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Everything posted by gawf4fun

  1. Welcome to the club. Nice tanks. It looks like there's a lot of activity in the 72 bowfront. Very nice. btw, if you run out of colt corals through trades, let me know...I can get you restocked DOH! mark
  2. I must sadly eliminate myself from the competiton. Having had little growth, and in fact, not seeing the polyps open up for a week or so, I transferred the plug to my anemone and clown tank and the polyps disappeared. I've been unable to find them, despite dismantleing (-5 sp) a good portion of my rock work. (sad) Good luck to the rest that remain...(clap)
  3. I've angered them today for some reason. Still three with a couple kids in the oven...
  4. Oh chalice, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways...
  5. I don't know what these are, but they're about as cool a zoo as I have. Anybody have an idea of what they might be called? Excuse the out of focus pic. I also have a lot of these, which I was told were AOG's when I bought them. They are currently in recovery mode after most of the skirts were munched by the Klein's Butterfly I had in my tank for a week and a half.
  6. Here are my tank specs: 180 gallon pentagon mixed reef w/30 gallon sump Precision Marine calcium reactor and Precision Marine Bullet II skimmer Ampmaster closed loop, Vortech MP40 and Tunze 6045 for internal flow Iwaki MD40 via 1" Sea Swirl for return 2 x 400 watt 14K single end XM metal halides on PFO ballasts 4 x 65 watt VHO actinics 170 lbs. live rock Prime 1/3 HP chiller, no heater Initial position of the frags for light acclimation: Full tank shot
  7. gawf4fun

    Shots of my tank

    Very nice tank Byrd. I met you at Pat's earlier this week (I bought the Pokerstars). Love the rics, duncans, goni, (the list goes on!). Lot's of potential in chalice frags too! Great stuff. One question: It looks like a lot of your acans have their feeders out. Were these pics taken during your daylight photoperiod, or was this just with actinics? Mine don't extend their feeders during halide lighting, only dusk and dawn lighting. Thanks, Mark
  8. I assumed baseball would be good for this guy as he does wear the "Yankee Pinstripes" pretty well.
  9. Oh, by the way, I've grown so fond of this Naso (Lipstick Tang) in such a short period of time that I've called my sister, who sells Avon, and ordered some of the same color lipstick for my wife so she can match the little darling. I believe it's called "Mango Ice". I certainly hope she likes it! (wife)
  10. In my quest to naturally combat a slight outbreak of Dictyota (sp?) algae, I decided to add a naso tang. I had also been searching for a final large fish to complement my purple tang and blue jaw trigger, so this helped me to rationalize my purchase. Here is the newest addition: (credit to Pat @ Saltwaterfantasies) I was pleased that he was welcomed into the tank by the master (purple tang) after just a day and a half, but it was a full week before I saw him take any food (after trying virtually any and every-thing). He/she now seems to take flake and nibble on some mysis, but even better, he seems to enjoy the frequent algae drive-by snack grab!!!(clap) Does anybody know how to sex these guys/gals? thanks, mark
  11. I love triggers! I miss my fish only tank from the 80's with a clown trigger, niger trigger and a humuhumunukunukuapuaa!!! Here's my blue jaw... . These guys have so much personality. By far one of my top 11 fish. LOL(nutty)
  12. Fantastic!!! Is that a frag of red digitata sitting right there on top? Are you seriously using your monti as a frag stand!!! Looks amazing. Nice job.
  13. Fantastic job and a very nice touch to the competition. Sadly, I'd imagine the winner will not see much of the inscription once the competition ends.(laugh)
  14. Congratulations Danik! Can't wait to see more pics...
  15. I'm fine with it. Thanks as well for the great effort in organizing this competition.
  16. Yes, I expected him to be older too. "He may have been born yesterday...but he must have stayed awake all night." Truly though, if you are at all interested in clownfish, breeding, husbandry (don't know why it not wifery (scratch)), you will want to know Dave!
  17. Hi All. Although I am a relatively new member to the PNWMAS, I was very excited to hear that an upcoming meeting was to be held at the Clownhouse (barelycuda). Well, today the day arrived and like many others who had the pleasure of seeing Dave's set up, it was inspiring. The Clownhouse was better than imagined, and for anybody who has ever tried to breed clownfish, or any other fish, for that matter, this facility absolutely rocks! Dave was also very patient in answering the endless stream of questions, sharing his opinions of system set-ups, and generally being a really great guy. I learned an immense amount today which I hope to apply in my own efforts to raise gold stripe maroons. I can only hope to have a small percentage of Dave's success. Here are some pictures I took to help me document some of the things I saw and a number of which I will try to emulate.
  18. Hey Coralreefer, Delighted to hear that the Klein's took care of your aiptaisia. I had a similar problem. Never actually saw the Klein's eat them but after a couple weeks in the tank, they were all gone. Every last one of them. However.... I noticed my elegance wasn't coming out, my skirts on my large palys were gone, as were 6 heads of green and purple blastos. I'm sure you've heard the warnings, but these guys will go ballistic on your corals if you're not careful, and realistically how can you be? Good luck. I hope you have the exception!! Mark
  19. I just had to trap my Klein's because after it took care of my aiptasia in short fashion (2 weeks or so), it decided to nip my elegance, the skirts off my Armor of God zoas, my sunburst zoas and was starting to feast on my blastos. In my experience, I highly advise you avoid a klein's unless you're happy to see your priciest corals go bye bye. mark
  20. Here's my submission for the month. New daddy in my 20 gallon anemone tank putting out a clutch of eggs every 11 days!
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