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Justice For Caylee


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Anyone here that might be interested, I personally and some others are petitioning the US Justice Dept, and Federal Prosecuters for a Federal Indictment against Casey Anthony for the death/neglect of her daughter. I know some of you have opinions about this and I encourage anyone that is seeking fair justice to please visit, sign and share it with anybody that you know to help make this happen. Here are the links, one has gotten over 30k signatures in 7 days. I have reached out to HLN, Vinnie Politan and Nancy Grace to help push this issue. It's a long shot, but for me, easily worth my time to try and help in this tragedy.





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I feel really bad that a child's life was taken don't get me wrong.

The attention should be focused on someone other than the mother. Like, the child and those close whose lives have been turned upside down from this. (Grandparents, aunts, uncles, for example)

She will be on 48 hours mystery I'm sure...unfortunately.

I don't really think there is anything that we the public can do about it, it has to come down to the other family members, those are the ones that would have to step up and go at it again.

I didn't follow the story, but I did catch up after it was all over. I really hate the news.

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america has rights. one of those is that a fair COURT trial is the determiner of one's sentence, and not a broad "petition". there was not enough evidence, and what is that quote? "it is better to let one hundred guilty be free than to lock up one innocent". we have rights, and she has rights. end of story

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"life ruined"? Please, she already has book deals, movie deals. She is a millionare because her daughter is dead.


"it is better to let one hundred guilty be free than to lock up one innocent".


Sorry but that is a major problem with this society. tell that to the victim of one of the 100 let free every day.


Hell a convicted murder that wants to die cant even do it now days. I wonder how many schools could stay open if we didnt waste money on stupid things.

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So, justice by petition is how you want this country to be run? What happens when it's you that is up for trial? Is this how you would want to be tried? These days I know it's hard to to remember that this is still America we live in. But it is. That is not how I would like justice administered in this country.


It doesn't matter how you feel about it. A jury of her peers found her to be innocent of the charges against her. Blame the prosecution for not putting together a better case.

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The prosecuting attorney snickering at the comments of the defense and then having it pointed out to the jury by defense was truly boneheaded on the part of the state.


I agree this was a sad deal all the way around but I have no doubt justice will be srved one way or another

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