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Everything posted by stylaster

  1. Thanks! I think the coralline is being out competed by the corals. Trying to get vid posted
  2. pretty much same setup as mine, only 4" taller, I use the same skimmer This is a smoking deal folks
  3. Ill try and make this one
  4. Thanks guys. Bevo send me a pm with your question s
  5. and not to bore you all with a thousand pics between start and end ill just post up some current pictures now
  6. yep lol everyone is telling me I need to come back club is all Bueno now
  7. Hi All Most of you know me and followed the build thread on the old site. Im here to restart it and keep a journal going of the progress of the tank. Here's the specs 312 gallon acrylic tank 5'x5'x20" 4 radion lights with tir lens. 1 ocean revive arctic T247 2 ecotech MP 40s hammerhead return pump Bubble blaster 5000 skimmer dual media reactor running carbon and phosphate remover korallin c4002 calcium reactor kalkwasser reactor ato system Neptune controller 2 1.5" seaswirls also attached is a 60 gallon frag tank and a 40 gallon refugium Now on to the pics!
  8. If u make it up to kelso u can have them out of my tank
  9. stylaster

    Club Cube

    Yep crash wiped out thread
  10. stylaster

    Club Cube

    I got 312 gallon cube
  11. Great pictures, was nice seeing everyone there. I hope everyone enjoyed the slideshow. Ill get it posted up so anyone that missed it can take a look
  12. Had a lil fender bender on I-5 after leaving Premium Aquarium on Sunday. Luckily no fins where broken and the fish went on an ambulance ride. I ended up with a burned arm from the airbag, my girlfriend ended up with a broken arm. Glad we both where able to walk away. Fish and inverts all made it home and are doing well after a bit of a traumatic trip.
  13. Excellent stash any pics of those rr pieces?
  14. or wait 6 months there will be a knock off produced lol
  15. IMPORTANT UPDATE (1:18 PM PDT): (via Ret Talbot) NMFS has just confirmed that USFWS's actions this morning were in error! Importation of the 20 species listed below is NOT prohibited. The 20 species are: [h=3]Atlantic Waters[/h] Mycetophyllia ferox Dendrogyra cylindrus Orbicella annularis Orbicella faveolata Orbicella franksi [h=3]Pacific Waters[/h] Acropora globiceps Acropora jacquelineae Acropora lokani Acropora pharaonis Acropora retusa Acropora rudis Acropora speciosa Acropora tenella Anacropora spinosa Euphyllia paradivisa Isopora crateriformis Montipora australiensis Pavona diffluens Porites napopora Seriatopora aculeata
  16. i believe it will come to pass that it will be illegal i think the LA guys just jumped the gun is all
  17. that will cause confusion having two pages in imo
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