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Skim off!


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I would also vote the one on the right, seems like it has a bit more of an edge with the pump mod you can dial in.

I could be wrong though.


Thanks for weighing in!  It seems the pump has an advantage on the SWC, but the body on the SRO is pretty amazing how it slows the bubbles to a crawl in the neck.


Lol wow that's some skimmers. I'm thinking the right one


Ya, my daughter said 'oh you have tiny skimmers now', cracked me up as she is used to the big 5' beast!



Right one is in the lead, probably should have done a poll.

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They both look like they are solid skimmers with maximum air\bubble delivery. I know what you mean about the neck, where there is the bubble convergence being more efficient on some models having good contact time and less turbulence prior to the skimmer cup. 

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They both did so good... I had to get them plumbed into the skimmer puke bucket. It was an every day dumping, which grew old quickly!


The SRO skimmed slightly more volume in general, but it was hard to get the skimmate color identical in both as inevitably one would skim a little wetter than the other making comparisons by mls of skim difficult.

I will also say that SRO did make bigger, stickier skimmate bubbles.  Below is an example of the finer bubbles in the SWC.


All in all though they both get an A+ and are here to stay!

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My vote was the cone, thats all I looked at.


Didnt you get or make a neck cleaner for a skimmer? I ended up turning mine off, it made my skimmer to efficient and having zero NO3 and PO4 isn't what I want.


Both great skimmers but if they are not keeping up (which is why I assume your running 2) you ought to look into a neck cleaner

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My vote was the cone, thats all I looked at.


Didnt you get or make a neck cleaner for a skimmer? I ended up turning mine off, it made my skimmer to efficient and having zero NO3 and PO4 isn't what I want.


Both great skimmers but if they are not keeping up (which is why I assume your running 2) you ought to look into a neck cleaner


It was neck and neck anyways (hahah, see how I did that?)


Yes, your memory serves.  Neck cleaner is on the big 5' skimmer, it was all tricked out with a custom neck cleaner (cleaned inside, outside, and outter inside of cup) and UV.  It seemed to do the job on this system (450 gallons).


However, it was so heavy when full of water it cracked the bottom of the sump/frag tank it was resting in.  It was putting a lot of weight on one spot, and that spot flexed because of the foam under the tank allowed it to.    


These little guys are nearly buoyant in comparison.  They need some upgrades, skimmate bucket integration was first.  At some point I would like to get the UV hooked back up, in theory it helps with coral warfare.  Neck cleaner weighs heavy on the mind also as I kind if get tired of skimmer maintenance.  Thanks for the tip.


Wow, you decommissioned yours because it was too efficient?  Congrats on that problem! :)

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Whoa thats some high tech stuff there! That's what I'm talking about! That thing is hot! Will be the next wave right there with algae scrubbers!


Thats what I use to use on our old big skimmer!  Very high tech and effective, also available at the dollar store!

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