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Hello everyone! Life has been busy


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Hey Everyone! Life has been busy...and my tank has been feeling the effects of my lack of attention. As most of you know my son came back from Afghanistan and was stationed at Ft. Drum. Well he is now stationed at Ft Lewis... much closer! We have been spending a great amount of time with them and of course the grandson. You should see how this kid loves fish, is amazed by the corals as well as anything to do with the ocean.



I have had many struggles with my tank the past few months.. pump on my skimmer went out and before I knew it the tanks was heading down hill. Lost most of all of my SPS's. The rest of the live stock is all good but it is time to rebuild....hopefully better than before, with the help of the latest Bulk Reef group buy….Going to do a dual carbon and GFO reactor and do the carbon pellets and will be dosing Mag on a daily bases with a dosing pump.. Plus I have plans on getting a new cube some time after the New Year, (300 gallon but until then will rebuild the tank I have now). Have to keep it up for my granson's "viewing pleasure"!...lol

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Geez Frank you shoulda let me know about the pump. You know I have the stockpile. I'm even closer these days, SCholls Ferry and Conestoga.


If ya need any help with anything let me know. Come to think of it, you haven't even seen the new system.

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Thanks for the warm welcome back and your offers of assistance as well as your kind words for my son. Good to be back! Sad to see my tank so empty though...I am looking to find some green stag and green slimmer, (or any semi-large "branchy" pcs). Also if anyone has any pcs that came from my tank that they want to share a small pc of....hit me up. I was hoping to locate a pc of the green/purple table I had. Anyone have some of that? It will be a slow process getting back to where I was but...it will get there. Thanks again!

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