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Everything posted by dsoz

  1. Those are some nice zoas Roger!!! When is the sale to raise money for the science budget going to take place? I would trade an RBTA for some of those blue pallys just to the right of center in that photo. dsoz
  2. this is going to be like sniping on ebay... Everyone back. This one is MINE!!! LOL. Too bad I will probably be busy at the designated hour. dsoz
  3. There are even false x true hybrid clowns. Someone on here had a pair made from a false and a true(one was black and one was orange) and they laid eggs regularly. I was hoping that Dave would take a clutch to raise, but I don't think he ever did. It would have been an interesting study in genetics to see those babies. As long as the two clowns get along, they will host the anemone together. Even if they are different species. Most people don't get their clowns to lay eggs anyway. And if they do lay eggs, how many of us really take the time to raise the young to a sellable size? Does it really matter if they are two species? dsoz
  4. That is a great tutorial. Can we make this a sticky? dsoz
  5. PM replied. 5 polyps is probably not enough to be fair. Let's work something out. I can spare some xenia too, but that is for free. dsoz
  6. If nobody else chimes in, I have a medium size RBTA with green oral disk that I can sell. I was hoping to increase the number of clones that I have, but I also need some cash. It is a clone of this one: Send me a PM if you want it. dsoz
  7. I have some lunar eclipse that I could trade. How many were you looking for. I don't have that many. dsoz
  8. Eats star polyps??? Is this a problem??? Sounds more like a solution to me. dsoz
  9. Welcome to the club. May your aquapod never get hair algae. dsoz
  10. Use photobucket.com it is also free. Once you upload photos, in the album there are four choices, I use the IMG code. I copy and paste it in the body of my text. Then larger photos show up. It would look like this (I put spaces in the IMG brackets so it would not make it an actual image): [ I M G ]http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w144/dsoz/IMG_6272.jpg[/img] would give this image: dsoz
  11. If the BC29 is a model with a halide, be sure to turn the lights off or the coral can dry out. That would be bad. Do you have a lot of sponge on your rocks? Most people are deathly afraid to take sponge out of the water because it may die. You may want to consider this in your plan. Also, if you wait for night time, most fish tend to "fall asleep" when it is dark. If you give your tank 30 minutes of dark before you start, the fish may be a little easier to catch. I have picked up fish with my hands when the tank is dark. Just don't have bright room lights and the fish will continue to sleep. As soon as there is a lot of light, the fish will wake up and be as active as ever. dsoz
  12. welcome. 40g to 180g... that is a huge upgrade. Glad to have you with us dsoz
  13. Most corals should be fine for anything less than 30 minutes. For an extreme story... once, I left a rock of zoas out overnight after fragging. Put them back in the tank hoping for the best and they were all out and happy the next day. dsoz
  14. I have touched them lots of times, but never had any bristles stay in my skin. Maybe I am just lucky and should not jynx myself... I hate those maple helicopter things. We had a HUGE maple in my backyard growing up and I was stuck by those things too many times. dsoz
  15. It is amazing what you can pack into a 6g tank. Please show some pics. Welcome to the addiction. dsoz
  16. That is exciting. I wonder if I should try a DIY build. Those PAR ratings are awesome!!! I hope you are high on the list to get the member's PAR meter. dsoz
  17. YEA! a happy (sort of) ending to everyones worst nightmare. I don't want to go on vacation... ever. But the wife would not let that one fly!!! dsoz
  18. Green tonga shrooms as shown here $5 each. Quarter size or larger. 10 at this price. Send me a PM. Pick up in Oregon City dsoz
  19. Welcome to the group. I grew up in Gresham, but now live in Oregon City. I am happy to be out of the east wind! dsoz
  20. Do you need more info? Most of what was said above is spot on. Reduce light, reduce nutrients (less food and more water changes), get an herbivore (turbo snail, sea hare, emerald crabs). Run phosphate absorbing media. dose with sugar/vodka/vinegar (research a lot before doing this) and turn your skimmer up. The combo of these things should take care of it in a few weeks. dsoz
  21. My contribution is to stay away from the starfish. I had one and it slowly starved to death after eating all my nassarius snails. It was pitiful watching it slowly loose an arm or so every now and then... :( I think you would need a larger tank than a 75g to keep a sand sifting star happy. Why not wait until you get back to add anything new? That is an option, and then you would not need your sitter to worry about a new addition. dsoz
  22. Even if they have one mouth, cut it right down the center of the mouth so there is half a mouth on each piece. Then the ric will pull the cut ends together to form a smaller circle with the cut ends touching. That is where the healing occurs. Since there is part of the mouth cavity for each half, the healing will go faster. dsoz
  23. If you want to come to Oregon City to watch me cut some BTAs, I will be doing it again in a couple of weeks. Once you cut up an anemone, fragging rics is nothing. LOL. I would even let you or your wife take a turn with the knife on my anemones. I agree, just take a knife and cut the ric in half through the mouth while it is still attached to the rock. Buy a utility box knife from DollarTree and wash the blade with detergent to get off oil before using. You may need to re-cut in a day or three because if the two halves are sitting next to each other they will sometimes reattach. Or sometimes you don't cut deep enough and part of the foot is still attached. Your other option is to just let them grow, and eventually they will make a baby ric and you can get it off the rock and sell it. dsoz
  24. Share the Love-Greenie Starie Polypie I have tried GSP two other times in my tank and it has never grown. It may be time to try it again if I win. dsoz
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