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Everything posted by acuraguy55

  1. Wow, I have not heard kole in a while, more commonly yellow eye. but anyways, Have you added any fish that may not have made it? it could be internal parasites. If you can catch him, I would isolate him and treat with maybe metronidazole.
  2. I like the remora HOB skimmers and they work great
  3. Good luck. Quick cure works fairly well. to help you can gravel vac the bottom if there is a sand bed in hopes of sucking out the eggs before they hatch. also the move to the 10 gallon could have put stress on the fish and keep a close eye on them. dont forget to treat atleast 3 days pass any signs of ich. good luck!!!
  4. looking for 2 3/4" loc-line fittings with NPT connector. LMK if you got some. http://www.locline.com/products/thirdquarter_index/images/61505.gif
  5. Sorry man, pm sent. I was busy with my two jobs.... and finally today I have a day off
  6. how would i transport the sand? to you have buckets or totes r will I have to bring all my own stuff
  7. wow those zoas are cool. nice rings on the zoa
  8. I had a cleaner molt in the bag on the way home from a LFS also due to the oft shell, shrimps are very vulnerable after a fresh molt
  9. Led's are very nice and low power consumption but depending on the bulb type, the are very directional if thats the word. they normally just shine in 1 direction w/o a very good spread. but with the new Exotic Panaorama LED Lights, they fixed the spread so you get a larger spread on the led. if not, sunpaq had a 96w retrofit kit and also depending the route planned, there is a hagen retrofit dual t5 kit as well.
  10. Melanurus wrasse gets my vote and it has a very cool color pattern
  11. those red hornets are pretty cool!! bump
  12. To be honest.. idk where they came from. they just showed up. lol. If you want some let me know
  13. Hope I did the quote right. I have 2 running and they are amazing for freshwater and frag tanks
  14. Good luck my friend... I have seen many come and go and never saw them eat. but you never know maybe you got lucky!! garlic soaked helped me to get fish to eat. I dont mean to be a downer
  15. acuraguy55

    Urn Sponge

    I had a question about Urn sponges and what eats them. I read that they are reef safe and populations tend to explode when there is a high nutrient content in the water. Just wondering how to keep the population minimal. Sorry if this is in the wrong thread
  16. Make sure you run carbon in the tank that he is in just in case he released some of his toxins. They are known for killing off the whole tank. also double check the water chemistry.
  17. acuraguy55

    Clown trigger???

    I tried a small one and it was ok with corals but ate my xl cleaner 3 months later.
  18. I had one and it was a beautiful fish. Can't wait for the pictures
  19. I have a 33L brand new that I am willing to trade for aquarium stuff or corals, just lmk what you got....
  20. I have a new 33 Gallon tank aqueon 48 x 13 x 12 but its glass
  21. I have a new 40 breeder if interested
  22. I have a brand new 33 gallon Long and a 40 gallon breeder askin 60 on the 33 and 40 on the breeder. both are Black trim 48 x 13 x 12 on the 33 long and 36 x 18 x 16 on the 40 Breeder
  23. Wow what a deal.... I wish I saw this earlier
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