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Posts posted by milesmiles902

  1. Albertareef has it right. Do it quickly and be prepared. You'd be surprised what can happen when you are moving a little piece of the ocean.

    I have moved a 29/75 gallon tanks before and it is a pretty straightforward process, but nerve racking. If it is within the same town and during the summer, I don't think you will have to worry about temperature issues. 

    All I did was, 

    1. Make sure the location the tank is going is ready to go. I.e. doorways cleared, 20% fresh saltwater up to temp (with extra, just in case), extra buckets, pre-washed sand, multiple power strips etc.
    2. Drain old tank and put livestock in labeled buckets and separated appropriately. In my experience, I've had more fish die than corals in moving because of stress. So, I'd catch the fish last and it's easier to net them with there is 6 inch of water left.
    3. The sand is a pain because it is full of detritus. I've always replaced at least 50% of the sand and kept some of the top layer for the bacteria. Then thrown the rest in another bucket with water to sift for inverts after I re-setup the tank.
    4. Transport tank to new location.
    5. Setup tank, put pre-washed sand in, add a little old sand, put the rock in with coral and lastly, add the fish.

    I bet you could do the move in two-four hours. If you need any help, let me know. I am close enough to Salem that it wouldn't be an issue. 

    • Like 2
  2. Here are the rules:
    • One photo entry per person
    • Pic has to be taken by YOU
    • Must be in by the posted deadline
    • Must follow subject guidelines for the month
    Winners will be determined based on voting poll results after submission deadline.   
    This months subject:

    Symbiosis of at least two critters. 

    I'm going to be strict for this POTM. Please make sure it is at least two critters that are working together for the greater cause. Not two fish feeding, not a starfish on a snail and definitely not bristle-worms eating leftovers. Real symbiosis.

    You will be disqualified otherwise.


    I am going to try to be better on this one.

    September 1st 

  3. 1 hour ago, Exodus said:

    I have always used imgur, i just upload a ton of pics and use the direct links, if its something for a forum you will forget about and just a 1 shot without needing user account there is tinypic as well


    Google drive will also do it now too.

  4. 18 hours ago, danlu_gt said:

    Thanks for sharing.. very interesting info on Dose tab.   Can you share you tank pics too?  

    Link to English version.

    Is you tank heavy SPS or softies or mix?  How are your coral health?  Are you plan to dose Iodine, Strontium, and/or Boron?

    I'm not sure on the price, but I wonder if this is comparable: http://mass-spec.science.oregonstate.edu/content/services

    I am certain it would give you the same results. They could probably even do amino acid concentration in saltwater. I know they already do it in drinking water.

  5. Wait, side note: This got me thinking, I wonder if the growth of coral polyps compensates for the growth of surface area. Essentially, they would be linear to each other, but individually exponential...

    Either way, consumption is exponential.

  6. Is dKH drop linear?

    Answer: As with any population growth is almost always exponential and their resource consumption grows at a similar rate. Even more so with corals because their population grows with surface area, which is also an exponential process.

  7. I don't know, but maybe it's just me. I can never find a turkey baster with enough pressure behind it to do a good job or they leak bubbles when squeezed.

    Every so often, I will scrub my rocks with a toothbrush. Sure it may kill the worms living on the rocks, but it sure clears any detritus and they look squeaky clean. 

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