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Everything posted by Drew

  1. Do not put your hands in the tank if they are dirty, have open wounds or you just washed using heavy soap.
  2. That shrimp has class 8)
  3. Let me know where i can sign up for internet that has 0ms response time.
  4. Packet lose and hops seem to be the issue for some people here. Also after doing a quick geeky lookup found out the site host is in Orlando, FL. Not a very good place for a hosting company IMAO. edit: IAP is a good bet also as mentioned above
  5. I haven't used an Apple in years but this article should help you http://www.thewwwblog.com/how-to-run-a-traceroute-in-mac-os-x.html
  6. fine. Each ISP is unique on what servers your requests are sent. When you connect to anything on the internet your request is sent to multiple destinations until it reaches what your going for. An example would be to open a "cmd" window and type "tracert pnwmas.org". It shows the hopes between servers and how long it takes. Sounds like most everyone having issues is using Comcast or a sister company (on same servers). It could be a DNS issue amoung a few ISPs. Im sure someone else can explain this better... i just know these things, just not good at explaining them. I ran game servers for years and delt with these issues first hand many times.
  7. Just had a thought... has anyone tried using Google DNS that has experienced any slow responses? Not only is it faster, but its more secure: http://code.google.com/speed/public-dns/ I even use it on my android phone.
  8. i still think its ISP related... but no one listens to someone that built 1000+ sites.
  9. i wanted two days before i sent an email :\
  10. You need to tape that lol
  11. My local dollar store sells gel super glue that works pretty good. I dont even have dry off the frags or plugs. I try to do it above the tank and close to the water so the frag isnt out very long. Once the glue hits the water it sets up pretty quick.
  12. Without anything on the back now it kind of looks like two tanks... almost looks like a mirror at times. Im thinking of a lighter color to reflect light back in until the tank gets some coralline going on.
  13. When we move i was going to paint it since its away from the wall and empty. I thought using blue was better since it reflects more light back in?
  14. Right now i don't have anything on the back of my tank so I'm losing a bunch of light. I'm moving very soon and was thinking about just painting the back. Does anyone have experience or what kind of paint would work best considering the high moister and salt? What about color?
  15. Does being nude in the same room qualify for being in the club? lol
  16. Thanks for the offer Jon. I think Katrina is going to give you a call (if she hasnt already).
  17. I have a skimmer/refug on the tank.. CPR hang on. Just not carbon filtration hooked up. I may have to make a rubbermaid sump tonight.
  18. Not as clear as normal... so i dunno. I did notice things closing up more than normal last night... they are back out today. Going to try and get a few tests done (i don't have many).
  19. An anemone disappeared about 2 days ago. Started walking around. Today my Yellow Tang was found dead along with a chrome. My sump isn't here yet and i don't have any carbon/phos filtration tell i get it... i gave away all my hang on backs ages ago... I don't want to start losing more livestock... making up water right now for a couple of water changes. does anyone have a filter, larger skimmer or empty sump i can borrow for a few days to clear up my tank? Give me a call 729-1618 r.i.p. yellow tang
  20. Still got it. Moving soon so i need them gone a.s.a.p. Can ship if you pay shipping.
  21. Holly super cucumber! Quick info: When i changed two weeks ago i made up a quick 10 gallon sump with just rocks and filter media to filter out heavy stuff for a day or two. About 2 weeks ago i disconnected it and left it to sit. Today while sitting on the couch bored out of my mind so decided to take that tank and setup a nano to cycle some dry crushed corl ive had in a bucket for over a year (for next project). While moving around the rocks i found my forgotten about Tiger Tail cucumber! Water was pretty cold, my guess room temp (around 70f) and tank had prob 5 gal of water with zero flow for 2 weeks. I can not believe he survived! holly cow (rock2) edit: he is currently sitting in a small container acclimating to main tank.
  22. I was in home depot about 2 weeks ago and i found out my LFS had it cheaper :o
  23. What kind of clean up crew do you have?
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