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Time to call it quits!


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Well the time has come to end my foray into Saltwater Tanks. I was having an algae issue before I left to go to my daughters wedding and came back to a hair algae garden and a tank crash. Lost most of what I have collected and spent a small fortune on.


Today was the last straw as I woke up a wet dining room floor. Top off coupling came loose on my Kalk Stirrer. I am going back to guns as they cost as much as some coral but easier to care for.


I have made a lot of friends here and met some really great people. It is communities like this that make this hobby worth doing. Thanks for letting me be a mod and your Vice Prez for a while. You will all be missed and thought of often. I will check in from time to time to see how everyone is doing. Thanks for the memories and bless you all.


PS: I am keeping most of all my equipment as you never know. (nutty)



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