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Iodine and inverts


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So I have had 2 hermit crabs and one pepermint shrimp die in the last week and a half. It was suggested that I dose iodine. I dont know what works best for this nor have I seen any test kits for it . I am under the impresion that you should never dose any thing you are not able to also test for. If I could get some input and advice from every one that would be awsome. Thanks =)

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tagging along here... I know iodine will help, but it's a delicate balance...and w/o a test kit I'm scared.

In my case, I've seen molts from my peppermint shrimp and my coral banded shrimp. and I'm sure my emerald crab has molted cause it's grown a ton. maybe since I'm seeing things molt ok, i have enough?

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tagging along here... I know iodine will help, but it's a delicate balance...and w/o a test kit I'm scared.

In my case, I've seen molts from my peppermint shrimp and my coral banded shrimp. and I'm sure my emerald crab has molted cause it's grown a ton. maybe since I'm seeing things molt ok, i have enough?

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Salifert does make a test kit, but it's about 33-40 bucks. If I were you I would try to up my water changes some. Also make sure you have no copper in your system. Salifert makes a test kit for that as well. Skimming and carbon both remove iodine pretty quickly which is why I dose 1 drop of Lugols iodine a day. Plus I do weekly 10% water changes. Never had a problem with inverts, but dosing iodine seems to help my sps Blue's and purple's a lot.

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I am using reef crystals and I do about 1to 1 1/2 gallon water changes twice a week. I could not imagine any copper in the system but I guess I will have to check for that. Do you think it is possible I have just had bad luck with my live stock. do hermit crabs have long life spans? Are some hermits better then others could there be predatory perasites in there attacking them during molting? would bristle worms pose a threat to a molting invert? Sorry bout all the question just trying to learn as much as I can =)

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Iodine is a good thing. It is crucial for cell division and building to marine life, you will witness the raw potential of it when you see that mushrooms can multiply quicker, and crabs will molt easier. I would put in a squirt here and there, be cautious, but don't think that it will all go to hell if you can put a number next to a chemical in your system. If you are worried, i would suggest using iodide, rather than lugols solution. Lugols id pure iodine, which is more dangerous if you tip the bottle or add too much. iodide is the ionic and weaker form of iodine, and it you can be pretty safe with it. Just food for thought. But absolutely you should be adding it to the biocube especially if you have softies.

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