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Everything posted by obrien.david.j

  1. The red goni in the lower left corner make an impressive statement.
  2. Sweet colors and great variety. What month will you be in town - Any chance you'll be in town March 16, to attend the club meeting at Brittany's (in Tillamook) and a tour of Whiskey Creek Hatchery?
  3. Took a couple of months to get in that state. I've been running it lowest flow for over a year, not clear what changed. But as @Eatfrenchfries pointed out, it's the biome - and I assume that means something just started to Grow. Goni is there specifically because I'd heard they like slightly swampy, back water lagoon settings too. So, I tried it. @SuncrestReef - this is your original Goni. It's been doing great! One detail, when I feed the tank, I specifically pour one cube of frozen brine shrimp into the tank right over the goni. as food settles... you can tell where it lands.
  4. The tank is full of red-slimy-crap. Canister filter generically makes sense, except... I don't think I want to take red slime, turn it into a milkshake, and hope canister filter cartridges catches it. It's only a 50g tank. I'll just scrape, and syphon up to all 50g - and then just refill it. I'll consider it part of an overall system water change. Thanks for the suggestions
  5. They look fantastic in your tank. And you’ve got room to let them grow Even Bigger!
  6. In general, this whole tank is a low flow area. So I'll have to turn some flow back on. I like your idea of a gyre. I'll put one on... After I syphon some crap out.
  7. Okay, Blue has been increased. Before adding flow, I'm going to syphon the red junk out.
  8. Unfortunately, the Kole is no longer with us. (I accidently hurt him about six months ago, while doing maint on the tank.) There are a pair of Bangaii in the tank. Okay, message heard. I realized, there's one more key difference between the two tanks. Light programming is different. I'd attempted to make the West tank more macro algae growth friendly. Chaeto and the (dragons breadth?) red macro in the basket. West tank is Red and White dominated, east tank is blue dominated. Thoughts on this direction?
  9. Talk about crazy differences. I have three tanks, all connected as one system via common sump. 250g Main display tank - heavy flow, sps dominated 50g East frag tank - heavy flow, sps dominated + other stuff 50g West frag tank - setup as slow water movement tank, for things that want a gentler env Today's discussion is about the West frag tank. It's turned into a cesspool of red yuck. The east and west frag tanks get the same inflow and outflow of water, from the sump, but have dramatically different recirculating within the tanks. Reaching out to @Eatfrenchfries to see if our resident expert has any ideas why yuck would live here, and not in the other two tanks. Is within tank water movement THIS much of a difference? Main Display East Frag Tank West Frag Tank
  10. Bit disappointed. My HI736 calibration check kit came in, ran it yesterday. Cal kit itself is for 100 +/- 10. That's Phosphate of 0.307 +/- 0.031. In general, I've been trying to keep phosphate in the 0.06-0.09 range. So the error alone on the cal solution is near the range I'm targeting. BTW, my checker was within cal solution range. Nothing wacky off. If anyone wants to check their HI736, cal set is easy to borrow - or just bring your tester (no vials needed) to the next club meeting, at Brittany's place in Tillamook, and I'll bring the cal set along. You can check your tester on the spot.
  11. Not NSI, but I've attended multiple Neptune get togethers at MACNA's over the years, and worked with them offline a few times.
  12. In the past 48hrs, I've received effectively the same (formatted) mail from Ecotech and Neptune. Both hinting there's new announcements/products coming out. If they announce (or show) something at Reefstock, will you report back here please. Post a photo of it.
  13. I keep a list of my three testers I've used regularly. So I can always spot check the exact number when ordering. My main three Hanna tests are: HI736, HI782, HI705 (silica, when I'm dosing it) I'll at least know it's off, and in what direction. I'm not a stickler for perfect numbers. I'm more of a directional trend person. (and I use ICP often enough, if I'm SUPER off, it can help me know that)
  14. When I setup my tank, I had access to 1/2" HDPE/SeaBoard, and used it as the surface between the tank and the metal stand. (instead of plywood). Not cheap, but fully drillable, cuttable, etc. Little googling leads me to HDPE, SeaBoard, StarBoard names. (I'll bet I have Marine Starboard) There is no way 1/2" would be needed for a controller board, etc. it's strong stuff. thinner would work
  15. Thanks for the reminder. Just got mine ordered. I use H736. Added it to an order of BenePets I needed. HI736-11 Phosphorus Calibration Check Set for HI736 Checker - Hanna Instruments 160g BeneReef Reef Food - BenePets
  16. Don't know why I've never done this before... But I searched "plastic pegboard" on both amazon.com and homedepot.come - and came up with multiple options.
  17. Looked the product up. At first, it looked great. Put standoffs behind it. slots could allow easy ziptie of components. Drill holes, shove some cords behind it... Then I looked at the material it's made from. Doesn't excite me. What's different between this and home depot pegboard. Is it the extra accessories that have you interested. Long term, I'm never happy with fiberboard around my tank. Especially when I'm likely to drill it. Main parts: Fiberboard, Acrylic paint
  18. I love this hobby. There are awesome products all over the place. I'd never heard of Reefboxx, but see the obviousness of it's use and value. 1. I see two manual switches in your setup. Did you add these, or they come with the setup? (got a link?) 2. Does it come with it's own power brick (to the wall), or do you re-use the brick that came with your pump? 3. I did some research, ReefBuilders did an article in 2022 when this product came out. https://reefbuilders.com/2022/09/27/reefboxx-is-a-new-affordable-battery-backup-for-dc-reef-gear/ 4. And the Reefboxx website says there's a version 2 coming out soon. Looks like it can natively handle 36v in, if desired. (that's three batteries in series). But the biggest selling point looks like it comes with Two outputs. I wonder if that means it needs a bigger input power brick? Very interesting product, especially for pumps that don't offer the ecotech back up power port directly. (which feels like basically, every other pump/power head out there)
  19. What's a "slide" for an XR30 (or XR15)? I've got bunch of them, but built my own mounting system. Just curious.
  20. I like Lou, and the tropic marin line of products. Met him at MACNA, in Orlando. Clearly knows his stuff, and as a bonus sent me home with double handfuls of products. I've been using the NP line of products for carbon dosing for ~1-2yrs. First NP-Elim (had high phos and nitrates), now NP-Balance (they're under control now).
  21. If you don't want to wait, and you're willing to use your own hose nipple, I've got the female slip and threaded version of this coupling.
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