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Everything posted by kriswaters

  1. CF and a clamp on fixture with a porcelain base. Cheap and works great. Kris
  2. I wanted to add...I was so dang lucky with this....I just put the tank there and poked a few pilot holes...didn't come near any studs, and the holes fit right around the new electrical outlet box! Crazy. Now if I can figure out what happened to my wrasse...he was here this morning! Kris
  3. Luckily the holes where drilled PCL (thats Pre Coors Light for those rookies out there) (drinking) and as for the dosing regimen, pretty much what ever I can pour down the hole until the lights go out! (laugh)
  4. 35 ppt is about 1.027...which was a little high for me. I run 1.025 or about 33 ppt. Kris
  5. So I took a huge leap today, and glued in the plumbing for most of the closed loop and the returns...(scary) The one thing about plumbing...you glue it together and pray it holds! Taking it apart would be a bummer if a leak occurs. Here are a few pictures of the progress I have made. The holes I drilled in MY WALL!!! (I think most women would loose it if their husbands did something like this! My husband didn't flintch!) Tried to stay neat and organized but.. The first part of the closed loop. Most of the upper plumbing is done! Now to finish it off....tomorrow! I just want to say thanks to all who have given me confidence to build a bigger tank, and to let all of you know that I have done the majority of this myself...not to put my awesome husband down, but to hopefully inspire any and all females (who have the urge and the nerve) to go for it! Kris
  6. My clowns host the overflow...I think if you have an anemone and then intoduce baby clowns...it should work. I however am not the expert on this as my last anemone got shredded in the Power Head! Here is to a new tank with out OWIES!!!
  7. Welcome to the bunch! I really hope you enjoy our site and the things our club has to offer. Check out the home page and calendar for upcoming events. We also post these in their own thread! Check with JManrow about signing up for evites! We have ton of great events upcoming! Kris
  8. I am sorry I didn't make this...I woke up with a little cold in my head! I rested all day and tinked around with the tank. Hope you all had fun and BTW did you do the test kit comparisons? I want to here how they turned out. Kris
  9. Well...one thing for sure..it will be full of Mc'fun...couldn't resist! Kris
  10. Cool...I am really hoping to avoid going through a cycle. The idea of using some water from the current tank is good to. I got the table built today for the sump stuff...here are some pics The "stand" is 42" wide x 34" deep and 22" tall. I picked up some thick, non-skid, waterproof shelf liner that covers the stand (black). You can see (in the first picture) my RO/DI unit in its temp location and the new "electrical box". The conduit is glued at the bottom to prevent any water entering into it. Kris
  11. Two words...lights out! It really does work wonders. I had a huge outbreak of cyano...for a 4 week period, I ran 3 consecutive days with NO lights. For the entire month, I used only actinics in between the lights out periods. It did the trick and the corals and fish didn't suffer a bit. People will say water changes as well...but if you are changing out bad water with nasty water (no RO/DI, or old filters in RO/DI, etc. )...it won't make a bit of difference. Kris
  12. Onward and upward... I have gotten quite a bit done lately, and hope to get more accomplished this weekend! Last weekend I maxed out my panel and added the last breaker possible. I opted for a 20 amp, as I would be running several pumps that do draw a bit of electricity....plus it gives a little exta piece of mind knowing that the power demand won't overload the breaker. I installed a GFI that is followed by 3 more outlets. The husband asked "Isn't that alot of plugs"? I told him I was going to install a "controller" with a few more plugs....(laugh) It was fun crawling through the depts of my house to run the wires...but all in all it worked out ok. Unfortunately, I have some water pipes and drain pipes that I had to work around...and eventhough it doesn't "look" perfect...it will do the job! I started tonight on the stand for the sump and pumps..hopefully that will be done this weekend. I will post some pictures as soon as I can. The dog knocked over the little return tank I built, cracked it to heck and back...so i think I will go with a rubbermaid or something for now as I don't feel like building another! I will link it to the current sump I have once the move takes place! Lastly...question??? I am assuming that i can add sand, new salt water and existing rock (in my current tank) and move forward with out a cycle period. Or should I add sand, water, rock and wait? Kris
  13. I had red turf algae...margarite snails gobbled it up...their life span short though in our warm tanks. Kris
  14. Thanks for the link on the thread! I will definately discuss this with Joel. Kris
  15. Ive had it and used it for well over a year with out any problems...will transfer it to the new tank when up and running!
  16. Am hitting up Waves this Saturday! Let's see...test kits, bulk head intake screens...sand....it'll be fun. Kris
  17. Maybe they were "old" snails...does anyone know the life expectancy of a snail? Any how...hard to say on the nitrates as I don't have an accurate test. I am picking up some tests this weekend however. As for flow...I have my to Hydors pointed directly at the rock and a closed loop blowing on them... I will go with less rock and more open space in my next tank. Kris
  18. Buy Buy Buy....and then we can get it from you :-D
  19. No problem and thanks Shane for that informative article. Of course the chemistry was a little fuzzy (it has been a few years for me since chem and organic chem) but it was informative. The goal to educate myself further about Kalk and alkalinity has just gotten a great start. I love the information about how this recipe can also help convert Nitrates in to Nitrogen gas... The research begins...and I hope to pick up some salifert test kits...does Waves or Upscales sell them? What am I saying, I am sure one or both do! Kris
  20. That protocol is the exact one that I have on board to try. I am still needing to get an adequate test so that I can pin point the exact amount of changes. It seems that many people have nitrate problems...hmmm. Kris PS...I like my Vodka in a bit of tomatoe juice!
  21. Ah...the never ending search for Mrs. Wage's......you won't believe what I have saved on my favorites... http://mrswages.stores.yahoo.net/mrswagpiclim.html Just in case you don't want to drive to get it. Outta of curiosity, what are you using it for? Kris
  22. Miles, your such a show off! Awesome pics from all....here are a few of mine. Devils hand, which is larger now and dropping frags left and right! Florida Ric Clove or GSP..whatever you want to call it.
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