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First RBTA - Newbie question


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IME&O that is usually the reason that they are moving. With mine, which is a Green bubble tip, it moves and moves until I start feeding it regularly. Then, shoot, I can take the rock out of the water, put into bucket, put back into tank in different location, and it would still stay right there. Unless I stop feeding it, then it notices things like light and such.


I am just under the belief, and this WILL be disputed, that anemone's move to find 3 things.


1-idea lighting

2-good flow

which leads to #3



IMO they go for where they think the flow will bring food. So if you feed he should stay put. Again, this is just my opinion based off my eperience with my anemone. hope this helps.

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Well I just fed him another piece and he took it quickly. I'll see what he does in the next day or two. Maybe since I moved that rock that was over the top of him blocking the light, he will find somewhere else in the tank tonight/tomorrow. Well.....hopefully. I didn't realize it would face the back wall! Not exactly what I had in mind.

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lol....I hear that. It is worse when they are on the move, and you are moving corals out of the way, then they duck into the rock work so you don't know when or where they are going to pop out. Ugh....frusterating. But wouldn't want a reef tank without one.

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Do you think I have too much flow for it? (2 hydor koralia 4's in a 75g)


No I don't think it's too much.


You may consider figuring out a way to guard the intake grills of the K4's until The nem is definitely settled. If it lets go the "fish guard" will not help.

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No I don't think it's too much.


You may consider figuring out a way to guard the intake grills of the K4's until The nem is definitely settled. If it lets go the "fish guard" will not help.


Very good point. Don't want it to get in there. That would be bad JOO JOO.

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There is a section on covering powerheads... It talks about MJ's and seios, but not koralias. See if you can do something similar. You don't want anemone soup.


I bookmarked that page and read it several times when I first started back with my new tank. Then I read it again before I got an anemone.



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Thanks for all the help guys. And thanks Chewie for the support after buying it.


After some persuasion from various powerheads and rock rearrangement, I think it's in a spot we (me and rbta) are both happy with.



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He's actually darker pink than the pic looks. Crappy camera (laugh) The tips are deep pink and tentacles slowly fade as it gets closer to the base of him. If he is bleached, I hope he will be ok.


He's eaten two chunks of squid three days ago. Last night I fed frozen plankton and the clown was feeding it. I tried to feed it a chunk of shrimp last night, but every time it got the shrimp close to its mouth, the clown would knock it out.

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