquatch having to stoop over to fit in the doorway :) .. A problem I will never have. Lots of great food today too!






Speaking of being vertically challenged.. I'm not the only one who has difficulty seeing the top row of tanks Garrett!  :laugh:  





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Lots of people getting in on the deals! That's Cerk holding the bag next to Lexinverts! Thanks again for the frag Cerk!





Lots of Dories and Nemos.. (disclaimer yes I do know they are hippo tangs and ocellaris but that's what they will be to most of the population once the new movie comes out!)  :laugh: 







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And now... for the presentation! Matt aka Bombertech dazzling with his knowledge of all that is LED!






That's our new VP Bert directly in front listening intently and behind him is Gil&fin aka Holly! Nice to meet you. In the orange shirt is Lexiinverts. I didn't get everyone's names this time but I will!





Matt showing the circuit board that the chinese LEDS come with. He says there are better options. 





This is a chinese LED he redid.Notice the different circuit board. He likes this better and you can get them on ebay! He also mentioned that not all diodes are created equally and some are much more ineffecient and put out a lot of heat so ask him before you DIY one!





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Thanks for the pictures Kim! great meeting with a good turnout always a good meet at TPA. Thanks Garrett for hosting again, great deals and lunch to boot! 

Came home with some pieces from TPA and some trades, Thanks Robert, very nice pieces and 3 to 1 in my favor.



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Yes! Thanks everyone. It was a fun time. I came home with about 15 new goodies! All and all a great day.

I may have returned home with a similar amount of goods both from trades and spending some money. I think I did pretty good though.


It was alot of fun and an amazing turn out! :) New rule though, no more pictures of me at the meets lol You guys always manage to take such wonderful shots lol Cant wait to see roberts! (Sarcasm)

I got nothin man...


Thanks for the pictures Kim! great meeting with a good turnout always a good meet at TPA. Thanks Garrett for hosting again, great deals and lunch to boot! 

Came home with some pieces from TPA and some trades, Thanks Robert, very nice pieces and 3 to 1 in my favor.



Yes I have to say thanks to Garret, his fabulous crew, our president J man, Matt, and All who attended the meet, it was great.

And thank you Steve for the nice coral, if you ever change your mind about zoas let me know and I will fix you up a nice batch.

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Oh Wait!!! I got one for you!




It just so happens you had one for me, a killer red gorgonian coral.Thank You.

Next time I will see if I can get you away from your job for a minute to get a better shot and have a conversation that isn't sale interrupted.

And let me know if the Magicians settle in OK, if not I can replace em for you.

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And another congratulations to our new President JManrow, Hip hip hurrah.




Good to have you on board the team and glad you came to the meet to party it up with me and Steve.

Oh and I will tell my friend about the V-8 and rotifer care.




Bicycle bill and the new Prez, I love seeing smiles on a sunny day, there cool on a rainy day too its just today happened to be very nice and so were all the people. A great crew we have here in the PNWMAS.

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 Two Thumbs Up!!! Right back at you my friend!


YOU DA MAN, Thanks so much for having us out at your pad. Thanks for the BBQ and Attentive staff and so sorry I did not stay later to help with the break down of the tables. Hope you enjoy the pie as a after math thank you, you at the TPA Deserve it.

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Today I also got to see some people who are not as ale to attend due to some long distances for instance Matt came all the way from Bend Oregon just for the LED presentation.



Stoked to have you out man, it was great to get some LED tips and I am certainly going to be putting them to use as are many other people I am sure. Good to know about the light comparisons charts on the suggested site and the handouts were an added bonus.

Bombertech and The LED Revolution 




Shutterfish, it was good to see you too. Hope you can make it to Corvallis some time so we can catch up without distractions. And who knows , maybe one day I will venture out of this little valley East.

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And Yes, there was a Sasquatch sighting at the TPA! Marking that one in the log. I saw him polyp hunting amongst the coral wonderland, his eye keen to any differential in color or pattern that may mean a new morph to be had.



I got that Chaos for you man, we need to chat again, do some serious zoa and paly trading. Keep the lineage alive.




Paratore doing some trading of his own, you packed that hammer coral better than I could. I will be using that little foam trick in the future, forgot all about it. Thanks for the trade and drop me a line some weekend and we can talk.

I think I see fishman mike...or does he see me? Shoots Flaming, What?

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Holly and Bill checking out the display, the gigas is always impressive and so are the SPS colonies in the tank. Gotta wonder how he fits all that life in there without any fighting going on, the constant gardener I presume.




Andy! Glad you made it, Lexinverts is a fine fellow, once your in the clear let me know and maybe we can get some frags going on. I know how those acros can just throw a fit when the chips are down, give em time and maybe some will tough it out and if not we will get em back.



Catfish here and Earthbound are a couple of really nice guys, a terrible picture I know but I had to put it up to give  a shout out to these two. Thanks for the cooking man, every one appreciates a good grill man and you y friend deliver. Ken, its always a fun time going on the coral expeditions with you, good company for sure.

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Did I mention that I brought tons of corals, for trades, give aways and raffles...But you all knew that already didn't you?




RoBert doesn't go too far without bringing some corals with him does he.


LED Presentation Time.




Eclipse, Exodus, and Lex all getting an ear full to translate into usable information about LED lighting. It was really nice to be able to ask questions too, some simple concepts once they have been explained.



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Smann, one of our outstanding BOD members coming in from the sun, it was so nice today and garret had the back opened up with the whole spread available to the meet. Let me know if you want any more nests Steve, I have at least seven kinds.




Any body remember this Guy!? I have not seen this mug for a long time but it turns out he has still been around the whole time. He has a Frisbee golf store right around the corner form The Premium Aquarium, Go Roger!




Jorje, I missed your Acro sale thread. I was too strapped for cash by the time you posted the frags up that I could not grab a couple. You have some nice corals my friend and I would love to see your tank and do a trade or two. I wouldn't mind getting a little info from you too, we all have some tips about keeping our tanks don't we.



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Dragon and Manginga, talking about SPS no doubt. These two are ones that love the high end or the odd ball, not that I don't I just have a thing for em all, shapes, sizes, and colors...What can I say.




Glad you made it to this one Issac, I will get those zoas to you some day man count on it.


Karen and grandson. Thanks for making the long trip Karen and thank you for stepping into the Office Shoes, we can certainly use your help.




Jack threw me some HUGE frags , or colonies, that I did not have and I am very appreciative of these. Keep those GI Joes going man I love those polyps.




Exodus under the blueish Kessil lights  telling me about his new upgrade AIO setup. Its going to be killer with a well though out filtration and circulation. I look forward to a build of that one. Once your ready again I will have a tank warming frag for you.




Fishman mike, good to have you out too, another person I would like to have more time to yack at. Sorry I missed you for a conversation but I am sure I will get to talk your ear off at one of these  meetings. Remember DBTC and spread the love.




Just look at this gang just conversing about all things reef related, this is what I like to see. People interacting and learning, everyone sharing their passions for the hobby. Simply Excellent.



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