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Aquavitro: fuel


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I've been using a bottle recently. Can't really say for sure but my tank is pretty stripped of nutrients so I've been doing a lot more than just that to bring them back. I used it once in the past on a different tank and had no negatives from it. Lots of people talk it up, so I figure it's worth using.


Only person I've heard complain was a guy on R2R who said he thought it was causing Molybdenum in his tank. However no one really knows if that's a bad thing or not. Triton test is the only one that shows it.

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It's one of the components I use in my tank, I haven't used to by itself to really narrow it down the benefits by itself. I will say start with half of the recommended dose, I've found that if I dose to much I get a mild Cyano outbreak in the sand but it quickly disappears in a few days to a week. If it happens I just don't dose that part of my feeling the next week.


No negative impacts that I've seen.

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Is there anything else out there that I could dose with no negative impacts?


Everything can or will have a negative impact on your tank if dosed incorrectly... The recommend dosage is exactly that, Recommended


So start with half the recommended dosage and then slowly move up from there, if you start to see negative impacts then step it back and go from there.


A fully thriving reef tank is nothing more than a fine balancing act.

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I've been resarching Fuel and Acropower (Amino Acids Mix) for the last month.  Most important use is in ULNS to supplement nitrogen/amino acid feeding to corals.  If you over-dose, you are in escence providing a carbon/nitrogen souce which can lead to algae outbreaks.  Primary ingredients (after 99% water) are Arspartic Acid, Glycine, Glutamine, and Alanine.  The aminos trigger a feeding response from the corals but from what I have read, not only can overdosing trigger algae outbreaks; it can also lead to tissue necrosis from the corals taking in too much food which in turn causes cell expansion/rupturing...


Take-way:  Aminos work great if dosed properly, more isn't better!!

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I use it 2x a week. 7mL every Monday and Thursday. I dose Red Sea Ammino's A and B at the same time, also at 7ml each. I have been using these products together like this for about 9 months give or take. 


IME I have noticed great polyp extension in my SPS and better growth. My favia which had not grown in several months really took off. Before dosing Ammino's I was not having good extension and very very slow growth, the addition of the Ammino's seemed to help that. I was turned on to the product after talking to Frank about his system, and then convinced when I saw Travis dose it in his system. The amount I dose was recommended by Travis (Upscales) and I have just stuck with that and been stoked on it.


It does look like you peed in the tank for a bit so I wouldn't dose right before you have people over to look at the tank. 


I turn my skimmer off for a few hours after I dose, just waiting for the water to go back to a normal color. I don't know if this is needed or not, but it is what I do. 



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It's funny looking stuff when you dump it in! Under actinics it almost looks like yellowish radiator fluid.


My DC skimmer has a 1 hour feed off mode so I just leave it off for the hour after dosing. I do notice great polyp extension. I dose this in addition to acropower so I also dose 3-4 times a week 5ml.

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It's funny looking stuff when you dump it in! Under actinics it almost looks like yellowish radiator fluid.


My DC skimmer has a 1 hour feed off mode so I just leave it off for the hour after dosing. I do notice great polyp extension. I dose this in addition to acropower so I also dose 3-4 times a week 5ml.


Maybe Ill start dosing it and taking photos to show if there is any progress. I'm just curious to see if it has noticeable effects. Thanks for the responses everyone! keep them coming if you have any.

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I have been using Fuel for a long time and I must say the most noticeable results in some of my tanks is the fullness of my softs and LPS not to mention it seems to assist in the healing of soft tissue cuts. These are things that I have noticed in my tanks as well as some of my accounts.

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