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Everything posted by dsoz

  1. Use photobucket. Sign up for a free account. Upload your image. In your album, under the image there are four different codes, click on the IMG code and copy it. Paste it in your post right along side your text. looks good. Keep it up. dsoz
  2. Forgive my ignorance, but if there was a grounding probe in the tank, then YOU are not part of the path of least resistance. There is no real reason for the electricity to go through you. ??? Where is my error? dsoz
  3. Looking closer, the pic does not have segments or bristles which would indicate Eunice worm. I just saw the pedipalps (mouthparts) and jumped to a conclusion earlier. Since it has no visible segments or bristles then I would also lean towards peanut worm. I just have not seen them in that color before. Most of the ones that I have seen are a light tan color dsoz
  4. It could also be a Eunice worm. You may want to look it up to compare pictures. If it is a Eunice worm then it is considered bad. dsoz
  5. That is cool. It just amazes me that people still think that the zoas/palys don't feed. I have seen too many zoa-like corals eat. dsoz
  6. Should be is right. There is not one as far as I can see. I may just have missed it, but I looked for 5 minutes and re-read the page three times. I am usually pretty good at following directions. dsoz
  7. Use a program like photoshop or picasa to decrease the saturation. It brings out the colors more so the photos don't look so washed out. Just be careful that you don't overdo it, then the pics look un-natural. dsoz
  8. Wow, that is a story and a half. Why didn't you get some pics of the dottyback in the fish trap? That would have been the best pic in the lot! dsoz
  9. You should have checked out this... http://www.pnwmas.org/forums/faq.php?faq=vb3_user_profile#faq_vb3_reputation It talks about green, red and grey boxes (makes no mention of purple/pink boxes). I know that I received a grey box before from someone in a thread like this one a year ago... (EDIT- I found it. Someone gave me a grey box for posting in this thread http://www.pnwmas.org/forums/showthread.php?t=12795&highlight=rep+points the "reason" is that "because you would understand" or something like that. It has dropped off the bottom of the list so I can't see it anymore.) There is a section at the bottom about "turning off rep point icon" I looked on my userCP and did not find the box that needed to be "un-checked" Maybe that could be the way to settle this debate. Let people choose whether they want rep points or not. I believe they are an amusing diversion, not a lot more. Kinda like forturne cookies. How many people actually believe the fortune that comes in them? How many people actually use the "lucky numbers" on the back? Maybe I should not ask those types of questions because I may offend someone. dsoz
  10. Just find a thread where he is talking about lights, then make a post about what you have and what you want. He usually responds within a few days. There are at least 3 or 4 different threads, and usually they get so long that they split them after XXX number of posts (that is why there are 3, 4 or more by now)... I read for about 30 minutes before I gave up because it was mostly more of the same... I have X fixture, what bulbs should I have??? Reply: use g bulb in front, then h, i, j, and put k in the back... it got booooooooring really quick. You need to "sign up" at reefcentral, but you don't need to be a paid member to make a post. You only need to pay to use the search engine (among other things). dsoz
  11. Very nice looking tank. dsoz
  12. Like most leather corals, it will probably tend to excrete toxins into the tank. Nothing to worry about, and nothing a little carbon won't take care of easily. If it is anything like the "brown" spaghetti leather that I have, it will become a pain because it grows so big that it takes over. Constant pruning is required. Either sell/give the frags away or take them to the LFS for a little bit of credit. Not a bad coral to set your sights on. dsoz
  13. AAAAH! You cut the elephant skin!!! In the front none the less!!!! I hope it heals up quickly. dsoz
  14. Very nice, as always Calvin. Rick, that lens is amazing!!! Being able to take one shot of the whole 10 foot tank is awesome, but being able to still see detail in the image is what makes it so cool. dsoz
  15. PAR = potosynthetic active radiation. Just having bright lights is not enough. It has to be the right "color" or wavelength for photosynthesis. Actinic makes the corals look cool (glowing fluorescent colors), but does nothing for PAR. With only one "white" T5 light, you are on the low side. You may be able to keep up to some montipora, but no birdsnest. dsoz
  16. I am also trying to find out what else he wants besides the BTA. I agree, a BTA for a used light fixture is too one sided as a trade. But what does he want that I have... dsoz
  17. good question. I don't have an answer. I have a carbon filter on the house, then there are three pre filters before my RO, then three DI chambers after. I don't think any of them are for chloramines. dsoz
  18. They can, and will, if they are next to the coral. For the longest time I wondered which would win, the RBTA or the hydnophora. I thought of the Hydno as the biggest, baddest, coral in the tank. If anything came near a hydno, it would send out 1,000,000,000s of little white threads that would sting the offending coral to death. When I asked Patrick at Saltwater FantaSeas, he said that the BTA would win because it it started to loose, it would move away. I did not believe it then, but I do now. One of the anemones that I have is in a hole that is near a hydnophora. When the anemone extends to the fullest, it will brush up against the hydno. The hydno is more than half dead since the anemone got large enough to touch it. But I also have had xenia grow up right next to a different BTA with no problems... I had an acropora (oregon blue tort) glued to a rock. An anemone moved onto the rock and was touching the Acro for a few days before I had time to do anything more than a quick check the tank before leaving for work. When I did have the time to move the anemone, the coral was still doing well and not bothered by the anemone, which was touching the coral for a couple of days. Other people may chime in with stories of their own. I tend to think that if you can find a place in a rock that has a hole big enough for the foot and deep enough for the anemone to retract into, and there is enough light, gentle enough flow, and enough food, then the anemone will tend to be happy and not move around very much. When they move, that is when it is dangerous. dsoz
  19. dsoz

    Anemone questions

    The pair of maroon clowns I had in with my RBTAs were dumb! They may have hosted within minutes of adding them to the tank, but they not only did not feed the anemones, they did the opposite!!! Any time I tried to feed silversides (or anything else for that matter), the clowns would pick up the food and carry it over to the corner of the tank and drop it. This frustrated me because I was trying to fatten up the anemones so I could frag them. Also, all that food rotting in the corner started off an algae bloom that I am still dealing with. GFO phosphate remover, water changes, and dosing sugar have all become regular parts of taking care of that tank. dsoz
  20. Get a turbo snail or two. If they get too big you can take them back to the LFS. I know some LFSs in Portland will do a "snail exchange" to keep the large ones out of your tank. If the turbos don't do it for you, then a long spine urchin would probably be the ticket. Long spines will decimate an algae problem pretty quickly. The problem with them is that if you get stuck with a spine it HURTS!!! I would say no to more crabs. They get to be a pain as they get larger. I have crabs that will walk INTO an anemone and steal the food that I put there for the anemone to eat. Then the crab lives to walk away dragging the piece of fish with it. If I catch them, then they get a free trip to either the back of the tank or to the sump for a time-out. Crabs are more bad than good. dsoz
  21. It may say that for board members, but for us "normal" folk, it does not say the person that sent it. Just the thread it was from, the date, and a comment (if they put it in). It looks a lot like the screen shot that Andy put up in post #52 in this other thread http://www.pnwmas.org/forums/showthread.php?t=19082&page=3 dsoz
  22. Where in Oregon are you? I have 8 rbtas to choose from right now. Two of them are reccently split though... The largest one that I would be willing to trade is about 4" across. Red tentacles, green oral disk, and purple foot. Here are some pics of the origional "mother" of all the anemones in my tank. I could be interested in the Coralife HQI. Can you give some more information about what it comes with, or what it looks like (model ID). Even a picture of it would be nice. dsoz
  23. dsoz

    My first pic!

    Looks like it worked to me. Welcome to the 21st century. dsoz
  24. dsoz

    Just checkin

    Yep. It played fine for me too. Nick tank as always. dsoz
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