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Coral Farmers Market


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Yee Haw! Did someone say bbq?


Seriously, we are not all a bunch of banjo plucking rednecks here. :)

It is funny how many Californians I meet.


Depending when it is, I might attend. Mainly because I am always looking for an excuse to visit Portland, but also I am not too impressed with the coral availability here. It might be worth the drive.



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I do not doubt that there will not be good frags...but I really think you will attract alot more people if it is free, they can just make a stop by and take a look and then impluse buy. Same reason stores let you window shop and why they put gum and tweezers at the registers in stores.


Like Steve talked about, there is not nearly the wealth that there is in cali. I really think that if you just let people come they would spend more money and put that towards frags. How ever if there is major discounts on corals then you might be onto something. But to charge us, to then rake us over the coals for more tiny frags I think is absurb. With places like Upscales at much better prices (90 bucks gets me 3 frags of really cool stuff), I will be staying home. I think this borders on the side of greed.


Someone talked about 15 bucks being cheaper then shipping, if you order from most places online orders are free if 200 is spent and that can be 2-3 frags...so really that does not really counter act charging 30 bucks to the public

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Why dose everything need to be free for you to feel it is a good deal?


Yes.....it would be a better deal if this event was free. But they have to pay for things, (rent and such), and in this world most places are not going to do that AND hope they make enough money to pay for their exspenses AND make a profit to boot. So if you are feeling that there is no reason to go then don't! But in my mind it is worth checking out...........never know whats going to be there. $15 for a day out is pretty cheap in my book.


Just my $.02 - I just don't believe that you will ever see an event like this be free of charge. Not in this world.

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I do not doubt that there will not be good frags...but I really think you will attract alot more people if it is free, they can just make a stop by and take a look and then impluse buy. Same reason stores let you window shop and why they put gum and tweezers at the registers in stores.


Like Steve talked about, there is not nearly the wealth that there is in cali. I really think that if you just let people come they would spend more money and put that towards frags. How ever if there is major discounts on corals then you might be onto something. But to charge us, to then rake us over the coals for more tiny frags I think is absurb. With places like Upscales at much better prices (90 bucks gets me 3 frags of really cool stuff), I will be staying home. I think this borders on the side of greed.


Someone talked about 15 bucks being cheaper then shipping, if you order from most places online orders are free if 200 is spent and that can be 2-3 frags...so really that does not really counter act charging 30 bucks to the public


Not at Atlantis, reef farmers and frag farmer. We are talking stuff that I want not just regular shipments of corals that come in on these web sites. This is definately a specialty show not a coral "saturday market". I order from the web sometimes but safer to know what you are getting and that it is healthy. Although I do agree that half there corals Upscales has or has given them and they call there own. We are lucky and can be a little bit of coral snobs at times. But I did live 2 blocks from Atlantis so I guess I have a Bay Area mentality. I am pretty sure they aren't making a killing at $15 with all the costs involved to get this stuff here. If I remember correctly we fit the bill last time for that. How much would it cost if you took your frags and set them up at the Hilton (not the high rollers suite) just the conference room.

More Frags for ME(clap)

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Why dose everything need to be free for you to feel it is a good deal?


Yes.....it would be a better deal if this event was free. But they have to pay for things, (rent and such), and in this world most places are not going to do that AND hope they make enough money to pay for their exspenses AND make a profit to boot. So if you are feeling that there is no reason to go then don't! But in my mind it is worth checking out...........never know whats going to be there. $15 for a day out is pretty cheap in my book.


Just my $.02 - I just don't believe that you will ever see an event like this be free of charge. Not in this world.


I never said everything has to be free...I am not saying people should boycott this...I simply think it is greedy and I will not go. And I think that they would have alot better turn out if it was free.


I agree with you that 15 bucks is not a bad deal (but like ringwurm said he can not justify the price of the entry, so I am not out of line on thinking the price is a little off)...but right now there is not many going to be there...I guess I can not stand Tyree and what he has done to this hobby, maybe it is a biased thing.


Why don't we charge members 15 bucks to go to the borneman meeting...why? Cause the club is not greedy. Most things like this charge money, however there is great incentive to go beyond that, major discounts of goods, however this is not being announced. Maybe if they scare up some more people to go it might be worth it.


Oh, well as usual we are at an impasse and in disagreement.

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[Why don't we charge members 15 bucks to go to the borneman meeting...why? Cause the club is not greedy.]


Here is the real point of the discussion. The club is not "greedy" by definition because it is a non-profit organization. Steve Tyree sells corals to earn a living. Steve Tyree charges $15 to get into the coral-farmers market to cover his expenses and to earn a living. In short, Steve Tyree is in this to make money. Steve Tyree wants to avoid being not-for-profit.

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It looks like it could be a good event. I will pay the $15.00 for entry. The cost to put together a trade show can be expensive. Airefare, hotel, food, time. I definately agree that we are not the market (numbers or disposable income) of so cal but hope it turns out well. Hopefully a good turn-out from Seattle area will help. Just my opinin though.

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[Why don't we charge members 15 bucks to go to the borneman meeting...why? Cause the club is not greedy.]


Here is the real point of the discussion. The club is not "greedy" by definition because it is a non-profit organization. Steve Tyree sells corals to earn a living. Steve Tyree charges $15 to get into the coral-farmers market to cover his expenses and to earn a living. In short, Steve Tyree is in this to make money. Steve Tyree wants to avoid being not-for-profit.


everyone is stuck on the 15 bucks...People realize that they are charging people outside the club 30 bucks...people seem to be over looking this...


Your point is valid, however, if we charged people more to go the Borneman meeting, that money would still be non-profit, as long as it went back to the club, maybe having an extra speaker or donating it to some cause.


Again you are not telling me anything I do not know about tyree...but a couple of people are already avoiding it at due to the cost of tickets being 15 bucks...let alone 30 bucks...I really just think you would pull more money in having it open to the public at no charge, again you get impulse buys of people who stop by and can not live with out something.


again, I am at an impasse with 95% percent of the people on board...never fails...

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This is a spendy hobby, and I'm really cheap. I buy pretty much everything used, or build it myself.

However I wouldn't have a problem spending $15.00 to attend this function.

Brandon, you never attend any meetings anyway. I bet you the cost of admission that you don't even go to this event.;-)

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This is a spendy hobby, and I'm really cheap. I buy pretty much everything used, or build it myself.

However I wouldn't have a problem spending $15.00 to attend this function.

Brandon, you never attend any meetings anyway. I bet you the cost of admission that you don't even go to this event.;-)


I am more concerned for the $30.00 fee..15 is not to bad...I may or may not be going, the chance at some cool corals, is very enticing...So we will see. I will be at the borneman one:)

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I was just poking fun at you for not making it to any of the meetings. =)

I know that...I am just saying that I may or may not go to this event. But I will for sure be at the Borneman meeting, that should be very cool. I just worry about going to meeting, because I think I may be burned at the stake once I showed up.(torch)

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Again you are not telling me anything I do not know about tyree...but a couple of people are already avoiding it at due to the cost of tickets being 15 bucks...let alone 30 bucks...I really just think you would pull more money in having it open to the public at no charge, again you get impulse buys of people who stop by and can not live with out something.



There's no doubt in my mind that more will show up if it is free admission. Maybe a compromise marketing ploy would be to make the admission fee applicable to purchase.

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