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Yes, either 7 or really late. We need a road trip w/Jon? Give me your address again in a PM.

I've heard that the new law against text messaging in a car was originally called "Clay's Law".

Deifinition: PM's are just like text messaging but with a full sized keyboard and much more manly.

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there a lot of good info and help here. but in understanding water quality and how it really affects your tank there is a lot to know. do not use tap water. there are so many variables that affect every aspect of your aquarium, ph being the most followed by phosphates and nitrates. if you use tap water at all then this could easily be your problem. tap water changes daily based on underground run off if its well water and daily chemical needs/dosages if its city water. your ph is directly affected by your magnesium levels albeit not a huge ammount. if you are doing regular water changes like it sounds then its probably a reasonable assumption this is fine. if your corals are actually dying you should be registering ammonia! your ammonia test kit ok? also doing water changes in multiples meaning several a day can shock your system big time, doing lg water changes should mostly be avoided unless absolutely in emergency. sounds like your there right now. i cant stress enough to not use tap water. if theres metal, using a polyfilter will tell you overnight by turning black. it must be a true polyfilter and not the two color white/blue or basic nylon polyfilter like in a canister. what do you have in your canister?? change your carbon immediately and trace down each wire lead and plug for stray voltage like recommended. kalc water will absolutely smoke your aquarium if used while your ph is high or added to fast!! and i would follow wegotjs advice by keeping it simple. also check your lighting schedule, if on for too long can also give you a rise in ph. 8.8 is bad but shouldnt cause a crash by itself. mine yrs ago ran around 8.4 daily and when i dosed kalc it would swing to 8.6-8.8 if my reactor overshot causing some stress but no crash. keep in mind test kits go bad and are not always accurate. we all been here before, never the same circumstances, but it happens.

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Well Clay, Looks like we found the culprit! The PH meter was off. After checking with my two meters and re-calibration, the meter was set in the proper range. The PH was OK all along.PH not the problem.

The Dkh was at 16-17 pointing to a Ca uptake problem. Sure enough the Ca was under 300. As verification the hard corals were suffering and the softies doing OK.

The solution should be to lower Dkh and boost the Ca.

Checking the Alk and Ca two or three times a week will give you an idea of what you need to adjust.

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