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Change my username :) What do you guys think?


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So when I first joined PNWMAS I was the 3rd Ryan so naturally I was called R3. Over the years both Ryans that were #1 and #2 Ryan Jensen and Ryan Mackey have moved on to greater less expensive hobbies, hopefully :) I now see no reason for the R-3. It sounds like some stupid robot name. I thinking of switching my screenname to Quinn. Just Quinn. Its my last name and seems like it would be easier to remember and associate with me!


I just wanted to throw it out there to the masses and make sure you guys could handle it :) before I ask for a change. Let me know. Might be a pointless thread but hey, who cares ;)

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i'd support the move Ryan!


I too have tossed around the idea of changing my username. When I created the account originally I had no idea what I was getting into with reef stuff(or what addiction would ensue), and figured I would be on the site temporarily, so jadams7 just so happened to be my college email address, and was easy to remember. Since then there has been mass confusion as to what the 'j' is and it would just be easier to change it to 'jaseadams'. How does one go about changing? Email a mod?

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what? tired of introducing yourself at the monthly meetings as "R-3"?




I hear you. I should have went with something more simple...I like Jordan's name...Ron Popeil. At first, I thought we had the actual Ronco dude on here.


Undrtkr is the true undertaker...from pro wrestling...seriously. I met him and he tried to put me in a choke hold because talked him down on a light fixture. Never do that again.

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I was curious about that R-3 robot thing lol

Quinn sounds great, I use my last name too :-)



Yeah I think I will pm Jay and do it!


I just assumed it was some direct relation to an astromech droid. Quite possibly the latest release of r2.


Ha I know! Thats how I feel.


I always thought it was his cell block from the pen . . . . hahahaha


Hey man we dont talk about my rough past (whistle) Im a changed man (laugh)

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Undrtkr is the true undertaker...from pro wrestling...seriously. I met him and he tried to put me in a choke hold because talked him down on a light fixture. Never do that again.


Heh, you're just lucky I didn't head butt you!! (rock2)


Cool' date=' I'm gonna change my name to R-3[/quote']


LMAO! Do it!! I'll change my name to R-3 II.

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