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Frag Case


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I have always wanted to have something to transport frags in for trading that would hold things still so the fine tips on some corals wouldn't get smashed or broken off. This is about as handy as i get, lol. Thought i would share a picture.

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That thing looks cool. And a great idea - a piece of acrylic drilled with holes exactly the size of the plug stem and legs fixed to the bottom would help them travel better on a bumpy car seat...just a hopefully helpful critique, not commentary.

Quick! Get a copyright before Coralife buys you out!!!

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I'd be more worried about it tipping and the lid popping off, or the water cooling to quickly-not "knocking" the idea just throwing out my concerns if I had it.


Having a thermal shipping box to place it in while transporting may cure that- I know there are a few here that transport their frags in coolers and evertime I have picked up the frags from them the water feels cold and I have always been concerned. I have only lost one frag and not sure if it was water related or not.


Definately a plus when doing a frag swap though since you can actually see what the heck your trading-(clap)

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Thanks everyone. Cool to see all the comments. Definitely not a long hall transport option, i have a styrofoam box that it fits into perfect for that and as Brad stated hopefully that would keep the temp relatively stable. Almost bought the exact same container but twice as tall for taller frags. I made this to take a few trade items over to Frank's and bring my new pieces back. Worked perfect not a single broken tip ( i hate that ). Definalty was worried about the tip over( even in the styrofoam box ) all in all, this guy is my little buddy now, lol. Was pretty easy to make once you round up the pieces. Sheet of egg crate was the most expensive part at $16 bucks. If anyone wants the exact same thing shoot me a pm and i will add up the minimal cost and make them for free, you would just have to come pick it up.

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