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Fish stock list + what tang?


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Hey everyone, i considering what fish to keep in my 75, when and if i ever get it up lol.


I'd like 1 tang. My wife LOVES the purple tang, but recommended tank size is 100gal. I'm not gonna keep a heavy load of fish. The other option is a blue tang which also recommended 100gal. Kole would be fine, Tomini, or yellow. Personally i like the purple best too, but i think the Tomini is what i'm leaning toward since they are recommended for size 75 and up.


Other fish i will have:


Pair of percs

Flame angel (going in last)


and 1 or 2 other smaller fish. I'd like a blackcap basslet i think. Possibly a blenny as the other.


Let me know what you think

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There are a few wrasses that i like better than the 6line. I don't know if i will get a wrasse though, the last 6line i had jumped out of the tank after 3 hours.


So how about the tangs?? Anyone think i'd be ok with the purple tang? So far theres 1 vote for the Tomini!

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I don't know much about the tomini, the blue are nice, yellows are pretty aggresive, I have a naso but they get really big. Out of the three I would probably go with a blue tang, but before I got the naso I almost got a purple (I got one free from someone getting out, but it was in bad shape and didnt make it)


The only thing now.... I would take my Naso over any fish in my tank, he greets me when I come home and eats from my hand with the clown. Very cool fish. But you really cant have a naso in that tank, but a blue or purple would be nice.


LMB are good, wrasse are cool (maybe a scotts fairy or flasher), pearly jawfish are nice (Im partial since I have one) stay away from the blue spot though, maybe a pair of anthias (disbar, or sunset), or royal gramma (I dont care for them but they are fun to watch swim upside down and sideways)


I could go on forever... lol.

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i had a purple tank for like 4 yrs....RIP. rescued it from petco. skinny and malnourished. was showing LLE(lateral line erosion) .brought it back from near death to being strong and healthy...but this fish the whole time i possesed it never really stopped swimming...goodlord..the sucker would swim from one side to another in a 5 foot tank. it would only pause from "swimmin laps" to eat or if it thought i was going to feed...IMO i think they NEED at least a 5 ft mininum leghth tank....u might get a way with it as long as you take it out and take it for a walk to stetch its fins once in a while...lol.........but reefgeek brought up a good point, if u get a little guy i think youyll be safe for awhile if u PLAN on getting a longer tank

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I like the Orange Shoulder tangs. When they are young they are very yellow like a yellow tang, and when they get older they change completely with their back half being dark grey and their front half is a lighter grey and they have a huge orange outlined with purple spot on their shoulder, hence the name. They are reef safe too if thats where your goin. Hope this helps!

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I acquired a dejardinaii once with a used system i bought.....i made the mistake of putting him in my display and he killed a large and a medium brain in less than 3 days. He was the instigator of me figuring out the acrylic wall/6 horse shop vac method of erradicating a bad fish from your loaded tank without breaking it down.


ps-didnt hurt the fish....just a few supeficial scratches

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not hard i got a med one right now i had for about three weeks was going to be a new addition to my display but my yellow and purple would have killed it so had to remove id be willing to sell him pm if interested he's good and healthy like i said ben in my system almost a month eating flake food and anything else i put in.

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