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Posts posted by Bevo5

  1. The other possible solution would be if someone has about 50 pounds of WELL ESTABLISHED live rock - base/sump rock whatever - that I could throw into the spare 180 and get it up to speed instantly. 


    I could see that working. I can fill up the 180 with about 100g of spare RODI I have on hand, then use tap (ugh) - let it spin around for 24hrs to dechlorinate since I can't use Prime given the copper coming. And then use the LR to filter and throw everyone in there for a couple months.

  2. This might be a long shot - but after about 6 months of having bouts of ick come and go in my 200g I’m thinking it’s time to just go fallow. 


    It’s really frustrating - but I had a trigger about 6 months ago that I didn’t have QT for (ugh) and he brought ick in the tank. Now, my tangs go in and out of having it. They’re doing ok, but I just QT’d some new fish and put them in the tank and a week later they got it…so it’s for sure still in my DT. Most of the fish never show any symptoms, but these new fish and the few tangs that have it - are getting worse.


    Problem is - I don’t have the filter capacity to set up a new big tank. Even though I do have a spare 180 in the garage, moving them into a brand new tank, with no established filtration seems like a disaster waiting to happen anyway. All of my LR has frags glued on it.


    So - this is a long shot.


    But I’m thinking maybe I could move the fish to someone else’s already set-up system and pay to rent out some space while I let the DT go fallow and copper the existing fish.


    I figured it was worth asking - if anybody has the tank space for something like this. I’d obviously pay for the time and help.



  3. The 5k must be for the tank itself, right? Even then that might on the low side. We're talking big pieces of glass here - and it's going to be heavy. Very heavy. I think I paid like 1700 for my 200g with just regular 1/2 sides. 


    Stand, lights, pumps, heaters, SALT!, rock - I think 15k is more likely. 


    I agree with others - do it for 5k and share every detail because we're all going to copy you! You'll be a hero!

  4. I just set up the 200ish. I love the freedom to add (fairly) large fish and not have to make each and every fish choice such a thought out affair. 


    Downside is - yeah - money sucks. Probably spending a couple hundred a month on electric, cooling, salt and RODI usage. But whatever...it's fun.


    Money is only good if you spend it.

  5. I'm currently putting a few new fish through QT in my Biocube 29. I have a super awesome harlequin tusk that is just awesome, a large flame angel and a midas blenny. All from Jeff. 


    Everyone is doing great but the flame angel is just absolutely terrorizing the harlequin. I was letting it go in hopes that they would settle things and learn to coexist but the harlequin was just pacing nonstop and finally tonight wouldn't come down from a top corner. So that's not good.


    Then I raided my supplies bin and found an old net/eggcrate top that somehow magically fits at a perfect angle across the tank. So I toss it in and boom - both fish are just swimming around their respective halves. (The midas doesn't bother anyone and doesn't seem to be bothered at all).




    Harlequin has been down and swimming around much more normally. Angel is pissed off pacing trying to get at him. All good.


    BUT - I think I have to take the flame back and exchange for a new one. This one is just too mean. I can't put him in the 200...I'll never get him out.


    Anyway - problem solving is 99.9% of this hobby and i was proud of myself so I felt like sharing. Normally it's just something I did that's dumb.

    • Like 4
  6. Get that coral coverage in writing! Even though I bet there's a heck of a disclaimer at the bottom that says the policy underwriter can overrule local agents who make mistakes. If you put in a claim for $2000 in corals I'm sure someone is going to start looking up what that means and realize they're not house plants! 

    But hey! If not - that's great news for all of us.


    Now if they would just cover SPS for KH swings.

    • Like 1
  7. You can't really insure the livestock - well let me rephrase that. Unless you go to someone like Lloyd's Of London - who will figure out a way to insure just about anything - you wont find insurance for the fish/corals.


    What you can insure is the water damage that happens if it were to explode. They treat an aquarium like an appliance...same as your hot water heater or washing machine. If it breaks, you can claim the water insurance. But you can't claim the tank or inhabitants.


    I have tried many times. I even had my new home insurance specifically write that water damage from the aquarium is covered....even if it's a faulty pipe fitting etc. But as far as insurance on the fish/corals - that, in my experience of calling like 10 companies, isn't going to happen.


    Now your renters or home owners insurance should 100% cover the equipment being stolen and stuff like that. If someone walks in and jacks your Radions - you can certainly claim those. Renter's insurance is like $100 in most cases for pretty good coverage. 


    I'm absolutely no expert....

    • Like 2
  8. I'm having trouble with the site letting me send a PM.


    How big is he? About 5in or so?


    How long have you had him?


    Where are you located?


    I've got a 200g with a small yellow in there now. I need to figure out if I'm OK with a war breaking out. Getting the yellow out just wont be easy.

    • Like 1
  9. I've got a 180 black trimmed Aqueon and black pine stand. Tops and lights (two dual-tube florescent). I also have 100+ pounds of aragonite. Was a cichlid tank before. Not drilled. Was up for a year and has been empty for two (since I moved to Portland and bought a 200g reef tank)


    I also have an EHEIM 2262 you could use to filter it.


    I'm wanting $400 for the tank setup plus another $200 for the filter. let me know if you're interested. I'll have to think about it a bit as I'm also kind of toying with A) keeping it around for a large hospital in case I ever have to go fallow and/or B) setting it up as a Tanganyikan tank for fronts and tricoti. But I'm fairly certain the wife would be non-plussed with that idea.


    What kind of cichlids are you wanting to keep? I love chatting cichlids - finally a fish-related subject I might know more about than most people on this site!!!

  10. Yeah it's a massive upgrade. Now, there's really no reason to buy the gold package unless you know for a fact you want all of those modules. 


    I had a junior and bought a gold just so I could add more modules, and now this update makes that pointless. OH well - I don't mind have the 2nd one on monitoring my QT tank, but it would not have been so important had I known this was happening.

    • Like 1
  11. Can the rise in TDS possibly be attributed to something leaching in from the container? Would that register?


    I have a 45g Brute full of pure RODI at all times - and a 45g Brute full of mixed SW at all times. I use about 35g weekly, so I guess there's always some water that ends up sitting for longer...although I have pumps keeping things stirred once it's mixed. I've got a little brown algae growing in my SW container but otherwise, I haven't notice any ill effects. 

  12. Man, I wish Apex would make a wireless bridge. There are plenty of good options, but nothing like spending $200 on an APEX module you don't need.


    I use the Netgear bridges. They work OK. One is rock solid but I have another that loses connection like 15 times a day. It always pops back on after a few seconds, but there is an absolute guarantee it won't be connected when I want to turn pumps on/off for a water change or something. But always comes back.


    I tried the electric socket ones and they worked great. My house is just on too many circuits - so the tank and router can't be connected that way.


    Anyway - Netgear is the way to go. Everyone uses 'em. Order off Amazon and you can get a refurbed one pretty cheap.

  13. Man - that sucks. 


    The tank cracked down the front panel? That's rough - I wonder if a rock slide or something caused it? 


    I don't know how big the tank was (and thus how much water we're talking about), but I had EXTENSIVE conversations with my home owners insurance company about covering water damage from the tank exploding and everybody I spoke to said it would be covered completely. They wont replace the tank or the inhabitants, but technically it's no different than a washing machine breaking or a hot water heater. They said it's treated as flooding from an appliance and that's covered.


    Might not be worth the increase in your policy rate, but if we're talking 10k worth of damage, it's something to look into. 

    • Like 5
  14. How far of a move is it? 


    I did a quick (five blocks) move of my biocube a while back and I left the sand in there. I really wish I hadn't, as it's impossible to not stir up all kinds of junk. Fish and corals were fine, but it was just gross. 


    I'm no expert - but - a good majority of your bio capacity is in the rock anyway right? Might as well start fresh with new sand then add water then rocks. 


    As long as it's a quick move your rock isn't going to have any die off - just fill up some five gallon buckets with water and move it over. Pick up a Seachem ammonia alert if you want to be on the safe side. They're not 100% accurate all the time, but they can tip you off if ammonia is building up.


    Keep some spare water mixed and warm for the first week and you'll be fine.

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