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All of my corals are dying off. 4 different Star polyps, xenia, Leather, bubble coral, my tube anenome has move twice in the last 2 weeks and has been in the same place for over a year.


I have noticed a HUGE number of brittle starfish in my tank... I believe that is what is killing them. I found someone who hopefully is giving me a couple of harliquin shrimp. I am hoping that will solve the issue!


What do you think???????


Could it be something else??? Need to save my tank!!


Another Question: How do you know when your Leathers are DEAD? Mine have fallen off but they are still so bright Green?

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yea, the brittles don't do anything. Asterinas can do damage it they are the bad type. I think the Shrimp will not live off of the micro stars if that is what you have. Sure death for the shrimp and your problem will still be there.


I would take a different course of action. Get a water sample ready and take it to a local store to be tested. Bring enough to test your salinity also. I would also bring your hydrometer to be tested as well. They go bad for no reason most of the time. It's good to test it at least once a month just in case anyway.

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Another Question: How do you know when your Leathers are DEAD? Mine have fallen off but they are still so bright Green?


Oh, and to help with this, I wouldn't count a leather out until you see physical signs of decay from the tissue. I've had one lay their looking dead for months then it shed a thin layer of tissue and it is huge now and doing great.


What lighting do you have, and how long do you run it? Have you checked your calcium levels lately? If you get to Portland, go to Seahorse Aquarium and talk to Isaac. He will test all of this for you and help you get it back on track.He is off 21st and Columbia Blvd.

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Ok I know they are not the Asterinas I may have seen 1 or two in my tank the whole time I have owned. They are little long legged black gray starfish. Hundreds if not thousands LOL. When I feed they are coming up and out and thru everything.


We will Take Our water to the saltwater place and have them test maybe something is off with our testing.

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ok Tested water again today! PH low 7.9 and Our alkalinity is low 2.5 Also took a sample of water to Issac and Our salt was at 1.019 1/2. We were told months ago that our meeter was off so we adjusted. Turns out it was NEVER off so we have been Running our salt right about there "for months". No wonder everything is dying!! Thank you everyone for your help I thought we would never get his figured out!!!


We have a 180 gal with a 30 gal Sump. It has been going on for months! I lost my wrasse a few months ago (not sure if this had anything to do with that) All other fish are good. My Clam died about 2 Months ago and other then that everything else is dying and or deteriating. (EXCEPT that Stupid kenya tree that my husband seems to like for what ever reason.) I don't think you could kill that if you tried.


My husband is going to do a water change and get the salt were it is suppose to be tonight. I do not know how long it will take to see any change!

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I had the opposite issue with my salt. I thought my hydrometer was reading right and it was off. I was at 1.032 for months. Never lost anything though so I didn't find out until I was just double checking some stuff with CA2OR's tank awhile ago. Long story short, I have a refracto now.

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Would highly recommend refracto. If you already have one calibrate it. And + about a million on the little stars not being your problem. I know, you already know that. Sorry to hear about this, hope it works out. Seems like you are taking the right steps and taking it slow is always good. Don't want to make to dramatic of a change, you may find yourself upset with no way of going back.

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