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You know what sucks?


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I really encourage you to stay with us a little bit more.

There is a huge amount of knowledge on here, if is what you are looking for.

We have a lot of members with 20+ years of experience and, differently from a national forum, they can swing by your place and helping you setting up a tank and so on.

You can ignore the out of bounds. We also have a great feature called 'ignore button'.

If it is true that our club it is mainly related to the marine aquariums, it is also true that we are a 'society', with all the pros and cons that that means.


Btw... it's Andy's clam still available?


Andy's clam is always available!(laugh)


I was just trying to earn the drama queen merit badge Kim promised me. J/K LOL


You have some very stiff competition in this forum Gill!(laugh)

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Heck' date=' lets just start another forum named 'DQ' - drama queen. Anyone who wants to complain or stir the pot can just do so in there. This way we can all get on with our reefing questions/issues and topics.[/quote']


It's been suggessted before and it's not a bad idea IMO. I even came up with name suggestions like Reef Beefs, Drama den,forum flamefest, but nothing ever came of it.

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what drama.. did I miss something? I have been a member for a long while and havent had drama... I always find out what I need or want to know... but no one I cause can make a person believe what he doesnt want too believe....


Though I have to be honest a few days on this site shouldnt be what makes up your mind... It takes time...


I do however understand. Like going out to eat. If you get crappy service once you might never come back..


Though If you look at religion. Most people go to church a long time before they believe or understand God...


but Every one must make that choice on there own.. Im am just sorry we werent given much time to win you over... sorry about you bad experence

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Just in case this thread goes south, i'm going to do a preemptive strike and post some of the more unusual less likely to see one of these, brought to you by the one and only.


The ever popular Clamicorn!




and the close 2nd SeaUrchicorn.





No people, there is no pot of gold at the end of a rainbow, but there could be some clams.

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It kinda is irrational to think that members of a club would always get along. I mean look at any establishment of people not online, same drama, you just have to hear their voices too.


With anonymity follows courage too. ;)


Its great here, if you are even somewhat intelligent you can navigate to what ever interests you about marine aquariums here.

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I stand corrected. I welcome the new person who's first post is telling us how we all suck. We need more of them types ;-)


Agreed - totally. This is a group of friends and loose acquaintances, and familiarity breed contempt. Sometimes people bicker. I've had some serious fights with some great friends in my life. This is a collection of a lot of very different people who, IMO, get along pretty well considering.


I know that I would know a heck of a lot less without this forum.


I have to question the motivation of someone with nothing invested in this forum, who would take the time to flame the group, rather than simply choose not to be a part of it.

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Thats a great idea!!!


Heck' date=' lets just start another forum named 'DQ' - drama queen. Anyone who wants to complain or stir the pot can just do so in there. This way we can all get on with our reefing questions/issues and topics.[/quote']


That’s is a terrific idea, and type in all sincerity, it could be called "rant and rave" or something similar and should have a button you need to click in order to enter, with a disclaimer attached to it- “ENTER” or “EXIT”


That way someone does not inadvertently stumble into the war zone.


I'll task Kim with getting that going you has here finger on the pulse of some BOD's.


That’s a really great idea-





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I recently encountered a gentleman that told me of this forum... so i thought i'd check it out. I've been checking it out for the lat two days or so and have come to realize that this page is full of nothing but drama that is unrelated to the "marine aquarium" topic. I was really hoping for a place that a new-comer to the hobby like myself could come to gain knowledge and friendship of others that share my same interests. WEAK!! Good luck selling your clam Andy! Ha


Although I have to admit sometimes the drama gets a bit thick here I have to ask what you expected from an internet forum???


If you think its really any different on any other forum you are kidding yourself or it is a forum of one. good luck on your search for the everybodygetsalongallthetimereeftankforum.org (scratch)

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How about adding something like this to the standard disclaimer presented when a user signs up for a login:


"At PNWMAS, we value our community and strive to maintain a "family-like" atmosphere. Like all families, we sometimes disagree and even argue. At other times, we may get a little goofy and kid around a bit (okay, a lot
) -- however, our main reason for being here is education and discussion related to the marine aquarium hobby. We may stray, but we always come back around. If this doesn't sound like the community for you, that's fine... there are many other hobby-related boards with very strict posting guidelines that you might enjoy. If this
sound like a place you'd like to spend some time, WELCOME!"

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This forum is like a family. Every so often there has to be an explosion, then it gets quiet for a while. There are many outspoken folks here and they are not afraid to voice their opinion, which makes this forum unique in a lot of ways. Our mods are not usually heavy handed either.


Welcome to the site.

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Does not seem like this forum has any more drama or filler than other notable forums I could name, actually people are a lot nicer and more helpful here than in unnamed other forums. That said I too noted some tension lately, tried to inject some humor into the emergency forum and hope that did not chap anyone's hide. I have real emergencies but figure they are pretty much my fault and my job to fix so griping about them is a waste of time. Maybe people are tense because of the combination of holidays, expensive hobby and rampant under/unemployment.


There are really nice people in the club but coming to meetings and making trades is the only way to really meet them. It's so easy to misinterpret emails and forum posts that a lot of people don't post at all. Hopefully you will get to meet the good people soon enough, and figure out who the trolls are so you don't feed em. Still working on that myself.


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Before you break out the pitchforks and torches I checked the IP address and the IP address is not shared. So please give them the benefit of a doubt.


I am really real! I wasn't trying to insult anyone. I actually am glad that there has been so many positive replies to my post. I guess there is a lot of people watching and listening that you dont see posting. i think i will reconsider... and i never said this forum sucks, just typing my thoughts

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Does not seem like this forum has any more drama or filler than other notable forums I could name, actually people are a lot nicer and more helpful here than in unnamed other forums. That said I too noted some tension lately, tried to inject some humor into the emergency forum and hope that did not chap anyone's hide. I have real emergencies but figure they are pretty much my fault and my job to fix so griping about them is a waste of time. Maybe people are tense because of the combination of holidays, expensive hobby and rampant under/unemployment.


There are really nice people in the club but coming to meetings and making trades is the only way to really meet them. It's so easy to misinterpret emails and forum posts that a lot of people don't post at all. Hopefully you will get to meet the good people soon enough, and figure out who the trolls are so you don't feed em. Still working on that myself.



oh-oh, ypou mentioned trolls. this may be a catilyst for another unicorn pic(scary)



well i am glad to here you are sticking around(clap). there is some drama(nutty) but there is even more great advice and peeps here..

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I have to say I like the username zoalander. It's kinda catchy!(clap)


Can't believe I am going to say this but in this particular subject I am in agreement. I have asked several times to get the password to that account, but I am sure it has been deleted since then.

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Glad to see you stuck around and read replies. This really is a great forum with very supportive people. People really do go out of their way to help other that they barely know.


Yeah, there's drama. But such is life.


Even after a somewhat negative introduction, look how welcoming people have been.

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