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Negative Vendor Feedback


Negative Vendor Feedback  

  1. 1.

    • A:Allow only positive feedback for members/vendors
    • B:Leave it as it is now (both positive and negative) no ground rules
    • C:For negative do something similar to reef2reef
    • D:Allow positive feedback only but allow rating system like ebay
    • E:None of the above

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What about making so just the person posting the negative gets to make a response? Afterall it is that person that has the beef anyway. I guess what Im saying is make the Negative Vendor feedback forum only available for one post.


I agree, if someone can voice about how well a transaction went or how helpfull the store was then they should also have the right to voice when they are treated unfairly. There is no reason why we cant set up the vender feedback so that all new threads and posts need to be oked by a mod before they go on the forum for all to see. They can keep it to the point and or even just between the sponcer and thread starter. JM2C

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I don't get it.

This site was set up for the hobbyist reefer, not the sponsors. We, as members control the forum. Not the sponsors.

Open it up. Say what you want. Treat the sponsors as a member. If the sponsors don't like it, then leave. Nice seeing ya! I think a lot will stay. It is a given that a vast majority of non-local businesses would stay.

If they want to continue fine. The cream will rise to the top (and there are a few that will) and the sponsors that don't live up will sink.

It seems like the income generated by the local sponsors has clouded our vision.

As members, WE own this site. We just don't need the income generated by 3-4 local businesses that might leave. We are not for sale, are we?


I don't get it too and I agree 100% with your point of view. But I understand the direction of the board: to moderate negative feedback can be extremely difficult and time consuming.

As a board we are working on something and some board members did suggest some possible solutions that will allow freedom of writing without generating too much drama.

My hope is to allow dialectic between members, members and sponsors and to keep trace of it without the drama side.

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no one should be above a feedback thread but what I do believe is only the two involved should comment otherwise take it to Pm's.But everyone has a right to voice there concerns or complaints and then have a chance to rebuttal but the rest need to stay out of it.

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Re: Negative Vendor Feedback


no one should be above a feedback thread but what I do believe is only the two involved should comment otherwise take it to Pm's.But everyone has a right to voice there concerns or complaints and then have a chance to rebuttal but the rest need to stay out of it.



I completely agree and yes I think going public should be an option

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What I find amazing is that so many people can have so many different experiences with the same vendor(s). Some people even have diametrically opposite experiences with the same vendor. Does this speak to the attitude of the vendor or the customer? If you feel a vendor treats you badly or you get crummy service, don't go back. It's that simple. Why air it in a public forum? Just privately tell your friends and leave it at that. If enough people stop frequenting a particular business because of poor service, maybe they will have a little introspective time with themselves and figure it out. If not, then they won't survive.


It's really simple matter of supply and demand: If people demand good service, friendly personel and a nice stock of whatever they need (or want), the local vendors will supply it, if not then people will stop going there and that business will fail.

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Re: Negative Vendor Feedback


To give them a wake up call and a chance to turn it around. If you keep it private then they just close and had no chance of knowing what happened. By going public it gives store a chance to fight. Wouldn't you want to know why all of a sudden you have no customers? Or would you rather have to go out of business and never know why?


When people say "just tell your buddies and move on" some of us, like myself for instance, have a rather large friend list here.....at least 40 or so.....that is a lot of people that would know "on the dl" and the store in question would have no idea what happened......then again....if we do it this way we get a permanant fix....if the store closes then neither us nor them need to worry about their service anymore.....plus.... it opens doors for members to get some of that business and remaining sponsors can bump up their prices up a bit with reductions in competition....double score.....good idea Steelhead....I never really thought it through but I like it now. This could really build the quality of stores and stock locally if we start cutting stores throats.


But I must admit....we should provide them with a chance to defend themselves and be judged by their peers.


I mean trials are public....and everyone I have ever seen on TV had nothing to do with me....was non of my business.....wouldn't this be the same?

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk

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What it really boils down to is a few people who love to blast on sponsors because it didn't go their way...


and then what happens is that these people end up alienating sponsors AND members.


LFS have to make a living doing this...people who flame about negative experiences all the time need to self edit. it gets old, and the bridges are burning.


Accountability is a two way street... there is a reason only a couple LFS come anywhere near a keyboard.

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What it really boils down to is a few people who love to blast on sponsors because it didn't go their way...


Constructive criticism? lol...i guess thats what we call it when a bunch of people blast a guy in a wheelchair for not jumping out of his seat to help the customer.


What happens is that these people end up alienating sponsors AND members.


LFS have to make a living doing this...people who flame about negative experiences all the time need to self edit. it gets old, and the bridges are burning.


Accountability is a two way street... there is a reason only a couple LFS come anywhere near a keyboard.


Isaac "blasting" on sponsors is not my idea of a good time. There actually can be constructive criticism but you are right not when everyone is allowed to jump into a thread.


I believe in giving credit when credit is due and am the first to hand out praise when I have had great experiences.Unfortunately as in most hobbies there is a great deal of things to learn and it would be easy for someone to take advantage of a new person.


I feel like as an active member of this forum I want to advocate for other hobbyests particularly the new ones but also people who have been here for a while and hopefully let them learn from my experience.


I can tell you personally through word of mouth and pms that many other members have had the same negative experiences and just are afraid to say anything. How is that good for the hobby? How is that good for the stores that are doing it right?


I feel like this forum is both a benefit to the vendors as well as the hobbyest. I feel like I have made expensive mistakes and that some people in the business will try to take advantage of inexperience. I have also found that certain vendors did take care of me and wouldn't sell me something because they knew it wouldn't do well.


This is not about drama. This is not about personal vendettas against any particular member or fish store. This is about me wanting to support the fish stores who have gone above and beyond as well as support members who have gone above and beyond. However I also want to let people know about questionable experiences and hope that the feedback improves their business practices.

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Kim, negative feedback will not help a sponsor change their business practices. It just provides the fuel for fire.


Look at all the positivity and happiness that comes from helping a sick little girl and her parents pay for chemo...that is something worth talking about and expanding upon.


The internet and BB's(bulletin boards) are FULL of negative feedback from people without faces...Rarely do BB's do amazing things...we need more amazing things!

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Kim, negative feedback will not help a sponsor change their business practices. It just provides the fuel for fire.


Look at all the positivity and happiness that comes from helping a sick little girl and her parents pay for chemo...that is something worth talking about and expanding upon.


The internet and BB's are FULL of negative feedback from people without faces...Rarely do BB's do amazing things...we need more amazing things!


I disagree Isaac. If enough people complain and word gets around and the business finds that their practice is actually losing customers they will change. I work for a large company and am very customer oriented but sometimes changes are made in the company that I feel are not customer oriented and are an attempt to save money and are short sighted. I do not have the power to change these polices but if enough customers complain the company does look at this and eventually make change.


I don't know what BB's are by the way LOL!

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One's personal insight as to how someone else's business should be run is not called constructive criticism...it's an opinion.


Why can't people just not go back? Or...work it out with the actual person/shop?


There are plenty of stores(not fish stores) that I just won't spend my money in. I have MY reasons...They are mine...no one else's.

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I'm putting this back out there so it doesn't get lost but I really think having the ability to post one's experience (good or bad) and then give the rest of the members a chance to vote it positive or negative to reinforce or disagree with the original post. I'm sure there are plugins out there to provide that functionality and keep a cumulative score for each thread. If a vendor wanted to post a response they could submit to a mod or vote a negative to it whatever level of effort they thought was appropriate. Overall it would be less moderation, remove the ranting, save people from their own poor impulse control, and give members a good picture of how legit the feedback was or not.

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My 2 cents..



Keep the feedback forum, both negative and positive. With the exception being that only those involved with the negative feedback should reply to the thread.



Negative feedback is important to have because it allows members to not only see the complaints but hopefully also the resolution. Were I live there are not really any local FS so its nice to know if I am going to drive at the very least 30mins to get to one that its going to be one thats even worth the bother.

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Really 5 pages other_beatingA_DeadHorse.gif long this thread of other_beatingA_DeadHorse.gif opinions and suggestions-really 5 pages of other_beatingA_DeadHorse.gif


LMAO-sorry I was a little bored but am other_beatingA_DeadHorse.gif really surprised that this other_beatingA_DeadHorse.gif thing wont die. I am going to rub my other_beatingA_DeadHorse.gif crystal balls and say nothing other_beatingA_DeadHorse.gif is really going to change-




It is so opionionated-other_beatingA_DeadHorse.gif and one sided other_beatingA_DeadHorse.gif meaning a single person's opinion/experiance other_beatingA_DeadHorse.gif


But hey it gives us all something to other_beatingA_DeadHorse.gif share other_beatingA_DeadHorse.gif



Sorry I should be banned...





FRANK YOU OUT THERE-other_beatingA_DeadHorse.gif




FRANK-you got mail other_beatingA_DeadHorse.gif

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Its only a big deal because it's new and because some people make it a big deal. Like dealing with children! We need to get over it and let people get things off there chest, it's not healthey to not let people voice or share there experiances good or bad. I'd bet if someone was bashing or telling about an experiance they had at Home Depot there wouldn't be this conversation!! The newness of neg feedback will go away and we will have a more well rounded forum in the end.

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Really 5 pages other_beatingA_DeadHorse.gif long this thread of other_beatingA_DeadHorse.gif opinions and suggestions-really 5 pages of other_beatingA_DeadHorse.gif


LMAO-sorry I was a little bored but am other_beatingA_DeadHorse.gif really surprised that this other_beatingA_DeadHorse.gif thing wont die. I am going to rub my other_beatingA_DeadHorse.gif crystal balls and say nothing other_beatingA_DeadHorse.gif is really going to change-




It is so opionionated-other_beatingA_DeadHorse.gif and one sided other_beatingA_DeadHorse.gif meaning a single person's opinion/experiance other_beatingA_DeadHorse.gif


But hey it gives us all something to other_beatingA_DeadHorse.gif share other_beatingA_DeadHorse.gif



Sorry I should be banned...





FRANK YOU OUT THERE-other_beatingA_DeadHorse.gif




FRANK-you got mail other_beatingA_DeadHorse.gif


Okay? guess you were a tad bit bored...(laugh). Sorry to beat this to death but I really think it is an important topic. I like the idea of people learning from both my positive and negative experiences. As it is right now, there are no controls on negative feedback and it becomes a flamefest. So leaving it as it is where you can have both positive and negative feedback will continue this process.


I'm merely suggesting to make it more constructive.

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If you do away with the feedback forum, people will just post it in the general comments forum and nothing would have been done to change it. I like the idea of a rating system. Maybe one can be posted in each sponsor's forum. Then you can rate them on your experience, and they will have the opportunity to see what people are saying.

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