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Everything posted by grassi

  1. Man we're so sad we had to miss this!!! At the last minute we found our possible dream home (rent not own)... good thing we did though because we have an application out on it now and it will have the room to upgrade from our 10 and 14 gallon tanks to at least a 40 breeder!!! We'll be there next year for sure though!!
  2. Is it too late to sign up?? We really want to go
  3. Update: We dipped both frags yesterday first for 35 secs in Prazil Pro and then in Melafix for 5 mins. Not only have they not gotten worse, it's possible they are a tiny bit better. Hoping they can turn around!
  4. Russell Street BBQ The Screen Door - best breakfast, best home-made hot sauce Papa Hyden - desert and dinner are awesome Salvador Mollys - kahlua pork, tamales, Elenis' Philoxenia - great greek, calamari Saint Honore' - french pastries to die for!
  5. I'm been doing some research on this and was wondering if anyone local has tried it? How much? What kind? So far I'm finding that Kent Marine C is popular..
  6. Problem is he would have to get completely in the glass for it to work, and I only have a 14gal tank.. I'm thinking of trying the food in a panty hose trap?
  7. I know one was fragged a year ago.. not quite sure about the other two.. seemed well healed? We're going to check the tank tonight if we can wake up and look for the worm. Problem is, he's way too big for the traps you can buy and each time we try to get him he learns from it and doesn't fall for the same trap twice... hate that guy
  8. That's true, I'm going to assume that the other lights were at least 250. I've had them up top about 10 inches below the light all day.. we'll see if that helps. This also puts them away from the giant bristle worm's new hangout so fixes that if that was the problem (it's about a foot long!) I'm worried though... My husband found a thread on RC where a bunch of people had a similar problem and had to treat their tanks with Interceptor which worked. I just hope I don't have to go that route.
  9. I have 70w MH but over a 14gal tank... I was told to put them under lower light so I had them in an area on the bottom that didn't get direct light.
  10. Well I moved them so they get more light and away from where the giant bristle worm is... let's hope that helps
  11. Thought I should add that yes I'm feeding them.. right now I feed phyto, cyclops, and mysis at least every 3 days.
  12. Saturday I came home with my first Chalice.. actually 3 tiny frags, two from Seahorse and one from Frank. The bigger one is ok, but the two tiny ones aren't looking so hot. Both are receding and showing their skeleton, one is already down to 1/3 size. All my parameters are great and everything else in my tank is thriving. Only thing I can think of is when I was feeding tonight, my very large bristle worm was hanging out behind the plugs of the two that are looking bad.. could he be snacking on them? Any help is appreciated!!!!(sad)
  13. Check out Seahorse for some really nice ones... that's where I got mine. Or Upscales has some killer aussie ones!
  14. On nano-reef.com I've read of a lot of people having success with injecting them with a syringe of either boiling hot water or lemon juice.. I've also read good things about the peppermint. I tried one out, but instead of eating the aiptasia, he got himself eaten by my torch! OOPS (crazy)
  15. I just found this one! It's always great trading with you Frank - you're the best!
  16. We haven't been doing SPS for too long, but the Birdsnest and Yellow Pagoda are growing very quickly. The giant rufus (was purchased large 2 weeks ago) is a bit slower, about 1cm so far. Right now we're dosing with Bionic and Purple Up which seems to help a lot. Stylaster - it was great meeting you too! Frank - I can't wait to get your monti in here (naughty)
  17. Bump... apparently when I update the original post it doesn't bump up! New pics up!
  18. grassi

    flow for torch

    Mine has relatively high flow, but it is indirect... the tentacles expand out about 6" at this point and I keep everything about 2" min away from that. We keep the FS and Hammer with about 50% flow from where the torch is...
  19. Try Joann's or Michael's... just make sure it's white
  20. Just be careful... I had one that escaped when I was trying to attach him to some rubble and he landed on my duncan. Duncan ate most of him (he was small), he died, and then it took over a week for my Ducan to recover!! I've heard good success stories with "wedding veil" mesh holding one down over a rock. I made a homemade contraption with a dremmel and a vitmin dispenser and it seems to be working well
  21. Welcome!! Just know that while a local forum is priceless, you can also find some really good info on small tanks and general info at nanoreef.com They helped me survive until I found this site!
  22. Hey all... sad I couldn't make it! I ran the Shamrock Run that morning though and, well, I just couldn't move after that! Nothing like 5 miles in the cold, wind, and a bit of hail to knock you out! Even if there aren't pics of the party, at least share pics of the frags you scored! Some of us have to live vicariously though you all!
  23. grassi

    Pom Pom Crab

    Here's a pic I found on google http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_VcKIg4-10II/R9bKreCri8I/AAAAAAAAAWk/GE85mLiWqRg/s400/pom_pom_crab_redux.jpg And there are some great videos on youtube of them...
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