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Flake of the month

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I was going to post a totally flaming thread but I must be running for office. In all seriousness I just was trying to find the most productive way to get the message across. I discussed it with Mr. S.


Exactly a month ago I posted up an auction for a donated chalice piece with the funds to go to tanks for teachers a wonderful and rewarding cause. After multiple messages and offers of availability and request for payment over a month now, I have since sold your chalice to the second winning bidder and will be selling your other chalices from the April group buy.


I was debating whether I was going to post about this experience (scratch)but when I heard 3 days later you

1.Lied and said you had the chalice and

2. offered up the piece you did not have to another bidder for a higher amount than the auction priceDOH!(nutty),


I felt that was just too low to sink to let this go. You do realize that Tanks for Teachers is a charity? You do realize I do not make any profit from the sale of this chalice? You do realize that TECO also does not make any profit off of this item? So why offer it up for more money and lie about having it?(nutty)(flame)


Because of my experience with you, unfortunately I have to change my rules for any future auctions. Unless I know you and have dealt with you before, I will expect payment within 3 days or it goes to the next winning bidder just like in EBAY.


I have said this numerous times. This is not craigslist and it is a small world in this hobby and in this forum. What you do will get back to people and I will tell people in detail my experience and I will warn them to watch out when dealing with you. I am very easygoing and understanding so that may have confused you. I am not a doormat and I am not stupid. You are just lucky I'm in a good mood.


A simple hey sorry I don't have the money or whatever is much better.You were who I was thinking about when I posted my fishflake thread. Now as it is I will not deal with you and like I said will warn friends of this forum to watch out when dealing with you too...


Bring us Itrader!(rock2)

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It was me- It was not ill intentioned and I do apologize and have sent an apology to Kim- Life has just been crazy busy lately and had some unexpected things happen, which led to bad communication on my part- I did message the second place bidder, and was just offering it to him as he had bid more than me, he had just missed the time cutoff- so I thought he could just go and pick it up and pay kim directly and the tft would make more money if he kept his bid that missed the time cutoff- he never responded so I thought I would just go ahead and pick it up, but life just got busy and I do truly apologize for that. So anyways I understand if you want to close my account- thx,

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Is it a reguler flake or frosted flake-Really no names-thats like a thread for a awesome coral without pics-


Post a name or it never happened-(laugh)






All I can find is the above 3 and 2 I have dealt with-



Uh Oh what did I do???

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oh boy... more drama... this is worse than the high school girls' date=' and i would know...[/quote']


NO I don't think I can classify this as drama.... just the truth... Seller beware! More info on fish flakes and even more reason to bring on Itrader!

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I'm just letting other people know to beware. Not afraid of being grounded either by not mentioning a name. I actually meant to close this thread but could not figure out how to do it on my phone and just got back home. This thread is officially closed.

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