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It's almost here!


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It looks like the beginning of what is ahead in the hobby! For the first of its kind, it looks very well researched. Soon, things like this will be commonplace.


I just subscribed at the website for any future news on it.

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I am in the same boat as most of these people, I was excited when I heard about it many many moons ago, but now I am just waiting for a reality. What was talked about a while back was to connect the Appex to a number of things such as vodka dosing for nitrate\phosphate control and salt\fresh water bins for water changes and top offs all automatic. Automation is not my cup of tea, I have Zero controllers running, but I know most people do not feel the same way. Testing and knowing ones system on the other hand is something I feel is mandatory for long term success.

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a hundred years from now we will probably still be scrubbing the glass... :D

That's what robosnail is for haha :D



I've been watching this for a long time. I can't wait for it to come out, I'm definitely ordering it. I don't think controller integration would be really that difficult and then full automation would be achieved! Honestly tho, just having constant Ca, Alk, and Mag readings would easily warrant me spending the cash let alone all the other params it monitors. Exciting times!

Edited by Blue Z Reef
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I do everything manually just because,well #1 I just cant afford a automation system (would rather spend it on a new sump, protein skimmer or cool frag :D) and #2 I honestly love tinkering with my tank. It really gives me a reason to pay attention to what is going on. I do feel if I were to go with something like a apex or any other monitor system I might get lazy and ignore my tank. But that is just me. I agree with badxgillen

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And I'm glad they are taking there time on it and not rushing it! Better to take a little bit longer and make sure it works perfectly then to have some bugs with it and it be a waste of 500$! Just my thoughts on that!



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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