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Everything posted by Hozer21

  1. this is a good lighting fixture for sure and a heck of a deal
  2. I hear you on the whole (wife) thing but put me down for this just let me know when you need the money thx
  3. I have felt that giving up this hobby would be great a couple time in the past 4 years because I couldn't grow any sps's or keep them alive and then when u loose a fish and u think of how much money u spent on it (flame) I can't tell how much $$ I spent on fish over the years & sps I hate them so bad but dam they r nice corals (laugh) & I can't give that up (laugh) but I feel ur pain
  4. Hozer21

    Clowny question

    I really don't know but thats pretty cool . I have a True Perc with a False Perc and they are doing the same
  5. Yeah Jeff is a good guy and that's for sure he is always looking for something new
  6. Well it's looking good and love the stand and the lovely fish room
  7. I got this a week ago and it's doing great (clap) & it has great color light blue with purple tips. When I saw it I knew I had to buy it (whistle) Good thing my (wife) wasn't with me lol(laugh)(laugh) & I got it from the Aquarium in oregon city but anyways here are 2 pics one with my blue PC & one with my MH & PC
  8. Well all in all it's looking good man keep us updated
  9. Hey if u can't make up there tomorrow I could pick them up for u and I could drop them off for u or meet u some where since I live in milwauike & I'm making my way up to oiab tomorrow & if it works for u Ryan
  10. I was bored and surfing the web while I help my son with his valentines stuff for school and I happen to go on ebay and found this (drooler)(drooler)(drooler) http://cgi.ebay.com/Live-Coral-Collector-Edition-Rare-Amazing-Chalice-/130484546579?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1e617c2c13#ht_2789wt_907 Man if I had the money(sad) to get this it would be awesome (clap) (scratch)Maybe a group buy (laugh)(laugh)lol but anyways thought I would share
  11. (sad) man that sucks . I'm sorry to hear about the cla It looked pretty cool .
  12. Wow thats is so crazy but the lighting looked alot better With the LEDs
  13. Yeah wrasses are good at scaring you like that
  14. They all look very good Roy and they look awesome in person & some of those pic's don't do some of those justice
  15. Well not at first (laugh)(laugh) but then she notice that little man likes his fish tank (whistle) so now she not that (flame) about lol (laugh)
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