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Everything posted by Krux

  1. Krux


    What is your time line?
  2. I just bought some rock, its not live rock so I have a few questions. I am going to set up a 40breeder with a 20long for a sump. It seems like I only need about half of the 70lbs I bought. So how much of it should I put in my sump? And should I break some of it into rubble. Breaking it up wont do too much, unless that is the only way to fit it all in the sump Do you guys glue your rock together so it doesn't fall and maybe injure some of the corals either by crushing them or getting them to close to something that might sting them to death. You can use epoxy, threaded nylon rod and nylon nuts, along with a masonry bit is a common way to tie everything together, you may want to do some searches on that I cut out a cardboard template for the bottom of the tank and got a configuration that I really like. So I will start my tank thread with a picture of my aquascaping within the next few days. How much live rock do I need to seed the tank? Can I just buy live rubble for the sump and use that for seeding? If you are going to let it go for a few weeks, a couple pounds and a raw shrimp tossed in to feed the cycle is all you should need How long will it take for my dead rock to become live and is there anything I will need to do specifically to help the process along? Turn your skimmer off for a couple of days after adding the shrimp meat. Make sure you have a lot of flow going How important is lighting during the 4-8 weeks that I will be running a rock only tank? Lights will not be beneficial while you are cycling, if anything, they will add to algae growth
  3. he world's first autonomous robotic fish are the latest attraction at the London Aquarium. Biologically inspired by the common carp, the new designs can avoid objects and swim around a specially designed tank entirely of their own accord. This new kind of cyber-fish took three years to develop, by a team of scientists from Essex University. Future generations may be used for seabed explorations, detection of leaks in oil pipelines, or even as spies. Although robotic fish have been investigated for the last 10 years or so, the creators of the new models claim theirs are the smartest yet. Food energy "We have embedded sensors on board - so, unlike the previous fishes that have remote controls, these are fully autonomous and artificial-intelligence based," lead researcher Professor Huosheng Hu, told the BBC News website. Their undulating movements are also said to be more realistic. "This one is more life-like - it mimics normal swimming and sharp turning," he explained. "People get confused and think it's a real fish." The fish are about 50cm long, 15cm high and 12cm wide (20in by 6in by 5in), and covered with bright scales that reflect light. The maximum swim speed is about 50cm (20in) per second but the fish have been slowed down to less than half that, to help prolong battery life - up to five hours. Name game In the future, the Essex team would like to increase the robots' intelligence - so that an individual machine could recharge itself as required. "We want the fish to have the ability to look for its own charging station, just like a real fish looking for food," said Professor Hu. It is hoped that bringing the public into direct contact with robots will increase their understanding of science and technology. "It should be entertaining and fun for the visitors. Our main thing is obviously live fish, but the robotic side is really fascinating," said Michael Michaels, general manager of the London Aquarium. The three robots will live alongside real fish in a tank in the aquarium, and will be named by children in a competition. (Oct 2005 BBC)
  4. dont push on the soft spot on the head.
  5. this shows PK wants a top ter coach to go along with the most expensive basketball arena ever built for a college... they will attract someone big in the next 2 years with his money in their pocket. I foresee an interim coach for a bit, with a championship caliber coach in by the time knight arena opens
  6. I had pretty good luck with a golden pigmy with non sps in my 125, ymmv but if you want to add another small angel down the road you may want to look into that. (shamelessly stolen internet photo) and if you don't do zoas (that one is mine) not trying to hijack, just sharing the love... I am super jealous.
  7. A rubber band around your finger tips will give you free purple bits... keep that in mind in case they do make some changes, that way you can still get up in the morning. It works for me.
  8. I've always wanted one of those, but never ran into one when I had the appropriate system... sort of a reefing paradox. Best of luck to you, that is right up there with regal angels, peppermint hogs, and nigripes clowns on my faves list.
  9. Krux


    I have a 250 watt halide and pc pendant setup that is collecting dust, if you are interested I can bring it over to you and it will give you a base line to compare against as you look online and in shops. It is a 250 de with an old 14k phoenix bulb in it, and a pair of 32 watt pc actinics. The only caveat is that I don't have a spare ballast so you wouldn't be able to borrow it long term, as I would be firing it with my primary ballast when you looked at it. If anyone remembers my cube, that is the light that was on it, more than enough to grow sps in a 20" deep tank.
  10. Low maintenance, nano, and skimmer free don't generally go together well, but that doesn't mean it can't be done. You should expect to do a lot of water changes and be up on your water quality testing. In that small of a tank I would personally avoid anything that feeds of of live foods, as things like pods can be quickly wiped out in that small of a volume. I would stick to 1 or 2 small fish (starting small, and staying small) like perc or oci clowns, watchman gobies, neon gobies, etc and then a shrimp for character. Stay on the inexpensive side, as your learning curve on the smaller system will probably bring along some mortality in the beginning... adding a mated pair of nigripes clowns and some harlequin shrimp for example would probably be a bad idea. Go sloooow. Alternately keep it as a QT and add a margin of safety to your other thank. Not as exciting admittedly, but in the long run maybe a better idea?
  11. yep, here ya go http://www.bulkreefsupply.com/i8/Group-and-Club-Buys/information.html
  12. All the info should be up on the BRS site on how to set it up. Anyone with a list of names can do it.
  13. Steve postd exactly what I was going to post... if kept completely submerged they serve the same purpose as live rock or sand, and are great for keeping splashing down in the sump. If you use them in a wet-dry application then you need to be careful of the previous couple pages of warnings, but they are far from useless. In a BB system, after your filter sock, they can be a huge asset to keeping bacteria populations up. My future cold water study system will rely heavily on bioballs and oysters for primary filtration, similar to the older cryptic filtration systems for warm water.
  14. Krux


    If you are a beer drinker, I can offer you some time over a pint of you want to listen to the incessant ramblings of a convicted oregon tort serial killer.
  15. Krux

    Best way?

    Muriatic works on acrylic in doses of around 40 parts water to 1 part acid... if you go this route don't be shy diluting it. FWIW dsoz, muriatic acid is another work for hydrochloric acid, the distinction usually being made for either molar strength or intended use (consumers who are afraid of the word hydrochloric ion their pools for example).
  16. skimmer sold, lights available still
  17. But will he be pumping gas in Tennessee?
  18. He can sign for Tennessee. Discuss.
  19. this is about as much agitation as I ever wanted to see. This is actually carx media, but the level of movement was about the same through my rowa reactor. ymmv
  20. can you pm me the place those are coming from? not going to buy, just want to peruse their stock.
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