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I get asked that question all the time....So I now ask you. I would like to see what others have to say as to why you enjoy this hobby so much?


I like the challenge of maintaining a tank. I also get bored with lots of things, so this is an ever changing thing I can do in order to fulfill that boredem, along with that boredom comes, me wanting to collect things... and with this hobby I can collect fish and coral and then watch it change on a daily basis.


I like the challenge. I see my tank for severall hours a day. It keeps me out of trouble and broke. I enjoy seeing the wonders of what the good Lord has put on this Earth, in my livingroom. The responsibility of reefkeeping is a joy in it's self. Aquascaping, seeing the changes of the tank. Knowing I am only keeper of a little part of this world. The joy my grandkids get from the tanks. The fish eating out of my hand. The colors, so many endless combose.


Always liked fish and had fish in my house since a child. I always get bored just as you, hobbies come and go, I can't even begin to list all the hobbies I have let alone ones I have given up on due to time constraints, but so far this has been a very fun and ever changing hobby for me, with lots of rewards, challenges, changes, and test to my patience (that has made me blow up from time to time). I try to take the fustraiting times as a challenge and I usually reep good rewards from it. Overall I love the corals, I have learned to just leave them be and it has been fun to watch them change. Also this is one of the non physical hobbies I have that the whole family can enjoy.


I've always enjoyed looking at marine life from afar since my first snorkeling experience of feeding fish and trying to dive to catch a turtle in Hawaii at age of 16...better than "cruising chicks" :)...OK, well at least there was better luck in the water at that age. Its nice to finally have the guts to have a piece of the ocean in our home and keep mostly dry :). I love the colors and characteristics of saltwater fish compared to freshwater; they seem more friendly and personable too. There is a new found appreciation for corals in our home as well, now that we have a few growing in our family room. It makes we want to go back to Fiji and reevaluate all the corals I didn't pay enough attention to. It's amazing when you take a closer look at the life that goes on in a saltwater aquarium....especially when no fish are present and the many sea bugs start to show their faces in numbers.


I am like the others, i enjoy the challenge. I enjoy the problem solving and the discussions i have with others in the hoppy as well as the new friends i have met. The satisfaction of seeing a coral from the ocean grow and thrive in an environment i created is great.


What do I like about this hobby...


Everything. (nutty)


I can't help it. I like all the aspects of it. You get to learn to be a Chemist, Plumber, Aquascaper, Vet, Carpenter, Maintenance Man, Forensic Pathologist ( why did that coral die ), and a negotiator ( honey, I NEED a 400 gallon tank ).


Where else could you have this much fun being this frustrated. DOH!


Seriously though, I really do enjoy it. What makes it even better is being able to share my hobby with all of you.




Similar things as most of you mentioned for me. In addition, my job as a teacher is to inspire. Reefs DO instill a sense of wonder in most kids. As Mr. S says it is "eye candy". But I think it is much more scientifically speaking. I have to solve problems and learn right along with the kids. This keeps me going as a teacher. My eyes light up each morning as I turn the corner towards my classroom. I see my actinics glow in my little piece of ocean and I smile. What better way to teach science than to do it!


A whole bunch of reasons, most mentioned by someone earlier in the thread. I like that there is something to do no matter what mood I'm in. If I feel like relaxing, I can just sit back and watch. If I feel like building I can DIY. If I feel like researching I can sit back and read. If I feel argumentative, I can hit RC (laugh)


Mostly though, I think it goes wa back to when I was a kid. My family used to vacation near the Maine and New Hampshire sea coasts. The science center at Odiorne Point (sure has grown since I was a kid...) would host tidepool walks, lead by Marine Biology students from various colleges. It was absolutely fascinating learning about the tidepool ecosystem hands-on. It just stuck with me I guess.


I always liked working in the garden as a kid, and growing things from seed and stuff. With the reef tanks its very much the same, getting frags and growing them into larger colonies.


I really like to get tiny little itty bitty bits and letting them grow big, thats my favorite.


Great topic, Brandon! (clap)


For me, I just love the beauty of a healthy reef tank. All of the colors (unless of course your coral decided to brown out), the life (who hasn't gone on late night missions with a flashlight to see what kind of creepy crawlies lurk)... and honestly I love the constant process of having to learn about having to take proper care of our systems. I honestly don't know what I'm going to do when I'm a frail, old lady and can't physically take care of the tank. Yes, I think about this!


I really like all the different things you can do with the hobby. It opens a lot of doors and of course you get to meet "Great People" if your lucky enough to have as cool of reef club as we do. Also like Stacey said with the constant learning process. Just when you think you have it mastered, you dont! Later Ryan


Wow... each post I read, had me saying "ya, that's me" . It really is cool to have other people know and understand the addiction we have to your part of the ocean.


I know if I was to talk to any one of you, you wouldnt say "You got to be kidding, you paid $50 bucks for that?" Or " You got to be kidding, you name your fish and actually cry when you lose one?"


Its also cool when the pizza delivery guy wants to come in and see your tank.


I really look forward to water changing day, and Im always doing at least one thing a day on the aquarium. AND Ive finally learned how to spell aquarium!! hahaha




I have my daughter to thank... She loves ocean life. Sometimes I think she is part fish..lol She is always asking questions about things, aways wanting to know more. So we decided to build a tank. We started out small so we could learn and figure how things work. Little did I realize that this would become a addiction. She has names for everything in our current tank... Her favorite is Shelly the clam.:D

She has names for everything in our current tank... Her favorite is Shelly the clam.:D


I thought this name scheming was confusing enough when my nephews, nieces, friend's and neighbor's kids started to name the crabs....now they're naming our corals!


I like the fact that even if you don't look at your tank for a few days, it still changes and evolves, so that when you do have time to sit and enjoy it for a while, you notice new things EVERY time. Plus, I don't think there are very many things as beautiful as the way clown fish swim.


Just to add, this hobby grows on me everyday I have one, it becomes more addicting the longer I have one. Makes me wish I was a fish... LOL... not really but sometimes I do. Much less complicated than the world we live in. Its a nice break from life. Sit and enjoy.


I love the science.


Ther is nothing more exciting than learning about how the natural world works, and as long as I can remember I've been obsessed with sea life. It also allows me to hang onto an abandoned profession since i switched to a business degree after two years of marine science. :P

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