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Everything posted by shaywood

  1. I have read on the Internet that Acan's are low/med light corals, so I moved it toward the bottom in the shade. We'll see.
  2. I have had this Acan for several months and it has done very well. It continues to grow and feed well. Occassionally I give it a small piece of silverside. As it grows it has become more translucent! Any idea why? My water parameters are listed below - and should be fine. P.S. It's pictured on the right in the second picture.
  3. Does anyone have experience with sand sifting crabs in a reef tank? I don't see them offered locally for sale. Is there a reason?
  4. Hope you can help. My KH is 12.5 (steadily going up from 10) and my PH is at 7.7 (measured in afternoon) - down slightly from 7.9. What can I do to get these back in balance? My Ca is at 480 with a reactor(effulent at PH of 6.4) and I Kalkwasser nighly for my top off. Mag is at 1350.
  5. You might try setting up and using the Aquarium Log on Reefland.com.
  6. I occassionally have diatoms (brown algae) on my substrate. All parameters are perfect, but they still come. What kind of snails do you use?
  7. Here's an odd one for you. If you are looking for an interesting fish for your reef tank (or fish only tank) - Give this one a try. It's called a Sand Perch. I'm in the process of changing up my reef a bit and finally caught this little bugger tonight. He is probably the most intelligent fish in my tank. I would like to dedicate my tank to more corals, so I'm trying to thin out my fish. I have not seen this fish at Upscales or Waves (not to say it hasn't been there). I'm asking $25.00 or decent SPS trade. Here's some info: http://en.microcosmaquariumexplorer.com/wiki/Schauinsland%E2%80%99s_Sand_Perch First come, first.... I'm in Tualatin... Send PM with questions. Shawn
  8. What are the advantages / disadvantages of sand?
  9. Did yo sell the live rock?
  10. Any idea where to pick up some small crabs cheap?
  11. While some people can't get certain things to grow well - like coralline and mushrooms - I can't stop them. I'm trying to figure out how to get my fuzzy green mushrooms under control. Any ideas? This picture shows what they look like, but basically they are covering any open area. Do I sell/trade the rocks? Or, can I kill off the mushrooms some how? I'm considering replacement of all my rock in my tank then selling the covered pieces. Shawn
  12. After 5 years my yellow tang died. I would like to replace him with more than one. Is this possible? Will yellow tangs co-exist in a 125 gallon tank? I have very few other fish, along with corals.
  13. I ended up buying wasser from Joel at Waves. Good price.
  14. Thanks for the advise so far. I have corals growing on the same rocks - so I want to keep the rock. Maybe I'll try Joe's Juice. It seems when I try cutting something off, it just grows back. shawn
  15. Green fuzzy mushrooms have slowly expanded throughout my tank. Although many people will pay good money for them, they are doing toooo well in my tank. They have grown in and next two corals causing some corals to turn white. Is there any way to kill them off one-by-one? Maybe inject them with something. Shawn
  16. No luck at Woodburn Wal-Mart, but Waves came through. Joel knows his stuff and has fair pricing!
  17. Recently purchased a nice carpet anemone, but I can't seem to get him to east any added silversides. He tends to be deflated more than he is inflated. Any ideas to help get him to eat? All water parameters and other inhabitants (including other anemones) are doing fine.
  18. I use Mrs. Wages Pickling Lime to Kalk my water. Anyone know if a local source for this?
  19. Well, my newly added Powder Blue Tang died. I treated the tank with Kick-Ich for a week. The ich never appeared to get too bad, but also never disappeared. He didn't even look that bad and eat until his last day. No other fish have any signs of ich. Guess I can't really say whether Kick-Ich helped or not. Never had much luck with Blue Tangs!
  20. Recently aquired a powder blue tang in otherwise good health. It looks like me might be coming down with ich. Any suggestions for a reef-safe solution. Pulling him out of my reef tank will likely be next to impossible. Shawn
  21. Anyone know a local source for nice Acans?
  22. Checked upsales - no luck. Any other ideas?
  23. As you can see from the pictures below - these grow like crazy in my tank. I'm selling this nice peice of life rock that is covered with green mushrooms and beautiful algae. ( about the size of 1 or 2 softballs). $50.00 (45.00 if you pick up this weekend). Tualatin, OR Shawn
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