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Everything posted by Nyles

  1. Thats what I used, put down a few coats, minimum. I did 2 coats and then went ahead and did a third. Its the perfect time of year to do it! Did you stain the wood already?
  2. your right that is the best I think they carry, and honestly its pretty good, thats what I used and it worked good, I used it on raw sanded floors (80 grit is what they recommended final sand). I had to buy a few 100 bucks worth but it was worth it.
  3. Dang it, it just pisses me off I can't make it! Sorry for the language, I have some things I would like to trade but I can't make it to the BBQ, hopefully neil will be able to make it to the next meet and we can decide on some things prior, I will post some things I have to trade, I have all varioutions of brians, green red, open, and recordia. and some yellow monti and a few sps I can frag, I am looking to expand my zoo, recordia selection. Ohh weel, I will catch up next month!
  4. Let me re-interate, I have heard of it but never heard of good results. You are having verifiable good results? I tried to call you today but no answer, I will give it a try again tomorrow regarding a few matters, Im sure you can guess what.
  5. I owe you 12 bucks then, we will settle my next visit. There is no reason you should have to absorb the difference. Thanks for helping out. And the frags you sold me are awesome! Much appreciated! Nyles-
  6. I've seen 140 gallons flood a store in over and inch of water, I can only imagine what my 200 gallon would do in my house.
  7. I would hate to be the guy living under him if it had a major leak.. LOL
  8. Well, the problem is renters does not cover your tank's damage it causes, only the tank if its broke or stolen. You should talk to your insurance carrier about that, when I rented it was coverage of theft for items I owned. So if your tank blew out and water damage was caused it would go to the poicy on the owner of the building. This is why most people don't let you have them, because they don't have a policy that covers water damage. Talk to you carrier every policy is slightly different.
  9. Looks like I will be peeling off again and going in for a store credit.
  10. WOW, seriously? I would be happy to split, thats a very generous offer. Let me know when you plan to do this and give me a call... I will help you however I can.
  11. If you have big dogs and they get crazy in the house you will be doomed no mater what you have, but the poly on our floors is pretty strong, I have three kids and they have yet to do damage, the only damage I ever did was drag a half filled 45 gallon tank across the floor, I just did a light sand and put a coat of poly on, light sand and on more coat. Learned my lesson there, glad it wasn't my 155 gallon. LOL
  12. Let me know who wins Miles, Im interested, I have the bright green candies from sean and they are about to have a duel with the same looking GSP.
  13. I wouldn't do your next session till you see resonable improvements, or you may be digging a 6' hole to burry them in...... Wish ya luck, I can come over and crack a beer and root them on. (nutty)
  14. LOL, ya lets see, a few new frags or a camera.... Hmmm, lemme think....
  15. A couple did but most browned out, I have changed some things in my tank and, honestly, most prior to the change browned out, now that I have changed a few things the colors in alot of the acros are coming back, but those are not for the most part, but I am waiting it out. The SPS that was a nice light blue is starting to turn neon green for some reason, so Im just watching now, I strated feeding phyto and rodi's, today I will start with live brine shrimp.
  16. I did 4 coats of the best poly I could get, its been a year and it looks great, dogs, cats and all. If you can I would inlay the tile, if the floor is already in then you can lay over and put a wood trim around so it looks nice. Make sure you use a good grout sealer, I would probably do a few coats just to be safe. Mine is overlayed at my entry and fireplace, its on top of hardwood floor, I have nothing at my tank, but I think it would be cleaner to put the tiles down I would put down a backer board then tile, calc out the thicknes and make your trim to fit, the backer board should be as thin as possible if you go that route (I recommend only because if you move you will need to remove it so people without a tank dont have this unexplained tile area)
  17. If its as you say, I would get a preffesional out to look at it. Don't take any chances. I for one have never heard of such a floor but I havent seen your floor either. Call a pro. Its going to be tough though, most any of them right now are swamped, I have a very close friend thats a GC but honestly hes just too busy to deal with small jobs. Sorry, but I wouldn't add a bigger tank without getting it checked out by someone, even if its just a local neigbor that does millwork thats pretty sharp. Theres always a handyman in the neigborhood, just knock on his door with some beer in hand.
  18. But its always good to learn new things, typically the joist will be there (one type or another) and the problem is the insulation will be in between them so you won't see much if anything, my house was built in 1960 and thats how it is, new houses are the same, not sure about yours. I have crawled under 1000's of houses (literally) and all look about the same. There should be a main support in that area and getting a jack to help as a backup support is probably the easiest solution, if you are having someone make a brace it MUST be engineered so it will work properly or there is no guarantee its actually offsetting/distributing the weight when its needed. A jack on the other hand is a no brainer, you just have to make sure you jack the main support and if you get water under there in the winter, well thats a whole nother topic.
  19. I may make a post, or call Ryan I'm getting ancy, but this time I want to do aqua cultured, not wild caught. It was sure fun hacking those guys up! LOL
  20. Nice update, however you sure did wait a long time to start. LOL, just kidding. Good luck, I hope it all works out in the long run. When you get done we will have to do another frag party with cultered sps, we wil get ya all stocked up!
  21. The problem is it spreads so dang fast, its hard to keep it in check after it gets a firm hold in crevices and such.
  22. I have hardwood floors under the tank, personally I would recommend you tile in the area where the tank is going even if they are just layed over and trim the edges (so you can easily remove after you move the tank) I have had no warping issues (about 200 gallon tank) however you need to really get a good sealant on there and make sure you keep it dry after spills. No standing water or it will find its way down between the wood and it will swell. I highly recommend tiling in the area, I can't say it enough times.
  23. I my little experiences with them, I have peeled them off rocks, I currently have them growing in my tank, when people want frags I just peel them off and give them a hunk. I guess it depends on the texture of rock, I have mine growing on some semi-smooth rock to make it a little easier, usually have to harvest it about every 3-4 months to keep it under 8"
  24. Have you considered just adding the floor jacks to the existing support beams?
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