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Everything posted by ChevApache58

  1. Hello! Does anyone have any Chaeto they’d like to trim out of their sump? Need to refill mine. Thanks.
  2. Hey do you have anymore you’d like to get rid of? I need some!
  3. Hi, I have a large rock covered in blue/teal mushrooms for sale or trade. $20 obo. Trade for wavemakers, heater, other corals, fish, or anything else cool.
  4. Where are you located? I’ll take it? Is it in your sumo cause you were having issues with it?
  5. Yeah let me know please! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. I have a good sized rock covered in blue polyps and teal striped mushrooms that I’m wanting to move out to open up some space, anyone interested? I’d trade for other corals or if anyone wants to buy it, $30. I’ve also got a smaller rock with just blue polyps on it if someone wanted that. $10 or trade. I also need some random equipment that I’d trade for. Back up heater, wave makers, Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Just pm’d you for the powder brown. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Not a problem, the main colony is getting too big for my tank, if you ever want a frag let me know. I’m up for trading for anything I don’t have and if you just wanted to buy one that’s always an option as well! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. $10 $15 $20 depending on the size. Maybe more of someone wants a larger piece. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. I have some red planet sps and tri color frags if you want either of those? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Are the yellow rics for sale? I will take those? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. These are still available and I need to make some room! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Looks like your response was edited out, are you still wanting a frag?
  14. I’d have to actually measure to be sure but probably $200-$250
  15. Man I really haven’t thought about selling the whole colony. These pictures are old it has grown out quite a bit, it’s over a foot in total length now. I have no idea what to price the whole colony at, it has to be worth $300-$400 with the size it is. I have been thinking about trimming it down to half the size because it is shadowing other items below. If I did this, I’d trim the main shelf on the left, it’s probably 8-9” x 6-7” across the top.
  16. I have some nice Red Planet, tricolor acro (I’m pretty sure it’s tricolor but could be wrong). Only other items I could trade are orange and green bubble tips.
  17. I have one of each color available! Open to trades.
  18. This is still available and it’s getting huge! I can send updated pictures if interested. I’m going to start fragging this piece soon as it’s turning into its own colony! Still open to trades!
  19. Interested in any type of trading?
  20. I have a green one really easy to get out right now! Someone take it!
  21. Other sps frags, umas, I'm pretty open on trades just as long as it's something I do not already have.
  22. Bumping this, still available and getting big!
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