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If you have japanese deepwater zoas, blue hornets/african blues


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Just wondering how they are doing for you? Did they melt yet? I'm seeing threads pop up all over about them melting just like the last batch that came in from the caribbean 18m ago or so. Kinda why I didn't jump on the train this time around.


Anyway lets see them if you still got em. Please post how long you've had them and flow/lighting or other care you are doing to keep them alive.



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I have them, at least those that have not sold. I have not lost any that I know of. Each frag that I made still had the same number of polyps from the time of making it to the time of sale.


I have had them for more than 3 weeks.


As for care, I have put them under super low light. I have them in two tanks. In my display they are in a 75g with a 6x54w TEK light. I started off with them under a ledge in the shade. Over the course of a week I slowly moved them out into the light. They are on the bottom of the tank on the sandbed.


In the other tank, a 40b with 8x39w TEK light. They started out on top of an eggcrate rack that put them about mid-range in the tank. After a week of having them, I also started hearing reports of them melting under too high of light. I moved about 2/3 of them to UNDER the frag rack. the 1/3 that was left on top of the rack is still doing fine. The part that is under the rack is also doing fine. Most polyps are open every day, and sometimes they are even open at night. Last weekend, I started movin the ones that were under the rack to the open space next to the rack on the bottom of the tank.


This last weekend I started feeding the tank with oyster eggs and arctipods. Before that I was feeding cyclops-eeze (the dry stuff that looks like bacon-bits) to the fish and silversides to the anemones that are in the tank.


I can take pics, but not until Wednesday evening. My camera is out of the country right now with the wife and kids.



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no pics, but I did manage to keep about 7 polyps out of the 30 original I received. The crabs ate many that were looking like they would survive. I did 4 days of a dip in a product called BiFuran, not furan2 but it is almost the same. I think I would have had better results but the zoas were in bad shape when I got them so I consider it a success since I thought they were all gonna die. They are now at the bottom of my tank (18" from 400w MH and 4 vho) and in low flow. They are nice and open now though.

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I have had a bit of all the above. I also experienced melt away on 2 different frags of blue hornets to 2 different sources. All under relatively low light (150w clip on MH). As for Japanese, I have had 6 different types with only 1 surviving. Deep water, I have lost all I have purchased. I do have a few actual blue hornets still alive as well as the "psuedo purple hornets" or AOI's to some, that are doing ok at best. I did send a few to Snowpunk's house and they seem to be doing fine there. Haven't seen a pic however (flame) not to mention any names (snowpunk)(whistle) but...so I really can't say(scratch). I do take his word for it though.;)


I have noticed that those who keep them under T5's seem to have better luck than those under MH. As of now I am refraining from purchasing, trading, or taking any of the above as payment for services.(sad)

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The deep water zoas are not the same as the african blues from the caribbean. I have had colonies for well over 6 months now without one single polyp melting.


I am aware of that and explained my experience with the deep waters. What kind of lighting do you have them under?

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The deep water zoas are not the same as the african blues from the caribbean. I have had colonies for well over 6 months now without one single polyp melting.


Yah i'm aware of that. I'm just looking at success rates for these particular morphs.


You must have been the very first one in the states to get those, and you are one of the very few that has not lost them all. I have read of people getting them from you and they melt away just like all the others though. Not sure what you are doing different. Spill the secrets Perry!!! (laugh)

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I would like to clerify that not one of my customers have ever lost any polyps due to any melting as you say. Maybe due to critters eating them but not from melting. If you know of any customers that have lost any frags they bought from me please let me know. I have never been contacted by anyone claiming a loss and believe me, they would have been screaming if that were the case. To my knowledge no one on this PNWMAS board has bought any off of me that have died. Can you provide links where you state you have read this about my customers? If there is an insinuation that my "ZOAS" have problems I would like to address them straight forward.


As far as the secret, I have made it very well known. It is a double quarentine that we do. They are dipped and quarantined with Furan2 once they hit my supplier and after one week they ship to me and we dip them again in ProCure from Tropic Marin.

Yah i'm aware of that. I'm just looking at success rates for these particular morphs.


You must have been the very first one in the states to get those, and you are one of the very few that has not lost them all. I have read of people getting them from you and they melt away just like all the others though. Not sure what you are doing different. Spill the secrets Perry!!! (laugh)

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To clear it up, the "African Blues" that Dennis has and that I have are not from the Caribbean. Theya re from Sri Lanka.


All of the "deep water" zoas that I have got from Perry have not melted. They are in similar conditions as Stylaster's zoos.

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I would also like to say, its not just the DW zoanthids. Last week one of the local Fish/Coral wholesalers received tons of beautiful zoas from Jakarta. And I mean out of this world. I bought many of the colonies and within 48 hours they were all mush. The following day I went back into the supplier to check his stock and many many of them were covered in the same webbing and turning to mush. It has nothing to do with the "TYPE" of zoa it is. It has everything to do with the collecting/harvesting practices and the timeline they ship the corals.

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I have some that are "melting" I was told they were deep water. Nice colors to start out though. All of my other zoe's are doing fine. Its just the ones I was told were deep water.


get some bifuran and I can tell you how I did my dips. it didn't save them all but it helped some...

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my experiences


I bought some "African Blues" from Dsoz and they are doing fine. I have them under low light per Dennis's recommendations. I also bought three colonies of Japanese Deep Water Zoas(not from oiab) about a month ago and I only have one colony left. First colony melted in the first couple days and the second colony melted just last week. The third colony that is still alive looks great.

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I bought some "African Blues" from Dsoz and they are doing fine. I have them under low light per Dennis's recommendations. I also bought three colonies of Japanese Deep Water Zoas(not from oiab) about a month ago and I only have one colony left. First colony melted in the first couple days and the second colony melted just last week. The third colony that is still alive looks great.

Thanks for clerifying...."NOT FROM OIAB" LOL

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I was talking to somebody a while back and they made the comment about how tiny the deep water zoa polyps were. I have a small colony from OIAB and they are not small. They are a nice size and pretty fat. I wonder if there are two different kinds of "deep water" zoanthids out and about. I know the zoas from the Solaman islands are teeny tiny things and they are very finicky.



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I was talking to somebody a while back and they made the comment about how tiny the deep water zoa polyps were. I have a small colony from OIAB and they are not small. They are a nice size and pretty fat. I wonder if there are two different kinds of "deep water" zoanthids out and about. I know the zoas from the Solaman islands are teeny tiny things and they are very finicky.



Yes, I have had those before. They are called Happy Samhains and they are beautiful.......but they too melt very fast.
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