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Everything posted by larrybeck

  1. Frank - can you tell me your thoughts on paint vs. powdercoat for the steel stand?
  2. Sounds like our stands are going to be quite similar. I'm also building a 300g setup, although it's an unusual footprint - 60x48x24 center overflow. Been following your quick preparations your new setup anxiously. I think we're both talking to Charles about sumps also...? That would be too funny!
  3. Looks like things are moving along nicely Frank. Bet you'll be happy to see water in that tank in a few weeks! Nice looking stand Taylor. Looking forward to working with you on mine as well.
  4. Umm... there's something wrong with that? (scratch) Looks pretty organized to me. (whistle)
  5. Says it's not FDA food safe though, that would concern me...
  6. This is a world-class system you're putting together here. It's a privilege just to be getting these daily updates.
  7. Great looking setup so far. One question - can you explain to me how the filter sock setup is going to work? Will water just cascade over the top of them and then down and through? I wonder if all the waster material will end up in 1 sock rather than spread across them.
  8. Awesome to see the final product. Did you happen to catch any shots of how you mounted the assembly into the housing? That's the part I never see anyone complete, and yet the part that concerns me the most (well, mostly because I've never seen it done). By the way, you should probably tune your optics once you mount the unit at a specified height over the tank. That way you can control light spillage and ensure that you're actually *using* all of your usable light. Plus you'll need to make some decisions, such as whether you want continuous light coverage across the whole tank on prefer to spotlight certain areas more brightly than others.
  9. I believe I saw a set of emitters producing 16k (rather than 14k) on the site, which seemed odd. I trying to decide which color range to use on my freshwater, I think 20k might be too purple on freshwater, even though I love it on reef tanks.
  10. Ouch. I didn't see a link for the driver you're using, do you have it handy?
  11. Are the drivers you're using dimmable? I'm thinking 4 of those across a tank could do a pretty nice sunrise-sunset effect.
  12. So I'm wondering how you picked that particular shape for the heatsink. Is it the shape that is recommended? I'm just more accustomed to the flatter finned models being used recent LED builds, and I'm wondering if this would be more or less efficient.
  13. *subscribed* I'm totally contemplating this for my 300g freshwater. I've already got LED lighting on my 125g (Marineland) and my 55g (DIY) show tanks but I really like the idea of these higher-wattage "fixtures" that I can set up like pendants. Saves me a ton of soldering and wiring emitters onto a heat sink and even more money!
  14. Hey Bill, I'm sure you don't really need that Doser, right? (nono)(laugh)
  15. That looks like a LED setup in the photo, no? If so, how do you like it?
  16. If you let the acrylic "dry" will this problem be eliminated or lessened? If so, how long would it need to dry?
  17. If it's okay to post linked to... that other site... LOL. If not, mod's, please edit/delete this post. How not to build a 750/1500 gallon build thread It's sort of a heart-wrenching story, to be honest. And long, Was thread of the month at one point. I'm still reading, myself.
  18. Well, it's definitely priced low given the work it will require. The current owner has been very upfront and I'm going back and reading his build threads now. Touching story, and it means a lot to hear his story after spending and hour and a half talking with him yesterday. Great guy. I've done one Envision Acrylics tank in the past. I did it a by hand (it was 100g) and it was tiring, but doable. I'd prefer to enlist a few power tools along the way but James was very clear that the risk of melting the acrylic exceeded the value of moving faster. I've got a full restoration kit on hand, although if I could find someone who would come to the house to do the job I'd probably be willing to fork over the cash. LOL
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