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Posts posted by AC-k3v

  1. Love the purple finger pic! lol


    I have the opposite problem with my pics, but i use white eggcrate. The white reflects too much light and my pics look washed out. Nobody local carries black here and its not worth it to ship it. :(

  2. unless you do a trade with him and purposly get sent bleached corals then says he'll make it right and never hear from him again yep great guy lol.


    Your experience is very different than mine. I would be a bit angry in your position. Though it would be hard for me to know if he sent bleached corals to me on purpose. You make it sound like he was out to get you. Is/Was there something personal between the two of you prior to the trade?




    Now I just need to get some more rock, I need BIG pieces, dry or live doesn't matter lol.


    I'm heading to a spot where there are usually storm pieces that wash up. If i see any nice lightweight porous pieces i will grab them for you.


    They will be dead, and probably dirty. Clean them up and they should be alright. I use them in my tank. Ground shipping shouldn't be that much.



    • Like 1
  4. Guys & Gals, i apologize for not getting the information to you on written testimonies. My source wasn't able to provide me the info to pass on.


    Good News though!


    Oahu City Council voted unanimously to amend the proposed package and remove the aquarium language. Snorkel Bob sent over a representative to oppose the amendment, but one against 25 did not work in Bob's favor.


    The next issue is that all counties of the state have to agree on this package being presented. This means that Maui, Kauai, & Big Island have to agree to remove this language. Keep in mind the other three counties have already passed the package with the language.


    There is another meeting on Dec. 13th on Oahu. The other counties will be present. It's not over yet, but we are getting close.



  5. I will get the proper information for those that want to submit a written testimony to help us out.


    I urge all that love their aquariums, believe in regulation rather than ban, and those here that send divers to Hawaii to do your business (yes, that's you nanoreef hehe) please just put something in writing. Even if it is just a note to say you oppose this bill.


    Please help us "Stop The Lies". Also please listen to that radio broadcast of snorkel Bob so you can see what we are dealing with.


    It is actually quite amusing to listen to his confident speak turn quickly into defense when asked about data.


    This is an emotional topics for many of us here. Please don't take any offense to anything i have or may post. I apologize if i have offended already. It is very hard to present emotion an text and sometime these posts are a way for me to vent.




  6. In case you don't like to click links...


    Do we have enough information here? Are fish being overcaught? I know that stoney coral is already protected in Hawaii.


    That is the problem here in Hawaii. Though i don't think i only speak for myself, this is my opinion... I have no problem with regulation and limits. Just show me the data. No one, including the state or Bob has furnished any. Instead we are getting statements from Bob like "All fish die within the first year in an aquarium." Now when he spews that information over public radio or his letters posted on the sea shepard website, most are going to take his words for fact.


    Bob is only looking out for his own best interests. His tourism snorkel business. [start sarcasm] But we all know leaky boat engines, anchors, tourist standing on or sitting on the reef, breaking pieces off, oil slicks from sun tan lotion, etc... have no impact on the reef. No need to mention overpopulation of these islands, run-off, commercial fishing, or the 40 million gallons of raw sewage dumped in the ocean a few years back. Nope, none of that matters, its the aquarium collectors that are killing the reefs. [end sarcasm]


    If you got some time to kill, here is Bob's interview on public radio:


    Town Square - November 11, 2010 | HawaiiPublicRadio.org



    Although I can see how there is good in both of them...over collection is an issue.


    To be honest, (and no offense is meant to anyone in the industry in the state of hawaii) but our nation has a treasure in that island. It is best left alone.


    It is amazing with the way people fish out there that there is anything left.


    Is some collection reasonable? Yes.


    Should it be highly regulated? Most likely.


    Conservation is never a bad thing, and snorkel bob has dedicated his life to that. Hard to hate on the guy. He just wants his hawaiian reefs to be there for the next generation to enjoy.


    No offense taken, so please don't take any in mine.


    Let me reiterate what i said in an earlier post:


    Though i don't think i only speak for myself, this is my opinion... I have no problem with regulation and limits. Just show me the data. No one, including the state or Bob has furnished any.


    Mostall of the opposition today has no problem with regulation, if needed. There have been seven "drops" of yellow tangs this year. Its comments like you made that have no weight to back them up.


    "It is amazing with the way people fish out there that there is anything left."


    What facts do you have to come to this conclusion? Compared to what? Other areas? Compared to the numbers in the wild? Show me some data.


    Personally, I'm not going to take your word for it. When is the last time you were here on these boats or collecting? I'm more apt to listen to the collectors that are in these waters every day. Those that make a living doing this, that feed their families doing this, and the businesses that have been handed down 3 generations that are collecting.


    Snorkel Bob has dedicated his live to shutting down the aquarium industry in Hawaii. The words came out of his mouth in the interview i posted earlier. Snorkel Bob's only motive is to cash in on his tourism business and nothing more. One greedy man with an obvious agenda trying to cripple the livelihoods of many families and families to come.


    This bill, if passed will turn my 4 year old daughter into a criminal. The same little girl who's eyes light up when i tell her we are going to the tide pools. The little girl with a small net, a bucket, and the biggest smile you could ever see... a criminal.


    This bill is not regulation.



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  7. so I guess the better question is what does hawaii think about this bill it is their fish so if they are cool with it than that should be all that matters....who are we to make that decision for them


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    So kevin....what do the people of hawaii think


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    This is a very emotional situation for the people in Hawaii. This bill is not regulation, it is an all out ban. This violates more than just an aquarium. This violates the Hawaiian culture, this violates the livelyhood of business handed down through generations, this violates the livelyhood of 100's of families.


    Take a look at this thread:




    There are two good responses. One from myself and one from Les at wet pets Hawaii. You can see first hand the emotion and impact this has on the people of this islands.


    Here is another response on our local aquarium forum.


    Another bill has been cleverly introduced and temporarity saved by those who showed up and gave testimony against the bill....if the Hawaii Tropical Fish Association members did not rally together along with a few other people...and testify against the bill ...we would have got stone walled on monday morning and this bill would have been passed


    .....meaning everyone in Hawaii will be banned from catching and collecting all Herbavores...which is mostly every aquarium and food fish we have(including bait fish such as oama for those fisherman out there)....I am proud to say that I am a member of the Hawaii Tropical Fish Association because these bunch of guys really care and work hard keep our aquarium/fishing insustry open. Matt and Randy have my highest respect for working extremely hard for all of us it's a full time job on top of their full time jobs if you know what I mean..........


    Thank you to Kevin for also taking the time to show up and testify and Alex (a part time diver) that cared enough about all of us and our industry....Also a special thanks to Tony for also being an important person to our fishing industry...and mr. kelly for flying all the way from the big island to testify(if this collector could fly here to testify we all have no excuses not to show and defend what we all love)... we also had a shore caster there to testify..who does not have an aquarium but deeply cares for our sustainable resources...I think his name was Brian....thanks Brother!!!


    We each had 3 minutes each to put in our testimony....we were able to convice the majority of the council members not to pass the bill. They could not kill the bill becasuse it was cleverly placed as a part of a legislative package with numerous other bills pertaining to important city issues that needed to be address...killing the bill would mean killing all the bills in the package....the next hearing is coming soon and

    everyone and their mothers should show up and make a big huge statement that we will not go down quietly...like what happened to those 2 divers in Maui who were shut down...


    I feel bad for those guys who are out of work they happened to be on the wrong island where the biggest supporters of the aquarium bill are....there needs to be a friggen long line of people that opposes the aquarium bill at the next hearing long enough to keep politicians sitting there for hours listening to our side of the story and get the truth heard...everyone!!! wholesale businesses,commercial divers,retail businesses,pet stores,hobbyist,and even guys who fish and eat seafood Im telling you if this bill passes it will be nasty for our economy and a blow to our ocean user culture in Hawaii...

  8. I guess I don't see where this is protecting our hobby. Seems that if we can't collect fish fom hawaii than we just can't get those fish. I don't see where that affects my tank or hobby. I don't think I have a single fish from hawaii


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    I have not even heard a comment from Snorkel bob's mouth that is that far off and over the top.


    That statement is 100% false. We are so limited to how we catch fish here due to laws, that if you net is longer than 3 feet in total you are fined.


    Out of any place in the world Hawaii collectors are the most humane to fish and have been for the longest.



  9. So' date=' who has the best prices under $400? [/quote']


    Any official dealer is not going to price a pump publicly for under MAP (list price). It is against our contract with them and we can be pulled from distributorship.


    Verbally, Privately, or Advertised In Store (Brick and Mortar) is not against their policy.

  10. The only MP40 being made right now by Ecotech is the "MP40w ES". I'm not 100% sure they are going to support the old driver for much longer.


    The modes you speak of are driver driven, and not to do with the "w".


    They all are adjustable.

  11. Yeah that is the place....but the price doesn't really match up....but yep that's them. I thought these were "reliable" pumps?


    They are very reliable pumps. I own 6 of them personally and there is no pump to even come close to a Vortech in quality and water flow characteristics.


    Ecotech had a known issue, in the past, with the wetsides that required a lot of them to be rebuilt free under warranty. All new pumps have this issue fixed, but can you be sure the one you are buying is...


    As I mentioned before, its a risk you have to be willing to take. Murphy's Law states: "Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong" :)

  12. I'm pretty sure where you are seeing that MP40w ES for so cheap. If I'm correct, read the fine print...



    "Same as retail box except no retail box, manual(you can download from the web) or warranty card(as shown in picture below)."


    Ecotech Marine will not honor any warranty through this seller. If that thing breaks on the first day you are SOL.


    Buy only from an authorized dealer, unless you are willing to take the risk of throwing your money in the trash.







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  13. Robert, has it taken food yet in your tank? It was eating here before it left. Though that doesn't mean much.


    My current Potter's Wrasse was eating until it got in my tank. It took a week before it ate in my tank. Now i have the fattest female potter's i have ever seen. First one to eat and has no problems pushing all my other wrasse a side to get food.


    Best of luck! And big mahalo for the kind words!



  14. I really have nothing to add other than white and black tips are also nocturnal. I see them all the time while out collecting.


    You can catch a lot of baby hammerheads out here with just a fishing pole off the docks.


    Anyway, can't wait to see the tank. I've always wanted one but don't have the room for a tank big enough. Maybe I'll do a salt water pond one day. Hehe




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