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(sad)So my dad has a 90 gallon tank and his less than a year old heater shatter proof decided to do what it wanted and for two maybe more days his tank was over 100 degrees..


I get a call at eight am saying they are having a tank emergency.. mom says that the tank is all cloudy and they don't know why... so I rush over with the RODI machine and here's the heater with a crack in it. so low and behold copper and a tank over heating.. so I do this ungodly amount of water change. eight to ten hours later everything looks fine. Even his two rose bubbles are ok. so I think we caught the copper in time.. Yay...


So I go over there today one day later cause I get a call saying his skimmer cup is filled with all this pink goop. Looking in his tank I see all his hard corals including his hammer head with over 20 heads is allmost dead.. I pulled all his hard corals out of his tank. and take them over to my house and put them into my tanks.


I found his tank is still 90 degrees.

Im not sure if his bubble coral that was the largest I had ever seen one ever, is going to make it. His frog spawn I call dead.. but I think I will be able to save his pagoda coral and at least ten of his heads of hammer head...


I did another huge water change... I know it isnt a coper problem at least. I tested the copper levels today... and his soft corals and anemones are just great... just his hard corals... fish are fine as always... the funny thing is that the torch coral through all of this is still in his tank doing great...



if any one has any frags they would like to share.. his tank is out of the bad zone now.. and I think that might be what my dad wants for x mas... I think this was a shock to him since his tank has always been his baby...


Funny thing in this has to be that about a year ago my sister had a shatter proof heater in her tank that ripped apart whiile she wasnt home and electricted everything in her tank... all her fish was lost, corals too.. she had to start all over. so dont buy a shatter proof heater.. I am always glad that I dont even have heaters in any of my tanks

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I would be happy to help out too Tracy. I'm a little bit further away but maybe the reefers up here in portland could contribute several things so it would be worth the trip.


What kind of things does your Dad like? What did he miss. It sucks to lose corals! I lost most of my sps in the reef tank when the salinity dropped but not the entire tank.

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He lost a huge bubble coral. frog spawn. candy cane corals, most or maybe all of his hammer head. a pogoda CORAL. MAYBE HIS HUGE LEATHER. NOT SURE YET.. defenitely his frogspawn... and a few other posibble... I am still nursing them back to health..., I hope.. I dosed the tank with lots of good stuff last night. my tank was due for it anyway....


though I might sound wierd to say. But I have this what I call a polyanne therory that from everything bad you find something good. So heres my good. My tang needed some more greens in the tank.. she is cleaning my tank dry. so now she has some more rocks with some algae to eat

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I can donate some birdnest frags if in the neighbor hood.



I think donating and swapping frags from healthy colonies has always been a good idea as we never know when disaster may strike our own tanks. People with some of the more rare pieces, ora and others, may do them selves good by sharing. Kinda a bank you can get a piece back from. Self protection so to say.




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