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I have spent thousands on this hobby! I love it. I love growing and taking care of corals and fish. I am having a hard time and really hate it when things die!! I have an issue with my ph, I don't know what to do. I used seltzer water, and I used vinegar. I am still scared when adding anything. So right now my tank is crashing! I don't know how to stop it. I don't know how to do it without killing everything that is already dieing! I have done 30gallon-5 gallon water changes everyday now for the last week. My ph is at 8.8 my nitrates/nitrites are at 0 ammonia is at 0 and dkh: 10 calcium: 485 not sure about the magnesium or whatever!

I am going to keep doing the water changes until the water gets better. I got a new ro/di unit and I am hopeing that, that works. I had to use tap water for a little while. I am so bummed and frustrated! I hope that things come back, but all my montis are dead, my acros are dieing, my green bali that algae gave me are dead, my brain is dead, lost my torch, my frogspawn is dieing, my chalices are going, my god!! my Acans are deteriorating!! Cyphastrea, is gone! All my birdsnest is gone!! I have had some of this stuff for a longtime!! I have put so much energy into trying to build a wonderful reef!! The awesome reef that I have in my mind!! I want it so bad!!



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I agree with what the other guys say, also keep doing your water changes that's the best way to get things back to normal. Don't add any other supplement until your reading are good. Also, I would go buy a different brand ph test kit and try that to see if it still comes up with high ph. Also, this happened to Ryan, he had a metal cord fall into this tank, make sure there is no metal rusting into the tank, that will poison the corals and inverts

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Are you adding any supplements? I cant imagin your PH getting so high without over dosing something.


How are you measuring your PH? Test kit or PH probe?


If its a probe, have you re-calibrated your probe recently?


When did your corals start dieing? Has it been gradual, or all of the sudden?


As Roy said, I lost most of my SPS cause of a metal plug. I would check for other causes then the PH.


One thing for sure, don't overreact. Think things through and make sure you dont make the situation worse.


I know you want to large multiple water changes, but make sure you make your water the right way...RO/DI water, up to temp, fully mixed, etc...If you rush things, you could make it worse.

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I would check for metal pieces as said above. I had this problem last year and it was stray voltage from my heater. I discovered only after exhausting all other possibilities. Put my hand in the tank with bare feet and got zapped. Goodluck.

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I got a new test kit. That's how I found out that my ph was up there. I was dosing with dkh superbuffer before than. I have carbon and a canister filter filled with poly fiber running on it along with my skimmer. I have checked everywhere for metal, no metal. I think that because of the crappy test kit I over shot the ph value and now I am slowly doing water changes. I am just trying to save my existing corals.




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you may want to run Kalk in your topoff to help bring the PH in line.


Not good! Kalk raises PH, so if his PH is really at 8.8, adding kalk will do nothing but worsen the problem..


FYI- I have never found an accurate PH test kit...its not even really worth testing with a test kit cause PH fluctuates so much through out the day.


Example, my PH is at 7.8 before my lights turn on, but by the end of my light cycle, my PH is up to 8.3. I can also see the differnence in PH if we leave a window open for an extended about of time.

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I question the kit. Test with a calibrated hannah or pinpoint. I think your chasing it to hard. ANY TIME ya get a new kit for any of the tests it's good to double check the same water,,,IE Glass jar, same batch, for an average. Get what you can into anothers tank, frag some still living to a couple of different members to at least keep the stock going till all is settled down. Good Luck. Keep us updated.

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Yeah dont run Kalk with an 8.8 ph, I use Kalk in topoff to keep mine at 8.3 from a 7.9 out of RO/DI make up water.


When I do water changes I have to fill my container via the Kalk reactor to get it to 8.2.


The ph of my water coming out of my kalk topoff is 9.0 I use a hannah ph tester and I find it pretty much in line whith the 2 other ph kits I have as part of other tests.


Did you ever tell us if it was slow death......one piece at a time.........all at once, a couple here, a couple there.


I have a foxface Im about to kill and enjoy doing it, I caught him killing corals, he picked at a monti ...poof a day later its turning white, once it was gone he started to pick at the biggest peice I had and sure enough 2 days later its gone, I see him picking at everything in the tank now. I am trying seaweed to try and keep him happy but the yellow tang just rips it off and it floats aroung for fun and games for a few seconds.


seriously thinking of getting rid of all fish, everyone I have got this time around is crap.

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So.. You are obviously prejudiced against jibber jabber. A jibber jabber bigot in the making. Personally, I enjoy jibber but I can give or take jabber.

Thinking after you put the kiddo in the sack.OK? Give me your address, again.


Real men dont talk on the phone like real women!! LOL!! Real men do text! Short sweet to the point and no jibber jabber!! HA!!


And what time you thinkin, Algae?



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