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Lawnmower blenny reef safe?


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My feeling is "Fish that are potential nippers" are just a matter of time and before they go rouge. So it will depend on weather you are willing to take the risk for this fish.Lots of people will point to successes they have had with different types of fish but getting problem fish out of an established reef can be a real pain and they onlways go rouge on the most expensive corals first.

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I bought one from CnC about 6 months ago and I have a mixed reef including clams and he has been a stellar addition to the community. He does chomp at the shells of the clams, but they almost seem to know he's cleaning them and they barely flinch anymore.


I'd buy one again with no concerns.

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I agree with Jeremy but I have never heard of an instance where a Lawnmower blenny ate coral. In my opinion the bigger issue is going to be making sure they have enough food, many of them starve due to lack of algae but if you get a larger one that is established on a captive diet, they will eat both.

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never an issue at all with anything in my tank-Mine is the fatest fish I have.


Is it politically correct to call your fish fat-Not sure but I am sure mine is fat and its probably my fault because I put food in the tank, he's also stupid because he eats it even though he is metabolically challenge


Dang so he's metabolically challenge and has a gradual process for learning-(sad)


Did I go off topic(scratch)

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