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How often do you get discouraged with this hobby?


How often do you get discouraged with this hobby?  

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Right now I'm about to scrap the entire thing and think about starting over! Don't know if I should or if I shouldn't.



I have had the worst luck the past several months. Ever since I had a heater blow up in the tank. I have lost a lot of my SPS, 95%. Mainly Acros. Monti's don't seem to show any signs of stress at all, except for 1 large colony. Ricordeas, Hammers, toadstool, anemone all seem to be doing just fine. Fish look fantastic! Just blows me away! Seems to be that as soon as I make a step forward I have some form of trouble. I have not bought anything in along time because I have been trying to figure things out. But I still lose what I have left. Maybe this hobby wants me gone!


I don't know I'm just so pissed right now I could take a bat to it!!!!!


So tell me how often do you get discouraged with your tank or tanks?

Not the little stuff. But the big stuff they just frustrates the hell out of you?

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That's actually the reason why I'm sticking with softies and LPS for the time being. I love SPS but I have lost too much of it to keep me interested in the colored sticks. I will have a few pieces in my new build but other than those I don't plan on going out of my way to get any for quite awhile. I'm pissed right now with the zoas I just fragged last week myself. I've never had an issue with them and this time it had to be for a growout!!!(flame) I feel bad for everyone involved since it was a group of peoples money that was helping buy this colony. Anyways I feel your pain sometimes but I don't think I will be leaving this hobby anytime soon.

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That's sps for you Michael. I coud make up an acronym but I don't want to get banned again lol. It would be something like stupid pieces of ..... ;).


Don't give up. I always feel a stab in the gut when I lose something or I imagine throwing dollar bills in a fire when something dies. However I figure I would spend that money on eating out and not have anything at all to show for it.


I can give u a frag of my rufus as it seems nothing kills that and it grows so fast!

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I feel your pain. I had some issues recently and lost several of my acros - including some high dollar items. It's very frustrating. I even thought about shutting down until I could get a larger tank running, and then restarting. But as frustrating as it is, I know I'd miss it. The challenge is half of the fun - in a twisted, hammer-to-the-face kind of way.

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I get discouraged every time I log on to this site. I really wish that the current BOD would start looking out for the best interest of the local hobby scene. We need to get John Manrow back to start cleaning this mess up.


Wow Isaac, there are a lot of us who support the local fishstores. I have also been trying to encourage local group buys and so have others. I think this is a great forum and the BOD is doing their best in trying to find a balance of supporting the lfs and the hobbiest.


You are a great resource and have really nice corals and I always like talking to you. I like to hear how the lfs feek and I know it is difficult to make a living in this hobby. I have to say this negativity is really turning me off.

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I have felt that giving up this hobby would be great a couple time in the past 4 years because I couldn't grow any sps's or keep them alive and then when u loose a fish and u think of how much money u spent on it (flame) I can't tell how much $$ I spent on fish over the years & sps I hate them so bad but dam they r nice corals (laugh) & I can't give that up (laugh) but I feel ur pain

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I wouldn't say I get discouraged, more like frustration.

Frustration with zoas that close for no reason,

Frustration with lfs complaining we don't supprt them enough,

And frustraitons with equipment breakdown.


I love this hobby, hope I never make it to discouraged!

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Come on you guys, if this hobby was easy everyone would do it. It isn't a cheep hobby at all. This hobby does require time as well.


As far as the LFS and club support, That I think is a hole other thread.


I do get bummed at least once a year for the time I have to spend.


If you think this hobby is bumming you out to much, sell your live stock, dry your rock and store your equipment in the garage. After a year take another look at it.


Try and keep your head up guys this isn't a easy time right now.

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I have gotten frustrated a couple of times. Once was back 2000 sold a complete 55 gallon system vowing to find a different hobby. A couple years later I had tanks back in the house again. Just recently my son was in the hospital and my 120 got very little care for 3 months so I sold it with the the idea that I would start doing smaller tanks. Well I just finished setting up my new 120 this morning so " my name is Doug and I am a reefaholic". :)


As far as the other topic I would like to say that with the groups buys and such I think the club has been doing a great job of supporting the sponsors. Way more so then in the past. It is a hard business to make a living in and I speak for both Dave and I when I say we appreciate you all coming in.



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Yep, I have had many, many set backs/learning experiences! Currently I'm having "tang wars" all of a sudden my powder blue is being crazy. And I made the mistake of putting a copperband butterfly fish in my display. Which ate all my high end acans, my huge watermelon chalice and all my tubeworm featherdusters, and almost killed my open brain, pretty much all my lps. Sucks but, never give up, never surrendar! I have a vision! My vision will take time! And I am not a quitter! As far as my sps, I hope I have it down cause they are looking amazing! :)


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I feel all your sentiments and I will say I have been pissed off more than once at this hobby but as far as growing coral goes its a marriage for me, till death do us part. I have had tanks crack, SPS meltdowns, Whole tank crashes, clams and fish and corals that I've had for over a decade die. It always sucks but I have never once thought about getting out of this hobby. I had a 3 day power outage take down just about everything in two 75 gallon tanks. I have a generator now. algae infestations that cant be figured out, fish and coral disease that are just about impossible to diagnose. its all part of the game. Anyone who has been in this hobby a long time will tell you that it's just part of the art and science of becoming a better aquarist. Every dream tank you see in books and online is the eventual culmination of all of those aquarists successes and failures. I say take those failures and learn from them. Hope this was encouraging to at least some of you, oh and sorry about the terrible grammor, I am mega multi-tasking right now!

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I wouldn't say I get discouraged, more like frustration.

Frustration with zoas that close for no reason,

Frustration with lfs complaining we don't supprt them enough,

And frustraitons with equipment breakdown.


I love this hobby, hope I never make it to discouraged!


I couldn't agree more with this explanation, Frustrated more than discouraged for me too, it seems like a fine line though....lol


It might be my expereince level, and with only a year or so under my belt, I have had my fare share of setbacks, and at times I thought I was pretty discouraged, but I kept going. As bad as things get, weither its fish dying, coral dying, something not working, things I can't figure out, I try (and thats the key word "Try") to look at it as a challenge, becuase I am trying to recreate nature in an inclosed box, there is endless possiblities of failure, it can be a very challenging hobby. Everything that has discouraged or frustrated me has almost pushed me to keep going and try and figure out how to make things better, I learn new things every day, and again this might be because I am so new to this hobby.


As far as the LFS...I agree, it doesn't say much for your business when you complain, while I do have my opinions on certain LFS, I try and voice my opinions with my money, I can imagine in this economy having a "Hobby" Business, especially one so specialized as with selling only marine fish and corals, it has to be hard, especially with such a high concentration of shops in the area. I try and support as many of them as I can, I am for sure not a high roller, but the shops I do like, I try and hit as much as I can, and try and spend as much as I can, thinking that even though I might not spend a ton, at least I am helping to try and keep thier doors open.


Nobody said capitolism was easy, nobody said being a entrepenuer and opening a specialty hobby shop would be easy, You have to adapt to the changes in clientel and the economy. . But as mentioned thats a topic for a whole other new thread....lol

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My comment had nothing to do with members supporting local stores. That is another topic completely. I believe my opinion is more commonly shared than you might think. It seems that the dozen or so people that speak the loudest on here prevent other from expressing their opinion for fear of being bashed.


I expressed my opinion as a long time user of this site and not a vendor. Myself and others do not like the direction the site has gone in recent months. And at this point I don't even feel welcome here to express my opinion.


I don't really care if you buy your aquarium stuff locally or not. If the LFS relied soley on customers that frequent this site, they would all be out of business.



There are at least 2 local stores that no longer sponsor this site because of the direction it has gone. More may follow suit if they can find the balls. The club should be less concerned with signing up new sponsors and put some effort into keeping some good ones around.

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My comment had nothing to do with members supporting local stores. That is another topic completely. I believe my opinion is more commonly shared than you might think. It seems that the dozen or so people that speak the loudest on here prevent other from expressing their opinion for fear of being bashed.


I expressed my opinion as a long time user of this site and not a vendor. Myself and others do not like the direction the site has gone in recent months. And at this point I don't even feel welcome here to express my opinion.


You just did express your opinion did you not? Just becuase someone replies with thier own opinion or a retort to your opinion doesnt mean your being bashed, everyone has thier own opinions on everything, I guess I am new enough that I am not seeing this radical new direction this forum is going that your talking about. As long as things are civil and don't get out of hand to the point of needing moderation, I have felt very free to express my opinion here, and I know there are people that don't agree with my opinions, but thats cool, doesn't bother me...they are intitled to thier own opinions.


I don't really care if you buy your aquarium stuff locally or not. If the LFS relied soley on customers that frequent this site, they would all be out of business.



There are at least 2 local stores that no longer sponsor this site because of the direction it has gone. More may follow suit if they can find the balls. The club should be less concerned with signing up new sponsors and put some effort into keeping some good ones around.


Its opinions of a threatening nature that possibly cross the line, again in my opinion, your opinion and comment seems like a threat to the forum, while it is your opinion, you seem to almost urge other sponsor to pack up and leave "if they had the balls" as you put it. How is that in anyway constructive to this forum? Its "opinions" like that, I would deem destructive, and while granted it is your opinion, would fall into unnecessary comments, at least in my opinion...but you are entitled to your own opinion....I guess...lol

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Quite the scathing retort. You really put me in my place......


Thank you for sharing your opinion. Now please leave mine alone and I will back down. It is starting to feel personal and I don't even know who you are.


I am clearly in the wrong according to some. I did not intend to start an arguement but I felt I should speak my mind. This is no longer a place I can do that and get respect so I'm out. Please do not comment on my words any further and I will refrain from any new postings.

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Right now I'm about to scrap the entire thing and think about starting over! Don't know if I should or if I shouldn't.



I have had the worst luck the past several months. Ever since I had a heater blow up in the tank. I have lost a lot of my SPS, 95%. Mainly Acros. Monti's don't seem to show any signs of stress at all, except for 1 large colony. Ricordeas, Hammers, toadstool, anemone all seem to be doing just fine. Fish look fantastic! Just blows me away! Seems to be that as soon as I make a step forward I have some form of trouble. I have not bought anything in along time because I have been trying to figure things out. But I still lose what I have left. Maybe this hobby wants me gone!


I don't know I'm just so pissed right now I could take a bat to it!!!!!


So tell me how often do you get discouraged with your tank or tanks?

Not the little stuff. But the big stuff they just frustrates the hell out of you?




1) There is nothing wrong with tearing down and starting over...I did it a year ago and it was the best thing I could have done...gives you a chance to clean better, repair better, replace pipes and change little things that you didn't get right the first time...

2) I can't think of a harder hobby than reefing...it is a balancing act unlike any other....chemicals, lights, water motion, temperatures, creature interaction...it takes years just to get ADEQUATE....then factor in equipment failure and life's responsibilities...down cycles WILL occur...

3) The fact you are frustrated means you still care...a good thing...when you stop caring whether your tank lives or dies it IS time to get out!!!


Think about it...you are keeping the earth's most sensitive ecosystem alive and thriving in your living room...no small feat.

When someone comes over to my house (who knows nothing about reef keeping) and says "Your fish tank looks nice" it helps me realize that they don't even comprehend what they are seeing...the thousands of hours and dollars invested...the mountain of knowledge accumulated...the worry, frustration and delayed dinners due to "tank issues"...


Don't fret over it...revel in it!!! We all swim in the same pool!!



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