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Posts posted by milesmiles902

  1. Here are the rules:
    • One photo entry per person
    • Pic has to be taken by YOU
    • Must be in by the posted deadline
    • Must follow subject guidelines for the month
    Winners will be determined based on voting poll results after submission deadline.   
    This months subject:

    Anything with half the image being a Sand Bed!!!

    Show me some great shots of your front view.  All of that hard work you put into your tanks!!  I know there are a whole bunch of amazing tanks out there!!  show them off!


    I am going to try to be better on this one.

    June 31th  @ 9 pm  PST

    Voting will happen from the 1st till the 4rd of August.

  2. On 6/27/2017 at 2:15 PM, Aznbala said:

    Hi I like to visit the local fish stores and just look around. I cannot buy anything because my house is not ready for one atm. Is it bad to visit all the stores a couple times a month just browsing?  Anyone else do this?

    To be honest, I think a lot of LFS owners enjoy frequent customers. You just have to play nice.

    I think the things you shouldn't do are:

    1. Not reach hands in tanks
    2. Not catch your own fish and coral
    3. Not ask if you can get the best friends deal on equipment.
    4. Definitely  hog the owner with questions.
    5. Definitely tell the aquarium store owner they are wrong. You read it on a forum.
    • Like 1
  3. 31 minutes ago, Exodus said:

    I say AC, had this same question a couple years ago, then again the Window AC wasn't doing an adequate job. This is when I learned about HP & BTU but needless it stacked up like this :

    buy a chiller  = increased power bill, Fish happy!
    purchasing a larger AC unit = increased power bill, happy fish, happy family, happy dog!

    The benefits of the AC unit far outweighed the chiller, so went with a 14,000 BTU Floor unit and everyone has been happy 2 summers in a row :)

    Also, you don't have an AC fighting against a chiller. Rarely have I ever seen a chiller placed in an outside area.

  4. What type of temperatures are we talking? What's the lighting situation?

    Ultimately, AC is the way to go. Although, on a small tank like that a chiller wouldn't be a bad idea. Get one used.

  5. 55 minutes ago, Paratore said:

    Here are a few photos of coral I've got for trade. I have more not pictures, so if your interested so just PM with a color request and I'll see what I can do. Not all WYSIWYG but I can promise they look just as good. :)

    I'm interested in trades for other zoas, bubble tip anemones and Ritteri anemones!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Those are some good photos.

  6. 9 hours ago, pdxmonkeyboy said:

    The biggest thing with rimless.. you make an absolute mess when you clean the glass. Water is always sloshing out

    Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

    I think that depends on the water level and the overflow. 

    I really don't have issues and it's about 3/4" from the top.

    ...Unless I go crazy with the magnetic scraper. You just have to be slower.

  7. 9 hours ago, Higher Thinking said:

    Ammonium nitrate is the problem child from the fertilizer group (think OKC).

    100%. Ammonium or Nitrate compounds will put you on a list.

    Each of them are bad places to be.

  8. 6 hours ago, nanoreefer17 said:



    That type of thing was happening to my 75 gallon stand (wish I could show you pics, but I am out of the country). To fix it, I ended up buying some clamps and sheet rock nails and put them in two on each side perpendicular to each other. Then I went and bought some gorilla glue and sealed the inside. 

    Haven't had a problem since.

  9. 2 hours ago, Sasquatch said:

    I won't hit a few watch lists after I order it?   

    Potassium chloride isn't regulated. People use it as water conditioners all the time, just like Calcium chloride.


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