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Everything posted by Sasquatch

  1. whats above the Fire and Ice? Looks like they will be just fine
  2. I thought they squeezed the fishes swim bladders to help decompress them on the way up.. they looked like dead floaters, but I saw a Candy Basslet.. oh such a sweet looking fish
  3. leave them alone if they're peaking open.. as long as your other zoas on the frag rack are not reaching to much to the light it should be fine.. just run all blues if possible to let the zoas adjust more.. its your choice really
  4. More.. show us more!.. I just wanna see the different kinds of species they find
  5. sps may absorb and grow over the sand.. just my zoas dont like their matte buried in sand as it may cause it to melt away.. In a normal reef the random surges of flow will help peel off the brown old skin but in a tank you must blast it away.. once it peels away it will be like a snake shedding its skin to be shiny and new. If they are opening some, just give them time to open up all the way.. Dont constantly move them so they have to readjust, but maybe do a day or two of all blues with no white and they will start to open more.. mine played that game for more than a week (And it doesn't hurt to do a water change if its been a while.. and change that filter floss)
  6. it shows we can work together as a community to preform some good will in the world
  7. Maybe more light if not much is hitting the frag rack.. But if your other fragged Zoas are doing fine.. Then the best thing to do is leave it.. And blow it off with a pipette every day.. Maybe it will shed its skin, but don't let it build up a brownish stuff.. It will open again or melt in 2 days
  8. I have a Nuvo 8 and got an Eheim 600.. $25 It's adjustable and at the highest setting its 125 gph I think.. But my zoas are fine with the lowest setting cause that's what my fish like.. Very low flow. Sps may want more You could go with a maxi jet 900 I think it is.. Plenty of flow there but no adjusting
  9. I run mine from 8:30 - 11 pm.. mine do fine.. Even at night with 1 royal blue for a moon light the zoas at the top never close.. idk if its good but they are growing new heads But I do majority of blues.. 30-40 blues and 10 whites.. Some days I give them a break and have only strong blues all day with no white.. they like the blue My Fruit loops are pretty low and kinda in shade.. and they didnt open for 3-4 days for me.. if they are partially open then its a good sign they are adjusting.. try lower but in direct light and not full shade.. dont let them get buried in sand though..
  10. they also call them Rainsfordi Gobies.. they had some at World of Wet pets right now I believe.. or petco even had one when I went last.. maybe a $20-30 fish at some places I liked mine a lot.. Ocean in a Box has a really awesome Flaming Prawn goby in for $150.. Timmylucas has a great video of it
  11. Even though they're easily everyone's first coral.. I also love some GSP and xenia.. GsP is like grass on your lawn.. It's better covered then just dirt, and what a neon green it shimmers
  12. clown acne? or he is trying out for a new role in the upcoming batman movie... what a joker
  13. they have an app for that, or did where you download monthly issues for free
  14. give him beads or fake jewels.. he just wants some bling for his hat
  15. I tried some small frozen food we had in the freezer.. its probably cyclopese or something just as small, red, and tiny bits of food. It has fallen by his face and he swam away.. or he nipped at a flake and spit it. at least I know I have one fish that survives, the other will be hungry enough to eat some day.. Also tried nori, flakes, pellets, mysis, and next will be brine.
  16. if you got any other uggos in the tank. I got some extra zoas along with some nipples if you want them.. I'll take just about anything if I dont have it already
  17. That's how I feel about eagle eyes, radioactive dragon eyes. Gorilla nipples, cherry charms, and toxic green palys.. They can stay in the shade and melt for all I care.. To common and bland, but I gotta have a single polyp to count towards my total morphs
  18. So how long have you had a fish go missing? Just to show up when you least expect it. This guy has been gone for 3 weeks now.. The first fish I put in the tank and never seen him again.. He is lurking underneath the big rock and never comes out He is one of these I'm glad he is alive, now I have a clown goby that doesn't seem to be eating, and another goby that hides every hour of the day never to be seen.. At least my sexy shrimp dance for me
  19. I would say the other two frags are smaller and pressed to the plug.. maybe move them all down or lower the lights power.. They should be big and round and maybe stand up off the plug a bit.. That's a good height.. Or if they reach to far and look like dandelion stalks its to low or to soft of light.. You dont want to bake them under the lights if they're small.. they may never open again
  20. good luck fragging them.. I would recommend making a few extras so you have back ups if the mother melts on ya.. razor blade in between the polyps before and crack the rock in between.. Or crack the rock and see where it spreads and split up between the polyps in the crack.. once split in half.. angle your bone/wire cutters outside the polyp on one side.. and the other under it halfway down below the polp. it should lift right off with a small bit of rock under the polyp.. perfect single frag you cut off the matte of the joining polyps
  21. Im going to be tied up with work tomorrow till 6.. But if anyone wants to hold a frag for me till I can meet you I'd love some Jadams
  22. But the bristly ones can hide in the rocks too..
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