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Posts posted by Bevo5

  1. Oh man, glad you guys made it back. Doesn't look bad at here yet, but jeeze - glad it all worked out.


    Enjoy the purple, and thanks for the kind words on the tank. Always a work in progress and I just see the problems...fun to get some outside opinions on it.


    BTW - Chevron is spoken for everyone. Thanks for playing.

    • Like 1
  2. What could possibly be a reason not to clean it? That's just a ton of waste breaking down and adding nitrates and phosphates to the rank. Maybe if you needed to keep nutrients higher? Otherwise that's a lot of waste that is never bein removed.


    Curious. Without socks do you see much junk in the water column? I'm thinking about going sickness for a month while I'm and out of town.

    • Like 2
  3. I picked both of these guys up at jeffs anniversary sell and they've been in qt ever since. Both got a copper treatment and are eating frozen and nori.


    I just don't think they're quite big enough to go in with my larger fish. My naso has been bullying everybody and this seems like a bad idea, although at the time of purchase it was a great idea!!


    So. $100 each is what I paid and that's pretty cheap for these. . Let's start there.

  4. Can't help you on price - but people are always looking for APEX stuff so you'll move it if you want to.


    You might also try one of the national forums as well. Plenty of great people here who need stuff, but no reason to not reach a largest target. You'll just have to ship.


    I'd try searching through reef2reef or something to find some common prices. My guess is that you'll end up making more off the individual pieces, but will maybe get a faster purchase if it's all in one at a reasonable price.

  5. Obviously there's a responsible, ethical way to manage the industry. The issue - as with everything - is how do you safeguard against the people who just don't care about your ethics or regulations? 


    We can say 'only x number of angels can be exported,' but that doesn't mean x number more aren't shipped illegally. IT also doesn't take into account the total number that are caught to cover losses before reaching that export number etc. 


    Add in truly nasty stuff like cyanide fishing and we all have to accept we're supporting a hobby that takes at least some toll on the reefs. Hopefully it's minimal and the fish we're mostly buying are extremely plentiful. My favorite fish - the Naso Tang - is listed as 'least concern,' so I feel decently OK taking care of them in a large, well-maintained tank. 


    That said - I don't think I'd feel ethically OK with purchasing a fish that was at all at risk in the wild. Whether or not I felt comfortable in keeping it alive and happy, I wouldn't want to be responsible to driving up demand on that particular species.


    Either way - it really annoys me when people treat fish loss so flippantly and just disregard the lives of these fish. The number of fish it took to get the one you got means that many, many fish have to die each time someone doesn't want to cycle a tank etc. If you don't care about valuing the life of a fish (which I suppose is fair...we eat a lot of fish), then at least stick to freshwater species, where they'll breed in motor oil.


    **Full Disclosure: I get all my fish at C&C and I imagine most are wild caught. I also spent 20 years with wild caught African Cichlids...to increase value of fry. So I'm absolutely not standing on a soap box.

    • Like 5
  6. That's something called crazing - and it's fairly common in acrylic tanks. I know this because I had to do a ton of research after my brand new 240 started crazing on all the seems within a month. That was bad.


    This doesn't seem that bad - and it's a weird spot to see it. Usually you get crazing from things moving under pressure - so the seems.  I don't know what forces would be pulling just that section. Are the seems all OK? Do you see any crazing around any joints?


    Generally speaking - most people think minimal crazing is nothing to be OVERLY worried about, but it means that something is being affected by the water pressure, which can't be good forever. Have you filled it before? How bad is the bow? Mine was bowing over 1/4"....crazy stuff.


    I drained that one and moved on.

    • Like 1
  7. That sucks man. Can you give us the details? Lots of heater questions come up and it's always good to hear about which ones go on the fritz. 


    What brand/size etc?


    Heaters are a mostly under-appreciated piece of equipment. If a light breaks it's no big deal and can be replaced fairly easily (obviously expensive). If a pump breaks the tank can probably go a few hours or more and as long as you toss another one in there's really no issue. But a heater that sticks on or doesn't come on at all can destroy a tank in no time....sucks.

  8. To me it's the same thing as putting them in the display. I am no expert but I imagine a lot of these bad guys end up in the water column at one point or another and once that happens it's just a matter of floating through a few baffles to a new home.


    I don't think you can call it a qt if it's sharing water. I suppose it's another layer stuff would have to get through, but I wouldn't sleep any better at night.

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