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Everything posted by CrazyInside

  1. Here is mine, polyps seem big enough to me. This is under 14k bulbs with flash on camera to show actual color
  2. Little top down shot, added a birds of paradise birds nest, a stylo, and some of those forbidden fruit pallys Other then that just stuff growing in a bit
  3. Nice, I use to be on the green team but with the numbers that the 7970 pushed I had to get them lol. I might switch back when nvidia brings kelper out
  4. Yeah the witch doctor is awesome lol, so is the monk. But I loved the Necro in D2. My skellyMancer could do uber trist in about 43 seconds.. love that champ lol
  5. Nice, thats a good card. Only a month and 13 days to go!
  6. You might as well upgrade, 5 and 6 series cards are so dang cheap now. Kinda wish I would of held out a bit before I bought my 2 7970's because it's overkill on everything i've tried. League of Legends gives me like 650fps, get like 140 on BF3. And i'm running 5760x1080 resolution across 3 screens. Grab one of these or something http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814102948
  7. Can we get beta keys now that there is a release date? I have still yet to play it :(
  8. It's here.. http://us.battle.net/d3/en/ Only had to wait 10 years! So who wants to call in sick with me on 5/15/12 and play from 12:00am tell we pass out?
  9. CrazyInside

    10g Nano

    Nice, I'm starting to love small tanks.. I have an 8 gal cube
  10. Just got them today... so we will see But i'm going to push it and add a yellow watchman goby with a Japanese pistol shrimp.. should look cool if it works
  11. Cot a pair of clowns with an anemone .. had this anemone in the tank with the platinum's for months and they never touched it.. these guys went in it the first day
  12. CrazyInside

    paly name

    Teco Galaxy lol.. I want a frag of that!
  13. I got it off ebay for 65 bucks, and for what I'm using it for I think it's great! We will see how well stuff grows
  14. Haven't updated this in a while, was waiting for it to cycle and what not. Here are a few pics.. should be adding more corals soon.. might look cool once things grow out. No fish yet, i'm thinking about a yellow watchman goby. Some pics: This is where is sits next to my computer so i can watch it
  15. what the hell do you guys feed yours lol, I still have 3 :(
  16. Better late then never Right now being moved to a new 60gal with some t5's.. 3 polyp
  17. Nice, We played Lineage 2 for like 8 years.. I love mmorpg games I played some bf3 with you when it was new.. stopped playing because I needed a new comp.. gotta say this is the best eyefinity game i've tried so far. And yeah mw3 is only decent on console when you are bored lol. D3 is going to be awesome, i only played d2 for like 10 years or so lol.. and I didn't get lucky enough for a beta invite.. blizz failed me
  18. Looking for some new games/people to play with. Me and my gf are into pretty much everything but don't know many other gamers and would like to try some new stuff. Right now we play League of Legends, Battle field 3 and waiting for Diablo 3 . Might be a long shot on a fish forum lol but who knows lol.. we are 24(me) and 22.. comp specs below! Gf's laptop has: Alienware i7-2670 8 gig ram 6990m My Pc has: i7 -2700k o/c to 4.9 2 7970's in crossfire both oc 16gig 2133 ripjaws series x running eyefinity at 5760x1200
  19. Looks good! Seen this tank many times!
  20. I won't be getting my frag tell around the 29th so my pic will be sometime past then.. but before the 5th
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