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Everything posted by reefboy

  1. i need your hook-up on shipping lol
  2. well iv have six that i kept in my tide pools together going on 2 years a few jumped to there deaths thats how i ended with six but have had no probs with them killing each other in a 50 gal prop tank(i use them to naturaly feed my frags)and have clients also that have 6 or more for the last year with no probs so i gess what im saying is 50gal or larger u should be fine with six but as we all know fish that are normaly docile can turn murder in small systems but of all the damsels these are the only ones i trust not to go jehaad on my other fish and i get the schooling with out spending the big bucks for anthias and frankly i think there pretty(fish)
  3. My own opinion is never treat in your main tank unless u really know what your doing i use a quarintine like above mentioned if u overdose it could cost u more then your fish so iv always gone the safer then sorry route if u mess up in the hospital tank u usally see the fish r distressed and a quick water change things go back to normal mess up in ur display usally done deal.But above treatment methods work and little curouis what fanteseas have thats works so well always looking for better safer treatments.
  4. Never had a prob yet but id do what impur suggested always good to play it safe.(fish)
  5. just another idea that would kinda go with option A is to run chiller outside so as not to add heat under sump or room that its in thats how i install most of the ones ive done for clients plus some chillers can be noisey just a thought.
  6. I use muric acid (spelling prob wronge) it works great i use one cup per five gal but viniger works as well just with the acid never add water to it always add it to water or it can blow up in your face but other than that safe to use everything looks new.
  7. my bad ur right much better pic DOH!
  8. Ben looking for thread but cant find one on due's or any info on cost per month and so and so forth as my business grows would be interested in this but need to know costs.
  9. ive got those two its a arm of a brittle star no need to worry
  10. well my experiance in small system slow growth in large system medium growth i had blue tang in a fifty four years grew to about 6inch and seemed to stop growing but when i built my new fish room and threw him in my 350gal tide pool within three months he jumped to around 8inch and is fat and never looked better so even though they my survive a smaller tank they need swiming room to be happy and healthy beings my smaller tank was full of rock and corals as he grew he reached a point of almost getting stunted i think if i hadnt moved to larger system would have died so with this said i will not recommend these guys to clients or anyone setting up a tank under 100gal unless your leaving plenty of swiming room otherwise will not do well long term.Oh also as these guys grow in your small system they will kill till one remains more then one only works in large systems also just like most tangs in small tanks even the most docile can turn murderer be careful be best to get final fish additions while small.
  11. just wondering when we can start havnt heard much on it since the last posts on what we thought of it just curious got some good stuff to put on lol:D
  12. thats funny thats ware i get mine too down here
  13. yea ill look into it im not trying to ruin there fun but if there still doing it a week after the fourth this year its time to make some calls. thanks for info and as far as the moto bikes get the cops invoveled its illegal to ride dirt bikes on county roads unless they r a induro which has lights and turn siganls if not there braking the law.
  14. just curious if anyone might be able to have a answer to a prob iv had the last couple years in my neighborhood during july during the week before then a month after its like a war zone now dont get me wronge i like to light and blow sh@#$#t up like any other red blooded male but when stuff still going off in august kind of irratating and i dont mind the week before or even week after but enough is enoughDOH! what burns me is two local cops live in my nieghbor hood too but im gessing there joining in on the fun because it hasnt stoped any ideas ive thought about joining in but my luck is thats ware the cops will show up because ill make big bangs:D
  15. average is 50 but u could opt for priority which is cheaper or leave up to buyer to decide so they dont give u bad feed back if coral dosnt fair well.
  16. i get mine from welding shop never had prob dont think theres a diff (fish)
  17. yea looks about right also forgot to say i had to frag it when i moved to my new system so i have to frags over half inch growing so colony pictured would be a little bigger if i hadnt:D
  18. ill keep u posted on purple monster growth i get it sometime this week:)
  19. heres mine started out size of pencil tip i accedently broke a small nub off one of my clientsinnocent so it was litterly a little nub less 1/4 long year ago
  20. thats great whats it going to cost to use im fine with a % going to the club if thats the plan.
  21. be careful i bought ten off ebay when i was acclamating them for the two hours that they recomended i scraped some apps off and they feasted but when i added five about three inchs from one on bottom of one of my prop trays as they got close to the tenticles of the app it grabed them and ate them soon to spit out slimy carcasses they said not to put on app derectly but this was rediculous the ones i scraped and put in bag when accli were all pissed off and shirveled up but when ones not gess the slugs are fair game:mad: so 198 dollars latter still got appsDOH! they were 14.98 plus shipping bought tenscratch
  22. Glad to here ur tubs doing well, its kinda of funny i was told tubs were slow growers lol eventdently not for us lol(clap)
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